// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker' import UserError from '#shared/errors/UserError.ts' import { LoginDocument } from '#shared/graphql/mutations/login.api.ts' import type { MutationsUserCurrentAvatarAddArgs } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts' import { getGraphQLMockCalls, mockGraphQLResult } from '../mocks.ts' import { type TestAvatarMutation, TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument, TestUserUpdateDocument, type TestUserUpdateMutation, type TestUserUpdateVariables, TestUserDocument, type TestUserQuery, type TestUserQueryVariables, type TestUserSignupMutationQuery, TestUserSignupMutationDocument, type TestUserSignupArgs, } from './queries.ts' import { getMutationHandler, getQueryHandler } from './utils.ts' describe('calling mutation without mocking document works correctly', () => { it('mutation correctly returns data', async () => { expect(getGraphQLMockCalls(TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument)).toHaveLength( 0, ) const handler = getMutationHandler< TestAvatarMutation, MutationsUserCurrentAvatarAddArgs >(TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument) const data = await handler.send({ images: { original: { name: faker.word.noun() }, resized: { name: faker.word.noun() }, }, }) const { data: mocked } = handler.getMockedData() // errors is always null by default expect(data?.userCurrentAvatarAdd?.errors).toBeNull() expect(mocked).toMatchObject(data!) expect(data).not.toMatchObject(mocked) expect(mocked).toHaveProperty('userCurrentAvatarAdd.avatar.createdAt') expect(data).not.toHaveProperty('userCurrentAvatarAdd.avatar.createdAt') }) it('mutation correctly processed data with arrays', async () => { expect(getGraphQLMockCalls(TestUserUpdateDocument)).toHaveLength(0) const handler = getMutationHandler< TestUserUpdateMutation, TestUserUpdateVariables >(TestUserUpdateDocument) const userId = convertToGraphQLId('User', 42) const data = await handler.send({ userId, input: { vip: false, }, }) const { data: mocked } = handler.getMockedData() expect(data?.userUpdate.user).toEqual({ __typename: 'User', id: userId, fullname: mocked.userUpdate.user.fullname, authorizations: mocked.userUpdate.user.authorizations.map((auth) => ({ id: auth.id, provider: auth.provider, __typename: 'Authorization', })), }) }) it('returns the same object if it already exists, but values are updated', async () => { expect(getGraphQLMockCalls(TestUserDocument)).toHaveLength(0) const queryHandler = getQueryHandler( TestUserDocument, ) const userId = convertToGraphQLId('User', 42) const { data } = await queryHandler.query({ variables: { userId, }, }) const currentFullname = data?.user?.fullname expect(data?.user).toEqual({ __typename: 'User', id: userId, fullname: expect.any(String), }) const mutationHandler = getMutationHandler< TestUserUpdateMutation, TestUserUpdateVariables >(TestUserUpdateDocument) const mutationData = await mutationHandler.send({ userId, input: { vip: false, phone: '1234567890', }, }) const mutationUser = mutationData?.userUpdate.user expect(mutationUser?.id).toBe(userId) expect(mutationUser?.fullname).toBe(currentFullname) const { data: mockedQuery } = queryHandler.getMockedData() const { data: mockedMutation } = mutationHandler.getMockedData() expect(mockedQuery?.user).toBe(mockedMutation?.userUpdate.user) expect(mockedQuery?.user).toHaveProperty('vip', false) expect(mockedQuery?.user).toHaveProperty('phone', '1234567890') }) }) describe('calling mutation with mocked return data correctly returns data', () => { it('returns mocked data when mutation is mocked and then called', async () => { expect(getGraphQLMockCalls(TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument)).toHaveLength( 0, ) const avatarId = convertToGraphQLId('Avatar', 42) const imageFull = 'https://example.com/image.png' mockGraphQLResult(TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument, { userCurrentAvatarAdd: { avatar: { id: avatarId, imageFull, }, }, }) const handler = getMutationHandler< TestAvatarMutation, MutationsUserCurrentAvatarAddArgs >(TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument) const data = await handler.send({ images: { original: { name: faker.word.noun() }, resized: { name: faker.word.noun() }, }, }) expect(data?.userCurrentAvatarAdd?.avatar).toEqual({ __typename: 'Avatar', id: avatarId, imageFull, }) const { data: mocked } = handler.getMockedData() expect(mocked.userCurrentAvatarAdd.avatar).toHaveProperty('id', avatarId) expect(mocked.userCurrentAvatarAdd.avatar).toHaveProperty( 'imageFull', imageFull, ) }) it('correctly returns errors if provided', async () => { mockGraphQLResult(TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument, { userCurrentAvatarAdd: { errors: [ { message: 'Some error', }, ], }, }) const handler = getMutationHandler< TestAvatarMutation, MutationsUserCurrentAvatarAddArgs >(TestAvatarActiveMutationDocument) const data = await handler .send({ images: { original: { name: faker.word.noun() }, resized: { name: faker.word.noun() }, }, }) .catch((e) => e) expect(data).toBeInstanceOf(UserError) expect(data.errors).toHaveLength(1) expect(data.errors[0].message).toBe('Some error') }) it('mutation is always successful by defualt', async () => { const handler = getMutationHandler< TestUserSignupMutationQuery, TestUserSignupArgs >(TestUserSignupMutationDocument) const data = await handler.send({ input: { email: faker.internet.userName(), password: faker.internet.password(), }, }) expect(data?.userSignup.success).toBe(true) expect(data?.userSignup.errors).toBeNull() }) describe('correctly validates variables', () => { it('throws an error if field is required, but not defined', async () => { const handler = getMutationHandler(TestUserSignupMutationDocument) await expect(() => handler.send({}), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userSignup) non-nullable field "input" is not defined]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is required inside the list, but not defined', async () => { const mutationHandler = getMutationHandler(TestUserUpdateDocument) await expect(() => mutationHandler.send({ userId: '1', input: { objectAttributeValues: [{}], }, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userUpdate) non-nullable field "name" is not defined]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is not defined on the inner type', async () => { const handler = getMutationHandler(TestUserSignupMutationDocument) await expect(() => handler.send({ input: { email: 'email', password: 'password', invalidField: true }, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userSignup) field "invalidField" is not defined on UserSignupInput]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is not defined on the outer type', async () => { const handler = getMutationHandler(TestUserSignupMutationDocument) await expect(() => handler.send({ invalidField: true, input: { email: 'email', password: 'password' }, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userSignup) field "invalidField" is not defined on mutation userSignup]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is not defined on the type inside the list', async () => { const mutationHandler = getMutationHandler(TestUserUpdateDocument) await expect(() => mutationHandler.send({ userId: '1', input: { objectAttributeValues: [{ invalidField: true }], }, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userUpdate) field "invalidField" is not defined on ObjectAttributeValueInput]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is not the correct scalar type', async () => { const handler = getMutationHandler(TestUserSignupMutationDocument) await expect(() => handler.send({ input: { email: 123, password: 'password' }, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userSignup) expected string for "email", got number]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is not the correct object type', async () => { const handler = getMutationHandler(TestUserSignupMutationDocument) await expect(() => handler.send({ input: 123, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userSignup) expected object for "input", got number]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is not the correct type inside the list', async () => { const mutationHandler = getMutationHandler(TestUserUpdateDocument) await expect(() => mutationHandler.send({ userId: '1', input: { objectAttributeValues: [{ name: 123 }], }, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation userUpdate) expected string for "name", got number]`, ) }) it('throws an error if field is not in enum', async () => { const mutationHandler = getMutationHandler(LoginDocument) await expect(() => mutationHandler.send({ input: { login: 'login', password: 'password', rememberMe: true, twoFactorAuthentication: { twoFactorMethod: 'unknown_method_to_test_error', twoFactorPayload: 'some_payload', }, }, }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `[ApolloError: (Variables error for mutation login) twoFactorMethod should be one of "security_keys", "authenticator_app", but instead got "unknown_method_to_test_error"]`, ) }) }) })