# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Gql::Queries::TextModule::Suggestions, authenticated_as: :agent, type: :graphql do context 'when searching for text modules' do let(:groups) { create_list(:group, 2) } let(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: groups) } let(:ticket) { create(:ticket, group: groups.first) } let(:customer) { create(:customer) } let(:group) { groups.first } let(:organization) { create(:organization) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:text_modules) do create_list(:text_module, 4).each_with_index do |tm, i| tm.name = "TextModuleTest#{i}" tm.keywords = "KeywordTextModuleTest#{i}" tm.content = 't:#{ticket.customer.fullname}-c:#{customer.fullname}-u:#{user.fullname}-g:#{group.name}-o:#{organization.name}-m:#{missing.nonexisting}' # rubocop:disable Lint/InterpolationCheck tm.groups = if i <= 2 groups elsif i == 3 [create(:group)] else [] end tm.save! end end let(:query) do <<~QUERY query textModuleSuggestions($query: String!, $limit: Int, $ticketId: ID, $customerId: ID, $userId: ID, $groupId: ID, $organizationId: ID) { textModuleSuggestions(query: $query, limit: $limit) { name keywords content renderedContent(templateRenderContext: { ticketId: $ticketId, customerId: $customerId, userId: $userId, groupId: $groupId, organizationId: $organizationId }) } } QUERY end let(:variables) { { query: query_string, limit: limit, ticketId: gql.id(ticket), customerId: gql.id(customer), userId: gql.id(user), groupId: gql.id(group), organizationId: gql.id(organization) } } let(:query_string) { 'TextModuleTest' } let(:limit) { nil } before do gql.execute(query, variables: variables) end context 'without limit' do it 'finds all text modules with permission' do expect(gql.result.data.length).to eq(3) end end context 'with inactive text modules' do let(:limit) do text_modules.each do |tm| tm.active = false tm.save! end nil end it 'finds none' do expect(gql.result.data.length).to eq(0) end end context 'with limit' do let(:limit) { 1 } it 'respects the limit' do expect(gql.result.data.length).to eq(limit) end end context 'with exact search' do context 'with a ticket present' do let(:first_text_module_payload) do { 'name' => text_modules.first.name, 'keywords' => text_modules.first.keywords, 'content' => text_modules.first.content, 'renderedContent' => "t:#{ticket.customer.fullname}-c:#{customer.fullname}-u:#{user.fullname}-g:#{group.name}-o:#{organization.name}-m:-", } end let(:query_string) { text_modules.first.name } it 'has data' do expect(gql.result.data).to eq([first_text_module_payload]) end end context 'without a ticket, but with a customer present' do let(:variables) { { query: query_string, limit: limit, ticketId: nil, customerId: gql.id(customer), userId: gql.id(user), groupId: gql.id(group), organizationId: gql.id(organization) } } let(:first_text_module_payload) do { 'name' => text_modules.first.name, 'keywords' => text_modules.first.keywords, 'content' => text_modules.first.content, 'renderedContent' => "t:#{customer.fullname}-c:#{customer.fullname}-u:#{user.fullname}-g:#{group.name}-o:#{organization.name}-m:-", } end let(:query_string) { text_modules.first.name } it 'has data' do expect(gql.result.data).to eq([first_text_module_payload]) end end end context 'when sending an empty search string' do let(:query_string) { ' ' } let(:limit) { 3 } it 'still returns text modules' do expect(gql.result.data.length).to eq(3) end end it_behaves_like 'graphql responds with error if unauthenticated' end end