# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Tag, type: :model do subject(:tag) { create(:tag) } shared_examples 'tag adding' do context 'when a Tag::Object does not exist for the given class' do it 'creates it and assigns it to a new Tag' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Foo', item: 'bar', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and change { Tag::Object.exists?(name: 'Foo') }.to(true) .and change { described_class.last&.tag_object&.name }.to('Foo') end end context 'when a Tag::Object already exists for the given class' do let!(:tag_object) { Tag::Object.find_or_create_by(name: 'Ticket') } it 'assigns it to a new Tag' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: 'foo', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and not_change(Tag::Object, :count) .and change { described_class.last&.tag_object&.name }.to('Ticket') end end context 'when a Tag::Item does not exist with the given name' do it 'creates it and assigns it to a new Tag' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: 'foo', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and change { Tag::Item.exists?(name: 'foo') }.to(true) .and change { described_class.last&.tag_item&.name }.to('foo') end it 'strips trailing/leading whitespace' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: ' foo ', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and change { Tag::Item.exists?(name: 'foo') }.to(true) .and change { described_class.last&.tag_item&.name }.to('foo') end context 'and the name contains 8-bit Unicode characters' do it 'creates it and assigns it to a new Tag' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: 'fooöäüß', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and change { Tag::Item.exists?(name: 'fooöäüß') }.to(true) .and change { described_class.last&.tag_item&.name }.to('fooöäüß') end end context 'but the name is a case-sensitive variant of an existing Tag::Item', if: Rails.application.config.db_case_sensitive do let!(:tag_item) { create(:'tag/item', name: 'foo') } it 'creates it and assigns it to a new Tag' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: 'FOO', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and change { Tag::Item.pluck(:name).include?('FOO') }.to(true) # .exists?(name: 'FOO') fails on MySQL .and change { described_class.last&.tag_item&.name }.to('FOO') end end end context 'when a Tag::Item already exists with the given name' do let!(:tag_item) { create(:'tag/item', name: 'foo') } it 'assigns it to a new Tag' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: 'foo', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and not_change(Tag::Item, :count) .and change { described_class.last&.tag_item&.name }.to('foo') end it 'strips leading/trailing whitespace' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: ' foo ', o_id: 1, created_by_id: 1) } .to change(described_class, :count).by(1) .and not_change(Tag::Item, :count) .and change { described_class.last&.tag_item&.name }.to('foo') end end context 'when a Tag already exists for the specified record with the given name' do let!(:tag) { create(:tag, o: Ticket.first, tag_item: tag_item) } let(:tag_item) { create(:'tag/item', name: 'foo') } it 'does not create any records' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: 'foo', o_id: Ticket.first.id, created_by_id: 1) } .to not_change(described_class, :count) .and not_change(Tag::Item, :count) end end end describe '.tag_add' do it 'touches the target object' do expect { described_class.tag_add(object: 'Ticket', item: 'foo', o_id: Ticket.first.id, created_by_id: 1) } .to change { Ticket.first.updated_at } end include_examples 'tag adding' end describe '.tag_remove' do it 'touches the target object' do expect { described_class.tag_remove(object: 'Ticket', item: 'foo', o_id: Ticket.first.id, created_by_id: 1) } .to change { Ticket.first.updated_at } end context 'when a matching Tag exists' do let!(:tag) { create(:tag, o: Ticket.first, tag_item: tag_item) } let(:tag_item) { create(:'tag/item', name: 'foo') } it 'destroys the Tag' do expect { described_class.tag_remove(object: 'Ticket', o_id: Ticket.first.id, item: 'foo') } .to change(described_class, :count).by(-1) end end context 'when no matching Tag exists' do it 'makes no changes' do expect { described_class.tag_remove(object: 'Ticket', o_id: Ticket.first.id, item: 'foo') } .not_to change(described_class, :count) end end end describe '.tag_update' do let(:ticket) { Ticket.first } it 'touches the target object' do expect { described_class.tag_update(object: 'Ticket', items: ['foo'], o_id: ticket.id, created_by_id: 1) } .to change { ticket.reload.updated_at } end it 'adds new tags' do described_class.tag_update(object: 'Ticket', items: %w[foo bar], o_id: ticket.id, created_by_id: 1) expect(ticket.tag_list).to match_array %w[foo bar] end context 'with existing tags' do before do %w[tag1 tag2].each { |elem| ticket.tag_add elem, 1 } end it 'make no changes if given tags match existing tags' do described_class.tag_update(object: 'Ticket', items: %w[tag1 tag2], o_id: ticket.id, created_by_id: 1) expect(ticket.tag_list).to match_array %w[tag1 tag2] end it 'removes no longer present tags' do described_class.tag_update(object: 'Ticket', items: ['tag1'], o_id: ticket.id, created_by_id: 1) expect(ticket.tag_list).to contain_exactly('tag1') end it 'adds and removes no longer present tags at once' do described_class.tag_update(object: 'Ticket', items: %w[tag1 foo], o_id: ticket.id, created_by_id: 1) expect(ticket.tag_list).to match_array %w[tag1 foo] end end include_examples 'tag adding' end describe '.tag_list' do context 'with ASCII item names' do before { items.map { |i| create(:tag, tag_item: i, o: Ticket.first) } } let(:items) do [ create(:'tag/item', name: 'foo'), create(:'tag/item', name: 'bar'), create(:'tag/item', name: 'BAR'), ] end it 'returns all tag names (case-sensitive) for a given record' do expect(described_class.tag_list(object: 'Ticket', o_id: Ticket.first.id)) .to match_array(%w[foo bar BAR]) end end context 'with Unicode (8-bit) item names' do before { items.map { |i| create(:tag, tag_item: i, o: Ticket.first) } } let(:items) do [ create(:'tag/item', name: 'fooöäüß'), create(:'tag/item', name: 'baröäüß'), create(:'tag/item', name: 'BARöäüß'), ] end it 'returns all tag names (case-sensitive) for a given record' do expect(described_class.tag_list(object: 'Ticket', o_id: Ticket.first.id)) .to match_array(%w[fooöäüß baröäüß BARöäüß]) end end end describe '.tag_references' do context 'with objects with a tag', current_user_id: 1 do before do [object_1, object_2].each do |elem| described_class.tag_add object: elem.class.name, o_id: elem.id, item: tag end end let(:object_1) { create(:ticket) } let(:object_2) { create(:knowledge_base_answer) } let(:tag) { 'foo' } it 'returns references' do expect(described_class.tag_references(tag: tag)).to contain_exactly([object_1.class.name, object_1.id], [object_2.class.name, object_2.id]) end it 'returns references for the given object type' do expect(described_class.tag_references(tag: tag, object: 'Ticket')).to contain_exactly([object_1.class.name, object_1.id]) end end end end