# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Gql::Mutations::System::Setup::RunAutoWizard, :aggregate_failures, set_up: false, type: :request do context 'when running the auto wizard' do let(:query) do <<~QUERY mutation systemSetupRunAutoWizard($token: String) { systemSetupRunAutoWizard(token: $token) { session { id afterAuth { type data } } errors { message field } } } QUERY end let(:variables) { { token: } } let(:token) { nil } let(:headers) { { 'X-Browser-Fingerprint' => 'some-fingerprint' } } let(:graphql_response) do post '/graphql', params: { query: query, variables: variables }, headers: headers, as: :json json_response end context 'with auto wizard not enabled' do it 'fails with an error' do expect(graphql_response['data']['systemSetupRunAutoWizard']['errors'].first['message']).to eq('An unexpected error occurred during system setup.') end end context 'with auto wizard enabled' do before do FileUtils.cp(Rails.root.join('contrib/auto_wizard_example.json'), Rails.root.join('auto_wizard.json')) end after do FileUtils.rm(Rails.root.join('auto_wizard.json'), force: true) end context 'without the right token' do it 'fails with an error' do expect(graphql_response['data']['systemSetupRunAutoWizard']['errors'].first['message']).to eq('An unexpected error occurred during system setup.') end end context 'with the right token' do let(:token) { 'secret_token' } it 'runs the auto wizard' do expect(graphql_response['data']['systemSetupRunAutoWizard']).to include({ 'session' => include({ 'id' => a_kind_of(String) }), 'errors' => nil }) expect(User.find_by(email: 'hans.atila@zammad.org')).to be_present expect(Setting.get('system_init_done')).to be true end end end end end