# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Whatsapp::Webhook::Message::Status::Read, :aggregate_failures, current_user_id: 1 do describe '#process' do let(:channel) { create(:whatsapp_channel) } let(:from) do { phone: Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone_in_e164.delete('+'), name: Faker::Name.unique.name, } end let(:json) do { object: 'whatsapp_business_account', entry: [ { id: '260895230431646', changes: [ { value: { messaging_product: 'whatsapp', metadata: { display_phone_number: '15551340563', phone_number_id: channel.options[:phone_number_id], }, statuses: [ { id: message_id, status: 'read', timestamp: '1709577872', recipient_id: '15551340563', conversation: { id: '2f3568fab8879aa0194e66aac1a0618e', origin: { type: 'service' } }, pricing: { billable: true, pricing_model: 'CBP', category: 'service' } } ] }, field: 'messages' } ] } ] }.to_json end let(:data) { JSON.parse(json).deep_symbolize_keys } let(:article) { create(:whatsapp_article, :inbound, ticket: ticket) } let(:ticket) { create(:whatsapp_ticket, channel: channel) } let(:message_id) { article.message_id } context 'when all data is valid' do before { article } it 'updates the ticket and article preferences accordingly' do described_class.new(data:, channel:).process expect(Ticket::Article.last.preferences).to include( whatsapp: include( timestamp_read: '1709577872', ), ) end end context 'when no related article exists' do before { article } let(:message_id) { "wamid.#{Faker::Number.unique.number}" } it 'raises an error' do expect { described_class.new(data:, channel:).process } .to raise_error( an_instance_of(Whatsapp::Webhook::Payload::ProcessableError) .and( having_attributes( reason: 'No related article found to process the status message on.' ) ) ) end end end end