// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { nextTick } from 'vue' import { renderComponent, type ExtendedRenderResult, } from '#tests/support/components/index.ts' import { waitForTimeout } from '#tests/support/utils.ts' import CommonNotifications from '../CommonNotifications.vue' import { NotificationTypes } from '../types.ts' import { useNotifications } from '../useNotifications.ts' let wrapper: ExtendedRenderResult const message = 'Test Notification' beforeEach(() => { const { clearAllNotifications } = useNotifications() clearAllNotifications() wrapper = renderComponent(CommonNotifications, { shallow: false }) }) describe('CommonNotifications.vue', () => { it('renders notification with passed message', async () => { const { notify } = useNotifications() await notify({ message, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) expect(wrapper.getByTestId('notification')).toBeInTheDocument() expect(wrapper.getByTestId('notification')).toHaveTextContent(message) }) it('automatically removes notification after timeout', async () => { const { notify } = useNotifications() await notify({ message, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, durationMS: 10, }) await waitForTimeout(20) expect(wrapper.queryByTestId('notification')).not.toBeInTheDocument() }) it('does not remove persistent notifications', async () => { const { notify } = useNotifications() await notify({ message, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, durationMS: 10, persistent: true, }) await waitForTimeout(20) expect(wrapper.getByTestId('notification')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('executes a callback on click', async () => { expect.assertions(2) const { notify } = useNotifications() let test = false await notify({ message, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, callback: () => { expect(test).toBe(false) test = true }, }) await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByText(message)) expect(test).toBe(true) }) it('renders multiple notifications at the same time', async () => { const { notify, notifications } = useNotifications() await notify({ message: `${message} - ${notifications.value.length}`, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) await notify({ message: `${message} - ${notifications.value.length}`, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) await notify({ message: `${message} - ${notifications.value.length}`, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) expect(wrapper.getAllByTestId('notification')).toHaveLength(3) }) it('clears all notifications', async () => { const { notify, notifications, clearAllNotifications } = useNotifications() await notify({ message: `${message} - ${notifications.value.length}`, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) await notify({ message: `${message} - ${notifications.value.length}`, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) await notify({ message: `${message} - ${notifications.value.length}`, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) clearAllNotifications() await nextTick() expect(notifications.value).toHaveLength(0) expect(wrapper.queryAllByTestId('notification')).toHaveLength(0) }) it('renders notification with icon', async () => { const { notify } = useNotifications() await notify({ message, type: NotificationTypes.Warn, }) expect(wrapper.getByIconName('info')).toBeInTheDocument() }) })