// Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { FormHandlerExecution } from '#shared/components/Form/types.ts' import { createArticleTypes } from '#shared/entities/ticket-article/action/plugins/index.ts' import type { AppSpecificTicketArticleType } from '#shared/entities/ticket-article/action/plugins/types.ts' import type { TicketById } from '#shared/entities/ticket/types.ts' import { useTicketView } from '#shared/entities/ticket/composables/useTicketView.ts' import { EnumObjectManagerObjects } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue' import { computed, shallowRef } from 'vue' import type { ChangedField, ReactiveFormSchemData, FormHandlerFunction, } from '#shared/components/Form/types.ts' import type { FieldEditorContext } from '#shared/components/Form/fields/FieldEditor/types.ts' import type { FormKitNode } from '@formkit/core' export const useTicketEditForm = (ticket: Ref) => { const ticketArticleTypes = computed(() => { return ticket.value ? createArticleTypes(ticket.value, 'mobile') : [] }) const currentArticleType = shallowRef() const recipientContact = computed( () => currentArticleType.value?.options?.recipientContact, ) const editorType = computed(() => currentArticleType.value?.contentType) const editorMeta = computed(() => { return { mentionUser: { groupNodeName: 'group_id', }, mentionKnowledgeBase: { attachmentsNodeName: 'attachments', }, ...currentArticleType.value?.editorMeta, } }) const validationFields = [ 'to', 'cc', 'subject', 'body', 'attachments', 'security', ] const validations = validationFields.reduce( ( acc: Record< string, ComputedRef< undefined | string | Array<[rule: string, ...args: unknown[]]> > >, field, ) => { acc[field] = computed(() => currentArticleType.value?.validation?.[field]) return acc }, {}, ) const { isTicketCustomer } = useTicketView(ticket) const ticketSchema = { type: 'group', name: 'ticket', // will be flattened in the form submit result isGroupOrList: true, children: [ { name: 'title', type: 'text', label: __('Ticket title'), required: true, }, { type: 'hidden', name: 'isDefaultFollowUpStateSet', }, { screen: 'edit', object: EnumObjectManagerObjects.Ticket, }, ], } const articleSchema = { if: '$newTicketArticleRequested || $newTicketArticlePresent', type: 'group', name: 'article', isGroupOrList: true, children: [ { type: 'hidden', name: 'inReplyTo', }, { if: '$fns.includes($currentArticleType.attributes, "subtype")', type: 'hidden', name: 'subtype', }, { name: 'articleType', label: __('Article Type'), labelSrOnly: true, type: 'select', hidden: computed(() => ticketArticleTypes.value.length === 1), props: { options: ticketArticleTypes, }, }, { name: 'internal', label: __('Visibility'), labelSrOnly: true, hidden: isTicketCustomer, type: 'select', props: { options: [ { value: true, label: __('Internal'), icon: 'mobile-lock', }, { value: false, label: __('Public'), icon: 'mobile-unlock', }, ], }, triggerFormUpdater: false, }, { if: '$fns.includes($currentArticleType.attributes, "to")', name: 'to', label: __('To'), type: 'recipient', validation: validations.to, props: { contact: recipientContact, multiple: true, }, }, { if: '$fns.includes($currentArticleType.attributes, "cc")', name: 'cc', label: __('CC'), type: 'recipient', validation: validations.сс, props: { contact: recipientContact, multiple: true, }, }, { if: '$fns.includes($currentArticleType.attributes, "subject")', name: 'subject', label: __('Subject'), type: 'text', validation: validations.subject, props: { maxlength: 200, }, triggerFormUpdater: false, }, { if: '$securityIntegration === true && $fns.includes($currentArticleType.attributes, "security")', name: 'security', label: __('Security'), type: 'security', validation: validations.security, triggerFormUpdater: false, }, { name: 'body', screen: 'edit', object: EnumObjectManagerObjects.TicketArticle, validation: validations.body, props: { ticketId: computed(() => ticket.value?.internalId), customerId: computed(() => ticket.value?.customer.internalId), contentType: editorType, meta: editorMeta, }, triggerFormUpdater: true, required: true, }, { if: '$fns.includes($currentArticleType.attributes, "attachments")', type: 'file', name: 'attachments', validation: validations.attachments, props: { multiple: true, }, }, ], } const ticketEditSchema = [ { isLayout: true, component: 'FormGroup', props: { style: { if: '$formLocation !== "[data-ticket-edit-form]"', then: 'display: none;', }, showDirtyMark: true, }, children: [ticketSchema], }, { isLayout: true, component: 'FormGroup', props: { style: { if: '$formLocation !== "[data-ticket-article-reply-form]"', then: 'display: none;', }, }, children: [articleSchema], }, ] const articleTypeChangeHandler = () => { const executeHandler = ( execution: FormHandlerExecution, schemaData: ReactiveFormSchemData, changedField?: ChangedField, ) => { if (!schemaData.fields.articleType) return false if ( execution === FormHandlerExecution.FieldChange && (!changedField || changedField.name !== 'articleType') ) { return false } return true } const handleArticleType: FormHandlerFunction = ( execution, reactivity, data, ) => { const { formNode, changedField } = data const { schemaData } = reactivity if ( !executeHandler(execution, schemaData, changedField) || !ticket.value || !formNode ) return const body = formNode.find('body', 'name') const context = { body: body?.context as unknown as FieldEditorContext, } if (changedField?.newValue !== changedField?.oldValue) { currentArticleType.value?.onDeselected?.(ticket.value, context) } const newType = ticketArticleTypes.value.find( (type) => type.value === changedField?.newValue, ) if (!newType) return if (!formNode.context?._open) { newType.onSelected?.(ticket.value, context) } currentArticleType.value = newType formNode.find('internal')?.input(newType.internal, false) } return { execution: [ FormHandlerExecution.Initial, FormHandlerExecution.FieldChange, ], callback: handleArticleType, } } const articleTypeSelectHandler = (formNode: FormKitNode) => { // this is called only when user replied to an article, but the type inside form did not change // (because dialog was opened before, and type was changed then, but we still need to trigger select, because visually it's what happens) formNode.on('article-reply-open', ({ payload }) => { if (!payload || !ticket.value) return const articleType = ticketArticleTypes.value.find( (type) => type.value === payload, ) if (!articleType) return const body = formNode.find('body', 'name') as FormKitNode const context = { body: body.context as unknown as FieldEditorContext, } articleType.onOpened?.(ticket.value, context) }) } return { ticketEditSchema, currentArticleType, articleTypeHandler: articleTypeChangeHandler, articleTypeSelectHandler, } }