# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Gql::Subscriptions::Checklist::TemplateUpdates, current_user_id: 1, type: :graphql do let(:agent) { create(:agent) } let(:only_active) { false } let(:variables) { { onlyActive: only_active } } let(:mock_channel) { build_mock_channel } let(:subscription) do <<~QUERY subscription checklistTemplateUpdates($onlyActive: Boolean = false) { checklistTemplateUpdates(onlyActive: $onlyActive) { checklistTemplates { id name active } } } QUERY end before do setup if defined?(setup) template if defined?(template) gql.execute(subscription, variables: variables, context: { channel: mock_channel }) end context 'with an unauthenticated user' do it 'does not subscribe to template updates and returns an authorization error' do expect(gql.result.error_type).to eq(Exceptions::NotAuthorized) end end context 'with an authenticated user', authenticated_as: :agent do it 'subscribes to template updates' do expect(gql.result.data).not_to be_nil end context 'with disabled checklist feature' do let(:setup) do Setting.set('checklist', false) end it 'denies subscription with an error' do expect(gql.result.error_type).to eq(Exceptions::Forbidden) end end it 'triggers after template create' do template = create(:checklist_template) result = mock_channel.mock_broadcasted_messages.first[:result]['data']['checklistTemplateUpdates'] expect(result).to include('checklistTemplates' => include( include( 'id' => gql.id(template), ) )) end context 'with an existing template' do let(:template) { create(:checklist_template) } it 'triggers after template update' do template.update!(name: 'foobar') result = mock_channel.mock_broadcasted_messages.first[:result]['data']['checklistTemplateUpdates'] expect(result).to include('checklistTemplates' => include( include( 'name' => 'foobar', ) )) end it 'triggers after template destroy' do template.destroy! result = mock_channel.mock_broadcasted_messages.first[:result]['data']['checklistTemplateUpdates'] expect(result).to include('checklistTemplates' => not_include( include( 'id' => gql.id(template), ) )) end end end end