# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Gql::Mutations::System::Import::Configuration, type: :graphql do context 'when validation system import configuration' do let(:mutation) do <<~MUTATION mutation systemImportConfiguration($configuration: SystemImportConfigurationInput!) { systemImportConfiguration(configuration: $configuration) { success errors { message field } } } MUTATION end context 'with valid configuration' do let(:variables) do { configuration: { url: 'https://ticket.freshdesk.com', secret: 'freshdesk_api_token', source: 'freshdesk', } } end it 'succeeds' do mock = Service::System::Import::ApplyFreshdeskConfiguration allow_any_instance_of(mock).to receive(:execute).and_return(true) gql.execute(mutation, variables: variables) expect(gql.result.data).to include({ 'success' => true }) end end shared_examples 'missing required configuration parameter' do it 'raises an error' do gql.execute(mutation, variables: variables) expect { gql.result.data }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, %r{#{parameter}}) end end %w[url source].each do |p| context "when no #{p} is provided" do let(:variables) do config = { configuration: { url: 'https://ticket.otrs.com', source: 'otrs' } } config[:configuration].delete(p.to_sym) config end let(:parameter) { p } it_behaves_like 'missing required configuration parameter' end end context 'when invalid url is provided' do let(:variables) do { configuration: { url: 'gopher://ticket.otrs.com', source: 'otrs' } } end it 'raises an error' do gql.execute(mutation, variables: variables) expect { gql.result.data }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, %r{URI scheme must be HTTP or HTTPS}) end end context 'when url is not reachable' do let(:variables) do { configuration: { url: 'https://ticket.freshdesk.com', secret: 'freshdesk_api_token', source: 'freshdesk' } } end it 'returns an error' do mock = Service::System::Import::ApplyFreshdeskConfiguration error = Service::System::Import::ApplyFreshdeskConfiguration::UnreachableError allow_any_instance_of(mock).to receive(:reachable!).and_raise(error, 'The hostname could not be found.') gql.execute(mutation, variables: variables) expect(gql.result.data).to include({ 'errors' => [{ 'message' => 'The hostname could not be found.', 'field' => 'url' }] }) end end context 'when url is inaccessible' do let(:variables) do { configuration: { url: 'https://ticket.zendesk.com', username: 'zendesk', secret: 'zendesk_api_token', source: 'zendesk' } } end it 'returns an error' do mock = Service::System::Import::ApplyZendeskConfiguration error = Service::System::Import::ApplyZendeskConfiguration::InaccessibleError allow_any_instance_of(mock).to receive(:reachable!).and_return(nil) allow_any_instance_of(mock).to receive(:accessible!).and_raise(error, 'The provided credentials are invalid.') gql.execute(mutation, variables: variables) expect(gql.result.data).to include({ 'errors' => [ { 'message' => 'The provided credentials are invalid.', 'field' => 'secret' }, { 'message' => 'The provided credentials are invalid.', 'field' => 'username' } ] }) end end end end