// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ import { createRequire } from 'node:module' import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker' import { Kind, type DocumentNode, OperationTypeNode, type OperationDefinitionNode, type VariableDefinitionNode, type TypeNode, type NamedTypeNode, } from 'graphql' import { uniqBy } from 'lodash-es' import { convertToGraphQLId, getIdFromGraphQLId, } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts' import type { DeepPartial, DeepRequired } from '#shared/types/utils.ts' import getUuid from '#shared/utils/getUuid.ts' import logger from './logger.ts' import { generateGraphqlMockId, hasNodeParent, setNodeParent } from './utils.ts' const _require = createRequire(import.meta.url) const introspection = _require('../../../../graphql/graphql_introspection.json') export interface ResolversMeta { variables: Record document: DocumentNode | undefined cached: boolean } type Resolver = (parent: any, defaults: any, meta: ResolversMeta) => any interface Resolvers { [key: string]: Resolver } const factoriesModules = import.meta.glob( ['../factories/**/*.ts', '!../factories/fixtures/*.ts'], { eager: true, import: 'default', }, ) const storedObjects = new Map() export const getStoredMockedObject = ( type: string, id: number, ): DeepRequired => { return storedObjects.get(convertToGraphQLId(type, id)) } afterEach(() => { storedObjects.clear() }) const factories: Resolvers = {} // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const key in factoriesModules) { factories[ key.replace( /\.\.\/factories\/(?:mutations|subscriptions|queries|types)\/(.*)\.ts$/, '$1', ) ] = factoriesModules[key] } interface SchemaObjectType { kind: 'OBJECT' name: string fields: SchemaObjectField[] } interface SchemaEnumType { kind: 'ENUM' name: string enumValues: { name: string description: string }[] } interface SchemaObjectFieldType { kind: 'OBJECT' | 'ENUM' | 'LIST' | 'NON_NULL' | 'INPUT_OBJECT' | 'UNION' name: string ofType: null | SchemaObjectFieldType } interface SchemaObjectScalarFieldType { kind: 'SCALAR' name: string ofType: null } interface SchemaObjectField { name: string type: SchemaType args: SchemaObjectField[] isDeprecated?: boolean deprecatedReason?: string defaultValue?: unknown } interface SchemaScalarType { kind: 'SCALAR' name: string } interface SchemaUnionType { kind: 'UNION' possibleTypes: SchemaType[] name: string } interface SchemaInputObjectType { kind: 'INPUT_OBJECT' name: string fields: null inputFields: SchemaObjectField[] } type SchemaType = | SchemaObjectType | SchemaObjectFieldType | SchemaEnumType | SchemaScalarType | SchemaObjectScalarFieldType | SchemaUnionType | SchemaInputObjectType const schemaTypes = introspection.data.__schema.types as SchemaType[] const queriesTypes = { query: 'Queries', mutation: 'Mutations', subscription: 'Subscriptions', } const queries = schemaTypes.find( (type) => type.kind === 'OBJECT' && type.name === queriesTypes.query, ) as SchemaObjectType const mutations = schemaTypes.find( (type) => type.kind === 'OBJECT' && type.name === queriesTypes.mutation, ) as SchemaObjectType const subscriptions = schemaTypes.find( (type) => type.kind === 'OBJECT' && type.name === queriesTypes.subscription, ) as SchemaObjectType const schemas = { query: queries, mutation: mutations, subscription: subscriptions, } export const getOperationDefinition = ( operation: OperationTypeNode, name: string, ) => { const { fields } = schemas[operation] return fields.find((field) => field.name === name)! } // there are some commonly named fields that backend uses // so we can assume what type they are const commonStringGenerators: Record string> = { note: () => faker.lorem.sentence(), heading: () => faker.lorem.sentence(2), label: () => faker.lorem.sentence(2), value: () => faker.lorem.sentence(), uid: () => faker.string.uuid(), } // generate default scalar values const getScalarValue = ( parent: any, fieldName: string, definition: SchemaScalarType, ): string | number | boolean | Record => { switch (definition.name) { case 'Boolean': return faker.datatype.boolean() case 'Int': return faker.number.int({ min: 1, max: 1000 }) case 'Float': return faker.number.float() case 'BinaryString': return faker.image.dataUri() case 'FormId': return getUuid() case 'ISO8601Date': return faker.date.recent().toISOString().substring(0, 10) case 'ISO8601DateTime': return faker.date.recent().toISOString() case 'ID': return generateGraphqlMockId(parent) case 'NonEmptyString': case 'String': return commonStringGenerators[fieldName]?.() || faker.lorem.word() case 'JSON': return {} case 'UriHttpString': return faker.internet.url() default: throw new Error(`not implemented for ${definition.name}`) } } const isList = (definitionType: SchemaType): boolean => { if (definitionType.kind === 'LIST') { return true } return 'ofType' in definitionType && definitionType.ofType ? isList(definitionType.ofType) : false } export const getFieldData = (definitionType: SchemaType): any => { if ( definitionType.kind === 'SCALAR' || definitionType.kind === 'OBJECT' || definitionType.kind === 'UNION' || definitionType.kind === 'INPUT_OBJECT' ) return definitionType if (definitionType.kind === 'ENUM') return getEnumDefinition(definitionType.name) return definitionType.ofType ? getFieldData(definitionType.ofType) : null } const getFieldInformation = (definitionType: SchemaType) => { const list = isList(definitionType) const field = getFieldData(definitionType) if (!field) { console.dir(definitionType, { depth: null }) throw new Error(`cannot find type definition for ${definitionType.name}`) } return { list, field, } } const getFromCache = (value: any, meta: ResolversMeta) => { if (!meta.cached) return undefined const potentialId = value.id || (value.internalId ? convertToGraphQLId(value.__typename, value.internalId) : null) if (!potentialId) { // try to guess Id from variables const type = value.__typename const lowercaseType = type[0].toLowerCase() + type.slice(1) const potentialIdKey = `${lowercaseType}Id` const id = meta.variables[potentialIdKey] as string | undefined if (id) return storedObjects.get(id) const potentialInternalIdKey = `${lowercaseType}InternalId` const internalId = meta.variables[potentialInternalIdKey] as | number | undefined if (!internalId) return undefined const gqlId = convertToGraphQLId(type, internalId) return storedObjects.get(gqlId) } if (storedObjects.has(potentialId)) { return storedObjects.get(potentialId) } return undefined } // merges cache with custom defaults recursively by modifying the original object const deepMerge = (target: any, source: any): any => { // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const key in source) { const value = source[key] if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { target[key] = value.map((v, index) => { if ( typeof target[key]?.[index] === 'object' && target[key]?.[index] !== null ) { return deepMerge(target[key]?.[index] || {}, v) } return v }) } else { target[key] = deepMerge(target[key] || {}, value) } } else { target[key] = value } } return target } const populateObjectFromVariables = (value: any, meta: ResolversMeta) => { const type = value.__typename const lowercaseType = type[0].toLowerCase() + type.slice(1) const potentialIdKey = `${lowercaseType}Id` if (meta.variables[potentialIdKey]) { value.id ??= meta.variables[potentialIdKey] } const potentialInternalIdKey = `${lowercaseType}InternalId` if (meta.variables[potentialInternalIdKey]) { value.id ??= convertToGraphQLId( value.__typename, meta.variables[potentialInternalIdKey] as number, ) value.internalId ??= meta.variables[potentialInternalIdKey] } } const getObjectDefinitionFromUnion = (fieldDefinition: any) => { if (fieldDefinition.kind === 'UNION') { const unionDefinition = getUnionDefinition(fieldDefinition.name) const randomObjectDefinition = faker.helpers.arrayElement( unionDefinition.possibleTypes, ) return getObjectDefinition(randomObjectDefinition.name) } return fieldDefinition } const buildObjectFromInformation = ( parent: any, fieldName: string, { list, field }: { list: boolean; field: any }, defaults: any, meta: ResolversMeta, // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity ) => { if (field.kind === 'UNION' && !defaults) { const factory = factories[field.name as 'Avatar'] if (factory) { defaults = list ? faker.helpers.multiple(() => factory(parent, undefined, meta), { count: { min: 1, max: 5 }, }) : factory(parent, undefined, meta) } } if (!list) { const typeDefinition = getObjectDefinitionFromUnion(field) return generateGqlValue(parent, fieldName, typeDefinition, defaults, meta) } if (defaults) { const isUnion = field.kind === 'UNION' const builtList = defaults.map((item: any) => { const actualFieldType = isUnion && item.__typename ? getObjectDefinition(item.__typename) : field return generateGqlValue(parent, fieldName, actualFieldType, item, meta) }) if (typeof builtList[0] === 'object' && builtList[0]?.id) { return uniqBy(builtList, 'id') // if autocmocker generates duplicates, remove them } return builtList } const factory = factories[fieldName] if (factory) { logger.log(`[MOCKER] using factory for "${fieldName}"`) return factory(fieldName, defaults, meta) } const typeDefinition = getObjectDefinitionFromUnion(field) const builtList = faker.helpers.multiple( () => generateGqlValue(parent, fieldName, typeDefinition, undefined, meta), { count: { min: 1, max: 5 } }, ) if (typeof builtList[0] === 'object' && builtList[0]?.id) { return uniqBy(builtList, 'id') // if autocmocker generates duplicates, remove them } return builtList } // we always generate full object because it might be reused later // in another query with more parameters const generateObject = ( parent: Record | undefined, definition: SchemaObjectType, defaults: Record | undefined, meta: ResolversMeta, // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity ): Record | null => { logger.log( 'creating', definition.name, 'from', parent?.__typename || 'the root', `(${parent?.id ? getIdFromGraphQLId(parent?.id) : null})`, ) if (defaults === null) return null const type = definition.name const value = defaults ? { ...defaults } : {} // Set the typename, if not already set by mocked value. value.__typename = value.__typename ?? type populateObjectFromVariables(value, meta) setNodeParent(value, parent) const cached = getFromCache(value, meta) if (cached !== undefined) { return defaults ? deepMerge(cached, defaults) : cached } const factory = factories[type as 'Avatar'] if (factory) { const resolved = factory(parent, value, meta) // factory doesn't override custom defaults for (const key in resolved) { if (!(key in value)) { value[key] = resolved[key] } else if ( value[key] && typeof value[key] === 'object' && resolved[key] ) { value[key] = deepMerge(resolved[key], value[key]) } } } const factoryCached = getFromCache(value, meta) if (factoryCached !== undefined) { return factoryCached ? deepMerge(factoryCached, defaults) : factoryCached } if (value.id) { // I am not sure if this is a good change - it makes you think that ID is always numerical (even in prod) because of the tests // but it removes a lot of repetitive code - time will tell! if (typeof value.id !== 'string') { throw new Error( `id must be a string, got ${typeof value.id} inside ${type}`, ) } // session has a unique base64 id if (type !== 'Session' && !value.id.startsWith('gid://zammad/')) { if (Number.isNaN(Number(value.id))) { throw new Error( `expected numerical or graphql id for ${type}, got ${value.id}`, ) } const gqlId = convertToGraphQLId(type, value.id) logger.log( `received ${value.id} ID inside ${type}, rewriting to ${gqlId}`, ) value.id = gqlId } storedObjects.set(value.id, value) } const needUpdateTotalCount = type.endsWith('Connection') && !('totalCount' in value) const buildField = (field: SchemaObjectField) => { const { name } = field // ignore null and undefined if (name in value && value[name] == null) { return } // if the object is already generated, keep it if (hasNodeParent(value[name])) { return } // by default, don't populate those fields since // first two can lead to recursions or inconsistent data // the "errors" should usually be "null" anyway // this is still possible to override with defaults if ( !(name in value) && (name === 'updatedBy' || name === 'createdBy' || name === 'errors') ) { value[name] = null return } // by default, all mutations are successful because errors are null if ( field.type.kind === 'SCALAR' && name === 'success' && !(name in value) ) { value[name] = true return } value[name] = buildObjectFromInformation( value, name, getFieldInformation(field.type), value[name], meta, ) if (meta.cached && name === 'id') { storedObjects.set(value.id, value) } } definition.fields!.forEach((field) => buildField(field)) if (needUpdateTotalCount) { value.totalCount = value.edges.length } if (value.id && value.internalId) { value.internalId = getIdFromGraphQLId(value.id) } if (meta.cached && value.id) { storedObjects.set(value.id, value) } return value } export const getInputObjectDefinition = (name: string) => { const definition = schemaTypes.find( (type) => type.kind === 'INPUT_OBJECT' && type.name === name, ) as SchemaInputObjectType if (!definition) { throw new Error(`Input object definition not found for ${name}`) } return definition } export const getObjectDefinition = (name: string) => { const definition = schemaTypes.find( (type) => type.kind === 'OBJECT' && type.name === name, ) as SchemaObjectType if (!definition) { throw new Error(`Object definition not found for ${name}`) } return definition } const getUnionDefinition = (name: string) => { const definition = schemaTypes.find( (type) => type.kind === 'UNION' && type.name === name, ) as SchemaUnionType if (!definition) { throw new Error(`Union definition not found for ${name}`) } return definition } const getEnumDefinition = (name: string) => { const definition = schemaTypes.find( (type) => type.kind === 'ENUM' && type.name === name, ) as SchemaEnumType if (!definition) { throw new Error(`Enum definition not found for ${name}`) } return definition } const generateEnumValue = (definition: any): string => { return (faker.helpers.arrayElement(definition.enumValues) as { name: string }) .name } const generateGqlValue = ( parent: Record | undefined, fieldName: string, typeDefinition: SchemaType, defaults: Record | null | undefined, meta: ResolversMeta, ) => { if (defaults === null) return null if (typeDefinition.kind === 'OBJECT') return generateObject( parent, getObjectDefinition(typeDefinition.name), defaults, meta, ) if (defaults !== undefined) return defaults if (typeDefinition.kind === 'ENUM') return generateEnumValue(typeDefinition) if (typeDefinition.kind === 'SCALAR') return getScalarValue(parent, fieldName, typeDefinition) logger.log(typeDefinition) throw new Error(`wrong definition for ${typeDefinition.name}`) } /** * Generates an object from a GraphQL type name. * You can provide a partial defaults object to make it more predictable. * * This function always generates a new object and never caches it. */ export const generateObjectData = ( typename: string, defaults?: DeepPartial, ): T => { return generateObject(undefined, getObjectDefinition(typename), defaults, { document: undefined, variables: {}, cached: false, }) as T } const getJsTypeFromScalar = ( scalar: string, ): 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | null => { switch (scalar) { case 'Boolean': return 'boolean' case 'Int': case 'Float': return 'number' case 'ID': case 'BinaryString': case 'NonEmptyString': case 'FormId': case 'String': case 'ISO8601Date': case 'ISO8601DateTime': return 'string' case 'JSON': default: return null } } const createVariablesError = ( definition: OperationDefinitionNode, message: string, ) => { return new Error( `(Variables error for ${definition.operation} ${definition.name?.value}) ${message}`, ) } const validateSchemaValue = ( definition: OperationDefinitionNode, data: SchemaObjectField, value: any, // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity ) => { const required = data.type.kind === 'NON_NULL' const { field, list } = getFieldInformation(data.type) if (value == null) { if (required && data.defaultValue == null) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `non-nullable field "${data.name}" is not defined`, ) } return } if (list) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `expected array for "${data.name}", got ${typeof value}`, ) } for (const item of value) { validateSchemaValue(definition, { ...data, type: field }, item) } return } if (field.kind === 'SCALAR') { const type = getJsTypeFromScalar(field.name) // eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof if (type && typeof value !== type) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `expected ${type} for "${data.name}", got ${typeof value}`, ) } } if (field.kind === 'ENUM') { const enumDefinition = getEnumDefinition(field.name) const enumValues = enumDefinition.enumValues.map( (enumValue) => enumValue.name, ) if (!enumValues.includes(value)) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `${data.name} should be one of "${enumValues.join('", "')}", but instead got "${value}"`, ) } } if (field.kind === 'INPUT_OBJECT') { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `expected object for "${data.name}", got ${typeof value}`, ) } const object = getInputObjectDefinition(field.name) const fields = new Set(object.inputFields.map((f) => f.name)) for (const key in value) { if (!fields.has(key)) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `field "${key}" is not defined on ${field.name}`, ) } } for (const field of object.inputFields) { const inputValue = value[field.name] validateSchemaValue(definition, field, inputValue) } } } const isVariableDefinitionList = (definition: VariableDefinitionNode) => { if (definition.type.kind === Kind.LIST_TYPE) return true if (definition.type.kind === Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE) { return definition.type.type.kind === Kind.LIST_TYPE } return false } const getVariableDefinitionField = (definition: TypeNode): NamedTypeNode => { if (definition.kind === Kind.NAMED_TYPE) return definition return getVariableDefinitionField(definition.type) } const buildFieldDefinitionFromVriablesDefinition = ({ list, required, field, }: { list: boolean required: boolean field: any }) => { if (list && required) { return { kind: 'NON_NULL', ofType: { kind: 'LIST', ofType: field, }, } } if (required) { return { kind: 'NON_NULL', ofType: field, } } if (list) { return { kind: 'LIST', ofType: field, } } return field } const validateQueryDefinitionVariables = ( definition: OperationDefinitionNode, variableDefinition: VariableDefinitionNode, variables: Record, ) => { const required = variableDefinition.type.kind === Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE const list = isVariableDefinitionList(variableDefinition) const field = getVariableDefinitionField(variableDefinition.type) const fieldDefinitions = schemaTypes.filter( (type) => type.name === field.name.value, ) if (fieldDefinitions.length === 0) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `Cannot find definition for "${field.name.value}"`, ) } if (fieldDefinitions.length > 1) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `Multiple definitions for "${field.name.value}": ${fieldDefinitions.map((type) => type.kind).join(', ')}`, ) } const name = variableDefinition.variable.name.value const defaultValue = (() => { const { defaultValue } = variableDefinition if (typeof defaultValue === 'undefined') return undefined if ('value' in defaultValue) return defaultValue.value if (defaultValue.kind === Kind.LIST) return [] if (defaultValue.kind === Kind.NULL) return null // we don't care for values inside the object return {} })() validateSchemaValue( definition, { name, type: buildFieldDefinitionFromVriablesDefinition({ required, list, field: fieldDefinitions[0], }), args: [], defaultValue, }, variables[name], ) } export const validateOperationVariables = ( definition: OperationDefinitionNode, variables: Record, ) => { const name = definition.name?.value if (!name || !definition.variableDefinitions) return const variablesNames = definition.variableDefinitions.map( (variableDefinition) => variableDefinition.variable.name.value, ) for (const variable in variables) { if (!variablesNames.includes(variable)) { throw createVariablesError( definition, `field "${variable}" is not defined on ${definition.operation} ${name}`, ) } } definition.variableDefinitions.forEach((variableDefinition) => { validateQueryDefinitionVariables(definition, variableDefinition, variables) }) } export const mockOperation = ( document: DocumentNode, variables: Record, defaults?: Record, // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity ): Record => { const definition = document.definitions[0] if (definition.kind !== Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION) { throw new Error(`${(definition as any).name} is not an operation`) } const { operation, name, selectionSet } = definition const operationName = name!.value! let operationType = getOperationDefinition(operation, operationName) // In case the operation cannot be inferred from the operation name, switch to selection name instead. // E.g. `currentUserUpdates` vs `userUpdates` if (!operationType && selectionSet.selections.length === 1) { const selection = selectionSet.selections[0] if (selection.kind !== Kind.FIELD) { throw new Error( `unsupported selection kind ${selectionSet.selections[0].kind}`, ) } operationType = getOperationDefinition(operation, selection.name.value) if (!operationType) throw new Error( `unsupported operation named ${operationName} or ${selection.name.value}`, ) } const query: any = { __typename: queriesTypes[operation] } const rootName = operationType?.name || operationName logger.log(`[MOCKER] mocking "${rootName}" ${operation}`) if (selectionSet.selections.length === 1) { const information = getFieldInformation(operationType.type) const selection = selectionSet.selections[0] if (selection.kind !== Kind.FIELD) { throw new Error( `unsupported selection kind ${selectionSet.selections[0].kind}`, ) } if (selection.name.value !== rootName) { throw new Error( `unsupported selection name ${selection.name.value} (${operation} is ${operationType.name})`, ) } query[rootName] = buildObjectFromInformation( query, rootName, information, defaults?.[rootName], { document, variables, cached: true, }, ) } else { selectionSet.selections.forEach((selection) => { if (selection.kind !== Kind.FIELD) { throw new Error(`unsupported selection kind ${selection.kind}`) } const operationType = getOperationDefinition( operation, selection.name.value, ) if (!operationType) { throw new Error(`unsupported operation named ${operationName}`) } const fieldName = selection.alias?.value || selection.name.value query[fieldName] = buildObjectFromInformation( query, rootName, getFieldInformation(operationType.type), defaults?.[fieldName] ?? defaults?.[rootName], { document, variables, cached: true, }, ) }) } return query }