# Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class SearchIndexBackend SUPPORTED_ES_VERSION_MINIMUM = '7.8'.freeze SUPPORTED_ES_VERSION_LESS_THAN = '9'.freeze =begin info about used search index machine SearchIndexBackend.info =end def self.info url = Setting.get('es_url').to_s return if url.blank? response = make_request(url) if response.success? installed_version = response.data.dig('version', 'number') raise "Unable to get elasticsearch version from response: #{response.inspect}" if installed_version.blank? installed_version_parsed = Gem::Version.new(installed_version) if (installed_version_parsed >= Gem::Version.new(SUPPORTED_ES_VERSION_LESS_THAN)) || (installed_version_parsed < Gem::Version.new(SUPPORTED_ES_VERSION_MINIMUM)) raise "Version #{installed_version} of configured elasticsearch is not supported." end return response.data end raise humanized_error( verb: 'GET', url: url, response: response, ) end =begin update processors SearchIndexBackend.processors( _ingest/pipeline/attachment: { description: 'Extract attachment information from arrays', processors: [ { foreach: { field: 'ticket.articles.attachments', processor: { attachment: { target_field: '_ingest._value.attachment', field: '_ingest._value.data' } } } } ] } ) =end def self.processors(data) data.each do |key, items| url = "#{Setting.get('es_url')}/#{key}" items.each do |item| if item[:action] == 'delete' response = make_request(url, method: :delete) next if response.success? next if response.code.to_s == '404' raise humanized_error( verb: 'DELETE', url: url, response: response, ) end item.delete(:action) make_request_and_validate(url, data: item, method: :put) end end true end =begin create/update/delete index SearchIndexBackend.index( :action => 'create', # create/update/delete :name => 'Ticket', :data => { :mappings => { :Ticket => { :properties => { :articles => { :type => 'nested', :properties => { 'attachment' => { :type => 'attachment' } } } } } } } ) SearchIndexBackend.index( :action => 'delete', # create/update/delete :name => 'Ticket', ) =end def self.index(data) url = build_url(type: data[:name], with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: false) return if url.blank? if data[:action] && data[:action] == 'delete' return if !SearchIndexBackend.index_exists?(data[:name]) return SearchIndexBackend.remove(data[:name]) end make_request_and_validate(url, data: data[:data], method: :put) end =begin add new object to search index SearchIndexBackend.add('Ticket', some_data_object) =end def self.add(type, data) url = build_url(type: type, object_id: data['id']) return if url.blank? make_request_and_validate(url, data: data, method: :post) end =begin get object of search index by id SearchIndexBackend.get('Ticket', 123) =end def self.get(type, data) url = build_url(type: type, object_id: data, with_pipeline: false) return if url.blank? make_request(url, method: :get).try(:data) end =begin Check if an index exists. SearchIndexBackend.index_exists?('Ticket') =end def self.index_exists?(type) url = build_url(type: type, with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: false) return if url.blank? response = make_request(url) return true if response.success? return true if response.code.to_s != '404' false end =begin This function updates specifc attributes of an index based on a query. data = { organization: { name: "Zammad Foundation" } } where = { organization_id: 1 } SearchIndexBackend.update_by_query('Ticket', data, where) =end def self.update_by_query(type, data, where) return if data.blank? return if where.blank? url = build_url(type: type, action: '_update_by_query', with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: false, url_params: { conflicts: 'proceed' }) return if url.blank? script_list = [] data.each do |key, _value| script_list.push("ctx._source.#{key}=params.#{key}") end data = { script: { lang: 'painless', source: script_list.join(';'), params: data, }, query: { term: where, }, } make_request_and_validate(url, data: data, method: :post, read_timeout: 10.minutes) end =begin remove whole data from index SearchIndexBackend.remove('Ticket', 123) SearchIndexBackend.remove('Ticket') =end def self.remove(type, o_id = nil) url = if o_id build_url(type: type, object_id: o_id, with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: true) else build_url(type: type, object_id: o_id, with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: false) end return if url.blank? response = make_request(url, method: :delete) return true if response.success? return true if response.code.to_s == '400' humanized_error = humanized_error( verb: 'DELETE', url: url, response: response, ) Rails.logger.warn "Can't delete index: #{humanized_error}" false end =begin @param query [String] search query @param index [String, Array] indexes to search in (see search_by_index) @param options [Hash] search options (see build_query) @return search result @example Sample queries result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', ['User', 'Organization'], limit: limit) - result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', 'User', limit: limit) result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', 'User', limit: limit, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', 'User', limit: limit, sort_by: ['active', updated_at'], order_by: ['desc', 'desc']) result = [ { :id => 123, :type => 'User', }, { :id => 125, :type => 'User', }, { :id => 15, :type => 'Organization', } ] =end def self.search(query, index, options = {}) if !index.is_a? Array return search_by_index(query, index, options) end index .filter_map { |local_index| search_by_index(query, local_index, options) } .flatten(1) end =begin @param query [String] search query @param index [String] index name @param options [Hash] search options (see build_query) @return search result =end def self.search_by_index(query, index, options = {}) return [] if query.blank? url = build_url(type: index, action: '_search', with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: false) return [] if url.blank? # real search condition condition = { 'query_string' => { 'query' => append_wildcard_to_simple_query(query), 'time_zone' => Setting.get('timezone_default_sanitized'), 'default_operator' => 'AND', 'analyze_wildcard' => true, } } if (fields = options.dig(:highlight_fields_by_indexes, index.to_sym)) condition['query_string']['fields'] = fields end query_data = build_query(condition, options) if (fields = options.dig(:highlight_fields_by_indexes, index.to_sym)) fields_for_highlight = fields.index_with { |_elem| {} } query_data[:highlight] = { fields: fields_for_highlight } end response = make_request(url, data: query_data, method: :post) if !response.success? Rails.logger.error humanized_error( verb: 'GET', url: url, payload: query_data, response: response, ) return [] end data = response.data&.dig('hits', 'hits') return [] if !data data.map do |item| Rails.logger.debug { "... #{item['_type']} #{item['_id']}" } output = { id: item['_id'], type: index, } if options.dig(:highlight_fields_by_indexes, index.to_sym) output[:highlight] = item['highlight'] end output end end def self.search_by_index_sort(sort_by = nil, order_by = nil) result = (sort_by || []) .map(&:to_s) .each_with_object([]) .with_index do |(elem, memo), index| next if elem.blank? next if order_by&.at(index).blank? # for sorting values use .keyword values (no analyzer is used - plain values) if elem !~ %r{\.} && elem !~ %r{_(time|date|till|id|ids|at)$} && elem != 'id' elem += '.keyword' end memo.push( elem => { order: order_by[index], }, ) end if result.blank? result.push( updated_at: { order: 'desc', }, ) end result.push('_score') result end =begin get count of tickets and tickets which match on selector result = SearchIndexBackend.selectors(index, selector) example with a simple search: result = SearchIndexBackend.selectors('Ticket', { 'category' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'aa::ab' } }) result = [ { id: 1, type: 'Ticket' }, { id: 2, type: 'Ticket' }, { id: 3, type: 'Ticket' }, ] you also can get aggregations result = SearchIndexBackend.selectors(index, selector, options, aggs_interval) example for aggregations within one year aggs_interval = { from: '2015-01-01', to: '2015-12-31', interval: 'month', # year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second field: 'created_at', } options = { limit: 123, current_user: User.find(123), } result = SearchIndexBackend.selectors('Ticket', { 'category' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'aa::ab' } }, options, aggs_interval) result = { hits:{ total:4819, }, aggregations:{ time_buckets:{ buckets:[ { key_as_string:"2014-10-01T00:00:00.000Z", key:1412121600000, doc_count:420 }, { key_as_string:"2014-11-01T00:00:00.000Z", key:1414800000000, doc_count:561 }, ... ] } } } =end def self.selectors(index, selectors = nil, options = {}, aggs_interval = nil) raise 'no selectors given' if !selectors url = build_url(type: index, action: '_search', with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: false) return if url.blank? data = selector2query(selectors, options, aggs_interval) verify_date_range(url, data) response = make_request(url, data: data, method: :post) if !response.success? raise humanized_error( verb: 'GET', url: url, payload: data, response: response, ) end Rails.logger.debug { response.data.to_json } if aggs_interval.blank? || aggs_interval[:interval].blank? ticket_ids = [] response.data['hits']['hits'].each do |item| ticket_ids.push item['_id'] end # in lower ES 6 versions, we get total count directly, in higher # versions we need to pick it from total has count = response.data['hits']['total'] if response.data['hits']['total'].class != Integer count = response.data['hits']['total']['value'] end return { count: count, ticket_ids: ticket_ids, } end response.data end DEFAULT_SELECTOR_OPTIONS = { limit: 10 }.freeze def self.selector2query(selector, options, aggs_interval) options = DEFAULT_QUERY_OPTIONS.merge(options.deep_symbolize_keys) current_user = options[:current_user] current_user_id = UserInfo.current_user_id if current_user current_user_id = current_user.id end query_must = [] query_must_not = [] relative_map = { day: 'd', year: 'y', month: 'M', hour: 'h', minute: 'm', } if selector.present? operators_is_isnot = ['is', 'is not'] selector.each do |key, data| data = data.clone table, key_tmp = key.split('.') if key_tmp.blank? key_tmp = table table = 'ticket' end wildcard_or_term = 'term' if data['value'].is_a?(Array) wildcard_or_term = 'terms' end t = {} # use .keyword in case of compare exact values if data['operator'] == 'is' || data['operator'] == 'is not' case data['pre_condition'] when 'not_set' data['value'] = if key_tmp.match?(%r{^(created_by|updated_by|owner|customer|user)_id}) 1 end when 'current_user.id' raise "Use current_user.id in selector, but no current_user is set #{data.inspect}" if !current_user_id data['value'] = [] wildcard_or_term = 'terms' if key_tmp == 'out_of_office_replacement_id' data['value'].push User.find(current_user_id).out_of_office_agent_of.pluck(:id) else data['value'].push current_user_id end when 'current_user.organization_id' raise "Use current_user.id in selector, but no current_user is set #{data.inspect}" if !current_user_id user = User.find_by(id: current_user_id) data['value'] = user.organization_id end if data['value'].is_a?(Array) data['value'].each do |value| next if !value.is_a?(String) || value !~ %r{[A-z]} key_tmp += '.keyword' break end elsif data['value'].is_a?(String) && %r{[A-z]}.match?(data['value']) key_tmp += '.keyword' end end # use .keyword and wildcard search in cases where query contains non A-z chars if data['operator'] == 'contains' || data['operator'] == 'contains not' if data['value'].is_a?(Array) data['value'].each_with_index do |value, index| next if !value.is_a?(String) || value !~ %r{[A-z]} data['value'][index] = "*#{value}*" key_tmp += '.keyword' wildcard_or_term = 'wildcards' break end elsif data['value'].is_a?(String) && %r{[A-z]}.match?(data['value']) data['value'] = "*#{data['value']}*" key_tmp += '.keyword' wildcard_or_term = 'wildcard' end end # for pre condition not_set we want to check if values are defined for the object by exists if data['pre_condition'] == 'not_set' && operators_is_isnot.include?(data['operator']) && data['value'].nil? t['exists'] = { field: key_tmp, } case data['operator'] when 'is' query_must_not.push t when 'is not' query_must.push t end next end if table != 'ticket' key_tmp = "#{table}.#{key_tmp}" end # is/is not/contains/contains not case data['operator'] when 'is', 'is not', 'contains', 'contains not' t[wildcard_or_term] = {} t[wildcard_or_term][key_tmp] = data['value'] case data['operator'] when 'is', 'contains' query_must.push t when 'is not', 'contains not' query_must_not.push t end when 'contains all', 'contains one', 'contains all not', 'contains one not' values = data['value'].split(',').map(&:strip) t[:query_string] = {} case data['operator'] when 'contains all' t[:query_string][:query] = "#{key_tmp}:(\"#{values.join('" AND "')}\")" query_must.push t when 'contains one not' t[:query_string][:query] = "#{key_tmp}:(\"#{values.join('" OR "')}\")" query_must_not.push t when 'contains one' t[:query_string][:query] = "#{key_tmp}:(\"#{values.join('" OR "')}\")" query_must.push t when 'contains all not' t[:query_string][:query] = "#{key_tmp}:(\"#{values.join('" AND "')}\")" query_must_not.push t end # within last/within next (relative) when 'within last (relative)', 'within next (relative)' range = relative_map[data['range'].to_sym] if range.blank? raise "Invalid relative_map for range '#{data['range']}'." end t[:range] = {} t[:range][key_tmp] = {} if data['operator'] == 'within last (relative)' t[:range][key_tmp][:gte] = "now-#{data['value']}#{range}" else t[:range][key_tmp][:lt] = "now+#{data['value']}#{range}" end query_must.push t # before/after (relative) when 'before (relative)', 'after (relative)' range = relative_map[data['range'].to_sym] if range.blank? raise "Invalid relative_map for range '#{data['range']}'." end t[:range] = {} t[:range][key_tmp] = {} if data['operator'] == 'before (relative)' t[:range][key_tmp][:lt] = "now-#{data['value']}#{range}" else t[:range][key_tmp][:gt] = "now+#{data['value']}#{range}" end query_must.push t # till/from (relative) when 'till (relative)', 'from (relative)' range = relative_map[data['range'].to_sym] if range.blank? raise "Invalid relative_map for range '#{data['range']}'." end t[:range] = {} t[:range][key_tmp] = {} if data['operator'] == 'till (relative)' t[:range][key_tmp][:lt] = "now+#{data['value']}#{range}" else t[:range][key_tmp][:gt] = "now-#{data['value']}#{range}" end query_must.push t # before/after (absolute) when 'before (absolute)', 'after (absolute)' t[:range] = {} t[:range][key_tmp] = {} if data['operator'] == 'before (absolute)' t[:range][key_tmp][:lt] = (data['value']) else t[:range][key_tmp][:gt] = (data['value']) end query_must.push t else raise "unknown operator '#{data['operator']}' for #{key}" end end end data = { query: {}, size: options[:limit], } # add aggs to filter if aggs_interval.present? if aggs_interval[:interval].present? data[:size] = 0 data[:aggs] = { time_buckets: { date_histogram: { field: aggs_interval[:field], calendar_interval: aggs_interval[:interval], } } } if aggs_interval[:timezone].present? data[:aggs][:time_buckets][:date_histogram][:time_zone] = aggs_interval[:timezone] end end r = {} r[:range] = {} r[:range][aggs_interval[:field]] = { from: aggs_interval[:from], to: aggs_interval[:to], } query_must.push r end data[:query][:bool] ||= {} if query_must.present? data[:query][:bool][:must] = query_must end if query_must_not.present? data[:query][:bool][:must_not] = query_must_not end # add sort if aggs_interval.present? && aggs_interval[:field].present? && aggs_interval[:interval].blank? sort = [] sort[0] = {} sort[0][aggs_interval[:field]] = { order: 'desc' } sort[1] = '_score' data['sort'] = sort else data['sort'] = search_by_index_sort(options[:sort_by], options[:order_by]) end data end =begin return true if backend is configured result = SearchIndexBackend.enabled? =end def self.enabled? return false if Setting.get('es_url').blank? true end def self.build_index_name(index = nil) local_index = "#{Setting.get('es_index')}_#{Rails.env}" return local_index if index.blank? "#{local_index}_#{index.underscore.tr('/', '_')}" end =begin generate url for index or document access (only for internal use) # url to access single document in index (in case with_pipeline or not) url = SearchIndexBackend.build_url(type: 'User', object_id: 123, with_pipeline: true) # url to access whole index url = SearchIndexBackend.build_url(type: 'User') # url to access document definition in index (only es6 and higher) url = SearchIndexBackend.build_url(type: 'User', with_pipeline: false, with_document_type: true) # base url url = SearchIndexBackend.build_url =end def self.build_url(type: nil, action: nil, object_id: nil, with_pipeline: true, with_document_type: true, url_params: {}) return if !SearchIndexBackend.enabled? # set index index = build_index_name(type) # add pipeline if needed if index && with_pipeline == true url_pipline = Setting.get('es_pipeline') if url_pipline.present? url_params['pipeline'] = url_pipline end end # prepare url params params_string = '' if url_params.present? params_string = "?#{URI.encode_www_form(url_params)}" end url = Setting.get('es_url') return "#{url}#{params_string}" if index.blank? # add type information url = "#{url}/#{index}" # add document type if with_document_type url = "#{url}/_doc" end # add action if action url = "#{url}/#{action}" end # add object id if object_id.present? url = "#{url}/#{object_id}" end "#{url}#{params_string}" end def self.humanized_error(verb:, url:, response:, payload: nil) prefix = "Unable to process #{verb} request to elasticsearch URL '#{url}'." suffix = "\n\nResponse:\n#{response.inspect}\n\n" if payload.respond_to?(:to_json) suffix += "Payload:\n#{payload.to_json}" suffix += "\n\nPayload size: #{payload.to_json.bytesize / 1024 / 1024}M" else suffix += "Payload:\n#{payload.inspect}" end message = if response&.error&.match?(__('Connection refused')) __("Elasticsearch is not reachable. It's possible that it's not running. Please check whether it is installed.") elsif url.end_with?('pipeline/zammad-attachment', 'pipeline=zammad-attachment') && response.code == 400 __('The installed attachment plugin could not handle the request payload. Ensure that the correct attachment plugin is installed (ingest-attachment).') else __('Check the response and payload for detailed information:') end result = "#{prefix} #{message}#{suffix}" Rails.logger.error result.first(40_000) result end # add * on simple query like "somephrase23" def self.append_wildcard_to_simple_query(query) query = query.strip query += '*' if query.exclude?(':') query end =begin @param condition [Hash] search condition @param options [Hash] search options @option options [Integer] :from @option options [Integer] :limit @option options [Hash] :query_extension applied to ElasticSearch query @option options [Array] :order_by ordering directions, desc or asc @option options [Array] :sort_by fields to sort by =end DEFAULT_QUERY_OPTIONS = { from: 0, limit: 10 }.freeze def self.build_query(condition, options = {}) options = DEFAULT_QUERY_OPTIONS.merge(options.deep_symbolize_keys) data = { from: options[:from], size: options[:limit], sort: search_by_index_sort(options[:sort_by], options[:order_by]), query: { bool: { must: [] } } } if (extension = options[:query_extension]) data[:query].deep_merge! extension.deep_dup end data[:query][:bool][:must].push condition if options[:ids].present? data[:query][:bool][:must].push({ ids: { values: options[:ids] } }) end data end =begin refreshes all indexes to make previous request data visible in future requests SearchIndexBackend.refresh =end def self.refresh return if !enabled? url = "#{Setting.get('es_url')}/_all/_refresh" make_request_and_validate(url, method: :post) end =begin helper method for making HTTP calls @param url [String] url @option params [Hash] :data is a payload hash @option params [Symbol] :method is a HTTP method @option params [Integer] :open_timeout is HTTP request open timeout @option params [Integer] :read_timeout is HTTP request read timeout @return UserAgent response =end def self.make_request(url, data: {}, method: :get, open_timeout: 8, read_timeout: 180) Rails.logger.debug { "# curl -X #{method} \"#{url}\" " } Rails.logger.debug { "-d '#{data.to_json}'" } if data.present? options = { json: true, open_timeout: open_timeout, read_timeout: read_timeout, total_timeout: (open_timeout + read_timeout + 60), open_socket_tries: 3, user: Setting.get('es_user'), password: Setting.get('es_password'), } response = UserAgent.send(method, url, data, options) Rails.logger.debug { "# #{response.code}" } response end =begin helper method for making HTTP calls and raising error if response was not success @param url [String] url @option args [Hash] see {make_request} @return [Boolean] always returns true. Raises error if something went wrong. =end def self.make_request_and_validate(url, **args) response = make_request(url, **args) return true if response.success? raise humanized_error( verb: args[:method], url: url, payload: args[:data], response: response ) end =begin This function will return a index mapping based on the attributes of the database table of the existing object. mapping = SearchIndexBackend.get_mapping_properties_object(Ticket) Returns: mapping = { User: { properties: { firstname: { type: 'keyword', }, } } } =end def self.get_mapping_properties_object(object) name = '_doc' result = { name => { properties: {} } } store_columns = %w[preferences data] # for elasticsearch 6.x and later string_type = 'text' string_raw = { type: 'keyword', ignore_above: 5012 } boolean_raw = { type: 'boolean' } object.columns_hash.each do |key, value| if value.type == :string && value.limit && value.limit <= 5000 && store_columns.exclude?(key) result[name][:properties][key] = { type: string_type, fields: { keyword: string_raw, } } elsif value.type == :integer result[name][:properties][key] = { type: 'integer', } elsif value.type == :datetime || value.type == :date result[name][:properties][key] = { type: 'date', } elsif value.type == :boolean result[name][:properties][key] = { type: 'boolean', fields: { keyword: boolean_raw, } } elsif value.type == :binary result[name][:properties][key] = { type: 'binary', } elsif value.type == :bigint result[name][:properties][key] = { type: 'long', } elsif value.type == :decimal result[name][:properties][key] = { type: 'float', } end end case object.name when 'Ticket' result[name][:properties][:article] = { type: 'nested', include_in_parent: true, } end result[name] end # get es version def self.version @version ||= SearchIndexBackend.info&.dig('version', 'number') end def self.configured? Setting.get('es_url').present? end def self.settings { 'index.mapping.total_fields.limit': 2000, } end def self.create_index(models = Models.indexable) models.each do |local_object| SearchIndexBackend.index( action: 'create', name: local_object.name, data: { mappings: SearchIndexBackend.get_mapping_properties_object(local_object), settings: SearchIndexBackend.settings, } ) end end def self.drop_index(models = Models.indexable) models.each do |local_object| SearchIndexBackend.index( action: 'delete', name: local_object.name, ) end end def self.create_object_index(object) models = Models.indexable.select { |c| c.to_s == object } create_index(models) end def self.drop_object_index(object) models = Models.indexable.select { |c| c.to_s == object } drop_index(models) end def self.pipeline(create: false) pipeline = Setting.get('es_pipeline') if create && pipeline.blank? pipeline = "zammad#{SecureRandom.uuid}" Setting.set('es_pipeline', pipeline) end pipeline end def self.pipeline_settings { ignore_failure: true, ignore_missing: true, } end def self.create_pipeline SearchIndexBackend.processors( "_ingest/pipeline/#{pipeline(create: true)}": [ { action: 'delete', }, { action: 'create', description: __('Extract zammad-attachment information from arrays'), processors: [ { foreach: { field: 'article', processor: { foreach: { field: '_ingest._value.attachment', processor: { attachment: { target_field: '_ingest._value', field: '_ingest._value._content', }.merge(pipeline_settings), } }.merge(pipeline_settings), } }.merge(pipeline_settings), }, { foreach: { field: 'attachment', processor: { attachment: { target_field: '_ingest._value', field: '_ingest._value._content', }.merge(pipeline_settings), } }.merge(pipeline_settings), } ] } ] ) end def self.drop_pipeline return if pipeline.blank? SearchIndexBackend.processors( "_ingest/pipeline/#{pipeline}": [ { action: 'delete', }, ] ) end # verifies date range ElasticSearch payload # # @param url [String] of ElasticSearch # @param payload [Hash] Elasticsearch query payload # # @return [Boolean] or raises error def self.verify_date_range(url, payload) ranges_payload = payload.dig(:query, :bool, :must) return true if ranges_payload.nil? ranges = ranges_payload .select { |elem| elem.key? :range } .map { |elem| [elem[:range].keys.first, convert_es_date_range(elem)] } .each_with_object({}) { |elem, sum| (sum[elem.first] ||= []) << elem.last } return true if ranges.all? { |_, ranges_by_key| verify_single_key_range(ranges_by_key) } error_prefix = "Unable to process request to elasticsearch URL '#{url}'." error_suffix = "Payload:\n#{payload.to_json}" error_message = __('Conflicting date ranges') result = "#{error_prefix} #{error_message} #{error_suffix}" Rails.logger.error result.first(40_000) raise result end # checks if all ranges are overlaping # # @param ranges [Array>] to use in search # # @return [Boolean] def self.verify_single_key_range(ranges) ranges .each_with_index .all? do |range, i| ranges .slice((i + 1)..) .all? { |elem| elem.overlaps? range } end end # Converts paylaod component to dates range # # @param elem [Hash] payload component # # @return [Range] def self.convert_es_date_range(elem) range = elem[:range].first.last from = parse_es_range_date range[:from] || range[:gt] || '-9999-01-01' to = parse_es_range_date range[:to] || range[:lt] || '9999-01-01' from..to end # Parses absolute date or converts relative date # # @param input [String] string representation of date # # @return [Range] def self.parse_es_range_date(input) match = input.match(%r{^now(-|\+)(\d+)(\w{1})$}) return DateTime.parse input if !match map = { d: 'day', y: 'year', M: 'month', h: 'hour', m: 'minute', } range = match.captures[1].to_i.send map[match.captures[2].to_sym] case match.captures[0] when '-' range.ago when '+' range.from_now end end end