// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { generateObjectData } from '#tests/graphql/builders/index.ts' import { renderComponent } from '#tests/support/components/index.ts' import type { Ticket } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts' import ActivityMessage from '../ActivityMessage.vue' import type { Props } from '../ActivityMessage.vue' const now = vi.hoisted(() => { const now = new Date('2022-01-03 00:00:00') vi.setSystemTime(now) return now }) // this is not required, but Vitest is bugged and does not hoist "now" otherwise // https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest/pull/4285/files vi.mock('non-existing') const userId = convertToGraphQLId('User', 100) const renderActivityMessage = (props: Partial = {}) => { const finishedProps: Props = { objectName: 'Ticket', typeName: 'update', createdBy: { id: userId, fullname: 'John Doe', firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', active: true, }, createdAt: new Date('2022-01-01 00:00:00').toISOString(), metaObject: generateObjectData('Ticket', { title: 'Ticket Title', id: convertToGraphQLId('Ticket', '1'), internalId: 1, }), ...props, } return renderComponent(ActivityMessage, { props: finishedProps, router: true, }) } describe('NotificationItem.vue', () => { afterEach(() => { vi.useRealTimers() }) it('check update activity message output', () => { const view = renderActivityMessage() expect(view.container).toHaveTextContent( 'John Doe updated ticket Ticket Title', ) }) it('check create activity message output', () => { const view = renderActivityMessage({ typeName: 'create', }) expect(view.container).toHaveTextContent( 'John Doe created ticket Ticket Title', ) }) it('check that avatar exists', () => { const view = renderActivityMessage() const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).toHaveTextContent('JD') }) it('check that link exists', () => { const view = renderActivityMessage() const link = view.getByRole('link') expect(link).toHaveAttribute('href', 'tickets/1') }) it('check that create date exists', () => { vi.setSystemTime(now) const view = renderActivityMessage() expect(view.getByText(/2 days ago/)).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('check that default message and avatar for no meta object is visible', () => { const view = renderActivityMessage({ metaObject: undefined, createdBy: undefined, }) expect(view.container).toHaveTextContent( 'You can no longer see the ticket.', ) expect(view.getByIconName('lock')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('should emit "seen" event on click for none linked notifications', async () => { const view = renderActivityMessage({ metaObject: undefined, createdBy: undefined, }) const item = view.getByText('You can no longer see the ticket.') await view.events.click(item) expect(view.emitted().seen).toBeTruthy() }) it('no output for not existing builder', (context) => { context.skipConsole = true const view = renderActivityMessage({ objectName: 'NotExisting', }) expect(view.html()).not.toContain('a') }) })