# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' require 'system/examples/core_workflow_examples' require 'system/examples/text_modules_examples' RSpec.describe 'Ticket Create', type: :system do context 'when calling without session' do describe 'redirect to' do it 'login screen after certain create was called', authenticated_as: false do visit '#ticket/create/id/1234' expect(page).to have_css('#login') end it 'login screen after generic create was called', authenticated_as: false do visit '#ticket/create' expect(page).to have_css('#login') end end end context 'when logged in as non admin' do let(:agent) { create(:agent) } it 'show manage templates text only', authenticated_as: :agent do visit 'ticket/create' expect(page).to have_no_css('div.js-createLink', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_no_css('div.js-createTextOnly', visible: :hidden) end end context 'when using the sidebar' do context 'when using a template' do before do visit 'ticket/create' use_template(create(:template, :dummy_data, customer: create(:customer, :with_org))) end it 'does show the edit link for the customer' do click '.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=customer]' click '#userAction' click_on 'Edit Customer' modal_ready end it 'does show the edit link for the organization' do click '.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=organization]' click '#userAction' click_on 'Edit Organization' modal_ready end end %w[idoit gitlab github].each do |service_name| it "#{service_name} tab is hidden" do visit 'ticket/create' expect(page).to have_no_css(".tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=#{service_name}]") end context "when #{service_name} is enabled" do before do Setting.set("#{service_name}_integration", true) end context 'when agent' do it "#{service_name} tab is visible" do visit 'ticket/create' expect(page).to have_css(".tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=#{service_name}]") end end context 'when customer', authenticated_as: :customer do let(:customer) { create(:customer) } it "#{service_name} tab is hidden" do visit 'customer_ticket_new' expect(page).to have_no_css(".tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=#{service_name}]") end end end end end context 'when logged in as admin' do let(:admin) { create(:admin) } it 'show manage templates link', authenticated_as: :admin do visit 'ticket/create' expect(page).to have_no_css('div.js-createLink', visible: :hidden) expect(page).to have_no_css('div.js-createTextOnly', visible: :all) end end context 'when applying ticket templates' do let(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: [permitted_group]) } let(:permitted_group) { create(:group) } let(:unpermitted_group) { create(:group) } let!(:template_unpermitted_group) { create(:template, :dummy_data, group: unpermitted_group, owner: agent) } let!(:template_permitted_group) { create(:template, :dummy_data, group: permitted_group, owner: agent) } before { visit 'ticket/create' } # Regression test for issue #2424 - Unavailable ticket template attributes get applied it 'unavailable attributes do not get applied', authenticated_as: :agent do use_template(template_unpermitted_group) expect(all('[name="group_id"] option', visible: :all).map(&:value)).not_to eq unpermitted_group.id.to_s expect(find('[name="owner_id"]', visible: :all).value).to eq agent.id.to_s end it 'available attributes get applied', authenticated_as: :agent do use_template(template_permitted_group) expect(find('[name="group_id"]', visible: :all).value).to eq permitted_group.id.to_s expect(find('[name="owner_id"]', visible: :all).value).to eq agent.id.to_s end context 'with tag values' do let(:template) do create(:template, options: { 'ticket.tags': { value: template_value, operator: operator, } }) end shared_examples 'merging with existing tags in a dirty form' do it 'merges with existing tags in a dirty form' do set_tokens_field_value('tags', %w[baz qux foo]) use_template(template) check_tokens_field_value('tags', ['baz', 'qux', *template_value.split(', ')]) end end shared_examples 'replacing tags in a clean form' do it 'replaces tags in a clean form' do use_template(template) check_tokens_field_value('tags', template_value.split(', '), visible: :all) end end shared_examples 'leaving tags empty in a clean form' do it 'does nothing in a clean form' do use_template(template) check_tokens_field_value('tags', '') end end context 'with add operator' do let(:operator) { 'add' } let(:template_value) { 'foo, bar' } it_behaves_like 'replacing tags in a clean form' it_behaves_like 'merging with existing tags in a dirty form' end context 'with remove operator' do let(:operator) { 'remove' } let(:template_value) { 'foo, bar' } it_behaves_like 'leaving tags empty in a clean form' it 'removes existing tags in a dirty form' do set_tokens_field_value('tags', %w[foo bar baz qux]) use_template(template) check_tokens_field_value('tags', %w[baz qux]) end end context 'without operator (legacy)' do let(:operator) { nil } let(:template_value) { 'foo, bar' } it_behaves_like 'replacing tags in a clean form' it_behaves_like 'merging with existing tags in a dirty form' end context 'with empty value' do let(:operator) { nil } let(:template_value) { nil } it_behaves_like 'leaving tags empty in a clean form' it 'leaves existing tags untouched in a dirty form' do set_tokens_field_value('tags', %w[baz qux]) use_template(template) check_tokens_field_value('tags', %w[baz qux]) end end end end context 'when using text modules' do include_examples 'text modules', path: 'ticket/create' end describe 'object manager attributes maxlength', authenticated_as: :authenticate, db_strategy: :reset do def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_text, :required_screen, name: 'maxtest', display: 'maxtest', data_option: { 'type' => 'text', 'maxlength' => 3, 'null' => true, 'translate' => false, 'default' => '', 'options' => {}, 'relation' => '', }) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute true end it 'checks ticket create' do visit 'ticket/create' within(:active_content) do fill_in 'maxtest', with: 'hellu' expect(page.find_field('maxtest').value).to eq('hel') end end end describe 'object manager attributes default date', time_zone: 'Europe/London' do before :all do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll screens = { 'create_top' => { '-all-' => { 'null' => true } }, } create(:object_manager_attribute_date, name: 'date_test', display: 'date_test', default: 24, screens: screens) create(:object_manager_attribute_datetime, name: 'datetime_test', display: 'datetime_test', default: 100, screens: screens) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute # rubocop:disable Zammad/ExistsDbStrategy end after :all do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll ObjectManager::Attribute.where(name: %i[date_test datetime_test]).destroy_all end before do visit '/' template = create(:template, :dummy_data) travel 1.month browser_travel_to Time.current visit 'ticket/create' use_template template, without_taskbar: true end let(:field_date) { find 'input[name="{date}date_test"]', visible: :all } let(:field_time) { find 'input[name="{datetime}datetime_test"]', visible: :all } it 'prefills date' do expect(field_date.value).to eq 1.day.from_now.to_date.to_s end it 'prefills datetime' do expect(Time.zone.parse(field_time.value)).to eq 100.minutes.from_now.change(sec: 0, usec: 0) end it 'saves dates' do click '.js-submit' date = 1.day.from_now.to_date time = 100.minutes.from_now.change(sec: 0) expect(Ticket.last).to have_attributes date_test: date, datetime_test: time end it 'allows to save with different values' do date = 2.days.from_now.to_date time = 200.minutes.from_now.change(sec: 0) field_date.sibling('[data-item=date]').set date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') field_time.sibling('[data-item=date]').set time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') field_time.sibling('[data-item=time]').set time.strftime('%H:%M') click '.js-submit' expect(Ticket.last).to have_attributes date_test: date, datetime_test: time end it 'allows to save with cleared value' do field_date.sibling('[data-item=date]').click find('.datepicker .clear').click field_time.sibling('[data-item=date]').click find('.datepicker .clear').click click '.js-submit' expect(Ticket.last).to have_attributes date_test: nil, datetime_test: nil end end describe 'GitLab Integration', :integration, authenticated_as: :authenticate, required_envs: %w[GITLAB_ENDPOINT GITLAB_APITOKEN] do let(:customer) { create(:customer) } let(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: [Group.find_by(name: 'Users')]) } let!(:template) { create(:template, :dummy_data, group: Group.find_by(name: 'Users'), owner: agent, customer: customer) } def authenticate Setting.set('gitlab_integration', true) Setting.set('gitlab_config', { api_token: ENV['GITLAB_APITOKEN'], endpoint: ENV['GITLAB_ENDPOINT'], }) true end it 'creates a ticket with links' do visit 'ticket/create' within(:active_content) do use_template(template) # switch to gitlab sidebar click('.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=gitlab]') click('.sidebar-header-headline.js-headline') # add issue click_on 'Link issue' fill_in 'link', with: ENV['GITLAB_ISSUE_LINK'] click_on 'Submit' # verify issue content = find('.sidebar-git-issue-content') expect(content).to have_text('#1 Example issue') expect(content).to have_text('critical') expect(content).to have_text('special') expect(content).to have_text('important milestone') expect(content).to have_text('zammad-robot') # create Ticket click '.js-submit' # check stored data expect(Ticket.last.preferences[:gitlab][:issue_links][0]).to eq(ENV['GITLAB_ISSUE_LINK']) end end end describe 'GitHub Integration', :integration, authenticated_as: :authenticate, required_envs: %w[GITHUB_ENDPOINT GITHUB_APITOKEN] do let(:customer) { create(:customer) } let(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: [Group.find_by(name: 'Users')]) } let!(:template) { create(:template, :dummy_data, group: Group.find_by(name: 'Users'), owner: agent, customer: customer) } def authenticate Setting.set('github_integration', true) Setting.set('github_config', { api_token: ENV['GITHUB_APITOKEN'], endpoint: ENV['GITHUB_ENDPOINT'], }) true end it 'creates a ticket with links' do visit 'ticket/create' within(:active_content) do use_template(template) # switch to github sidebar click('.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=github]') click('.sidebar-header-headline.js-headline') # add issue click_on 'Link issue' fill_in 'link', with: ENV['GITHUB_ISSUE_LINK'] click_on 'Submit' # verify issue content = find('.sidebar-git-issue-content') expect(content).to have_text('#1575 GitHub integration') expect(content).to have_text('enhancement') expect(content).to have_text('integration') expect(content).to have_text('4.0') expect(content).to have_text('Thorsten') # create Ticket click '.js-submit' # check stored data expect(Ticket.last.preferences[:github][:issue_links][0]).to eq(ENV['GITHUB_ISSUE_LINK']) end end end describe 'Core Workflow' do include_examples 'core workflow' do let(:object_name) { 'Ticket' } let(:before_it) do lambda { ensure_websocket(check_if_pinged: false) do visit 'ticket/create' end } end end end # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/2669 context 'when canceling new ticket creation' do it 'closes the dialog' do visit 'ticket/create' task_key = find(:task_active)['data-key'] expect { click('.js-cancel') }.to change { has_selector?(:task_with, task_key, wait: 0) }.to(false) end it 'asks for confirmation if the dialog was modified' do visit 'ticket/create' task_key = find(:task_active)['data-key'] find('[name=title]').fill_in with: 'Title' click '.js-cancel' in_modal do click '.js-submit' end expect(page).to have_no_selector(:task_with, task_key) end it 'asks for confirmation if attachment was added' do visit 'ticket/create' within :active_content do page.find('input#fileUpload_1[data-initialized="true"]', visible: :all).set(Rails.root.join('test/data/mail/mail001.box')) await_empty_ajax_queue expect(page).to have_css('.attachments .attachment-delete', visible: :all) find('.js-cancel').click end in_modal do expect(page).to have_text 'Tab has changed' end end end context 'when uploading attachment' do it 'shows an error if server throws an error' do allow(Store).to receive(:create!) { raise 'Error' } visit 'ticket/create' within :active_content do page.find('input#fileUpload_1[data-initialized="true"]', visible: :all).set(Rails.root.join('test/data/mail/mail001.box')) await_empty_ajax_queue end in_modal do expect(page).to have_text 'Error' end end end context 'when closing taskbar tab for new ticket creation' do it 'close task bar entry after some changes in ticket create form' do visit 'ticket/create' within(:active_content) do find('[name=title]').fill_in with: 'Title' end wait.until { find(:task_active)['data-key'].present? } taskbar_tab_close(find(:task_active)['data-key']) end end describe 'customer selection to check the field search' do before do create(:customer, active: true) create(:customer, active: false) end it 'check for inactive customer in customer/organization selection' do visit 'ticket/create' within(:active_content) do find('[name=customer_id] ~ .user-select.token-input').fill_in with: '**' expect(page).to have_css('ul.recipientList > li.recipientList-entry', minimum: 2) expect(page).to have_css('ul.recipientList > li.recipientList-entry.is-inactive', count: 1) end end end context 'when agent and customer user login after another' do let(:agent) { create(:agent, password: 'test') } let(:customer) { create(:customer, password: 'test') } it 'customer user should not have agent object attributes', authenticated_as: false do # Create agent session and fetch object attributes. login( username: agent.login, password: 'test' ) visit 'ticket/create' expect(page).to have_field('customer_id', type: 'hidden') # Remove local object attributes bound to the session. # There was an issue (#1856) where the old attribute values # persisted and were stored as the original attributes. logout # Create customer session and fetch object attributes. login( username: customer.login, password: 'test' ) visit 'customer_ticket_new' expect(page).to have_no_field('customer_id', type: 'hidden') end end context 'when state options have a special translation', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:admin_de) { create(:admin, preferences: { locale: 'de-de' }) } context 'when translated state option has a single quote' do def authenticate open_tranlation = Translation.where(locale: 'de-de', source: 'open') open_tranlation.update(target: "off'en") admin_de end it 'shows the translated state options correctly' do visit 'ticket/create' expect(page).to have_select('state_id', with_options: ["off'en"]) end end end describe 'It should be possible to show attributes which are configured shown false #3726', authenticated_as: :authenticate, db_strategy: :reset do let(:field_name) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:field) do create(:object_manager_attribute_text, name: field_name, display: field_name, screens: { 'create_middle' => { 'ticket.agent' => { 'shown' => false, 'required' => false, } } }) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute end before do visit 'ticket/create' end context 'when field visible' do let(:workflow) do create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', perform: { "ticket.#{field_name}" => { 'operator' => 'show', 'show' => 'true' } }) end def authenticate field workflow true end it 'does show up the field' do expect(page).to have_css("div[data-attribute-name='#{field_name}']") end end context 'when field hidden' do def authenticate field true end it 'does not show the field' do expect(page).to have_css("div[data-attribute-name='#{field_name}'].is-hidden.is-removed", visible: :hidden) end end end describe 'Support workflow mechanism to do pending reminder state hide pending time use case #3790', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:template) { create(:template, :dummy_data) } def add_state Ticket::State.create_or_update( name: 'pending customer feedback', state_type: Ticket::StateType.find_by(name: 'pending reminder'), ignore_escalation: true, created_by_id: 1, updated_by_id: 1, ) end def update_screens attribute = ObjectManager::Attribute.get( object: 'Ticket', name: 'state_id', ) attribute.data_option[:filter] = Ticket::State.where(active: true).by_category_ids(:viewable) attribute.screens[:create_middle]['ticket.agent'][:filter] = Ticket::State.where(active: true).by_category_ids(:viewable_agent_new) attribute.screens[:create_middle]['ticket.customer'][:filter] = Ticket::State.where(active: true).by_category_ids(:viewable_customer_new) attribute.screens[:edit]['ticket.agent'][:filter] = Ticket::State.where(active: true).by_category_ids(:viewable_agent_edit) attribute.screens[:edit]['ticket.customer'][:filter] = Ticket::State.where(active: true).by_category_ids(:viewable_customer_edit) attribute.save! end def create_flow create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', condition_selected: { 'ticket.state_id'=>{ 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::State.find_by(name: 'pending customer feedback').id.to_s } }, perform: { 'ticket.pending_time'=> { 'operator' => 'remove', 'remove' => 'true' } }) end def authenticate add_state update_screens create_flow template true end before do visit 'ticket/create' use_template(template) end it 'does make it possible to create pending states where the pending time is optional and not visible' do select 'pending customer feedback', from: 'state_id' click '.js-submit' expect(current_url).to include('ticket/zoom') expect(Ticket.last.state_id).to eq(Ticket::State.find_by(name: 'pending customer feedback').id) expect(Ticket.last.pending_time).to be_nil end end context 'default priority', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:template) { create(:template, :dummy_data) } let(:ticket_priority) { create(:ticket_priority, default_create: true) } let(:another_priority) { Ticket::Priority.find(1) } let(:priority_field) { find('[name=priority_id]') } def authenticate template ticket_priority true end it 'shows default priority on load' do visit 'ticket/create' expect(priority_field.value).to eq ticket_priority.id.to_s end it 'does not reset to default priority on reload' do visit 'ticket/create' taskbar_timestamp = Taskbar.last.updated_at priority_field.select another_priority.name wait.until { Taskbar.last.updated_at != taskbar_timestamp } refresh expect(priority_field.reload.value).to eq another_priority.id.to_s end it 'saves default priority' do visit 'ticket/create' use_template template click '.js-submit' expect(Ticket.last).to have_attributes(priority: ticket_priority) end it 'saves different priority if overriden' do visit 'ticket/create' use_template template priority_field.select another_priority.name click '.js-submit' expect(Ticket.last).to have_attributes(priority: another_priority) end end describe 'When looking for customers, it is no longer possible to change into organizations #3815' do before do visit 'ticket/create' # modal reaper ;) sleep 3 end context 'when less than 10 customers' do let(:organization) { Organization.first } it 'has no show more option' do find('[name=customer_id_completion]').fill_in with: 'zam' expect(page).to have_css("li.js-organization[data-organization-id='#{organization.id}']") page.find("li.js-organization[data-organization-id='#{organization.id}']").click expect(page).to have_css("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li.js-showMoreMembers.hidden", visible: :all) end end context 'when more than 10 customers', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate customers true end let(:organization) { create(:organization, name: 'Zammed') } let(:customers) do create_list(:customer, 50, organization: organization) end it 'does paginate through organization' do find('[name=customer_id_completion]').fill_in with: 'zam' expect(page).to have_css("li.js-organization[data-organization-id='#{organization.id}']") page.find("li.js-organization[data-organization-id='#{organization.id}']").click wait.until { page.all("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li", visible: :all).count == 12 } # 10 users + back + show more button expect(page).to have_css("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li.js-showMoreMembers[organization-member-limit='10']") scroll_into_view('li.js-showMoreMembers') page.find("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li.js-showMoreMembers").click wait.until { page.all("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li", visible: :all).count == 27 } # 25 users + back + show more button expect(page).to have_css("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li.js-showMoreMembers[organization-member-limit='25']") scroll_into_view('li.js-showMoreMembers') page.find("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li.js-showMoreMembers").click wait.until { page.all("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li", visible: :all).count == 52 } # 50 users + back + show more button scroll_into_view('li.js-showMoreMembers') expect(page).to have_css("ul.recipientList-organizationMembers[organization-id='#{organization.id}'] li.js-showMoreMembers.hidden", visible: :all) end end end describe 'Ticket create screen will loose attachments by time #3827' do before do visit 'ticket/create' end it 'does not loose attachments on rerender of the ui' do # upload two files page.find('input#fileUpload_1[data-initialized="true"]', visible: :all).set(Rails.root.join('test/data/mail/mail001.box')) await_empty_ajax_queue wait.until { page.all('div.attachment-delete.js-delete', visible: :all).count == 1 } expect(page).to have_text('mail001.box') page.find('input#fileUpload_1', visible: :all).set(Rails.root.join('test/data/mail/mail002.box')) await_empty_ajax_queue wait.until { page.all('div.attachment-delete.js-delete', visible: :all).count == 2 } expect(page).to have_text('mail002.box') # remove last file begin page.evaluate_script("$('div.attachment-delete.js-delete:last').trigger('click')") # not interactable rescue # Lint/SuppressedException # because its not interactable it also # returns this weird exception for the jquery # even tho it worked fine end await_empty_ajax_queue wait.until { page.all('div.attachment-delete.js-delete', visible: :all).count == 1 } expect(page).to have_text('mail001.box') expect(page).to have_no_text('mail002.box') # simulate rerender b page.evaluate_script("App.Event.trigger('ui:rerender')") expect(page).to have_text('mail001.box') expect(page).to have_no_text('mail002.box') end end describe 'Invalid group and owner list for tickets created via customer profile #3835' do let(:invalid_ticket) { create(:ticket) } before do visit "#ticket/create/id/#{invalid_ticket.id}/customer/#{User.find_by(firstname: 'Nicole').id}" end it 'does show an empty list of owners' do wait.until { page.all('select[name=owner_id] option').count == 1 } expect(page.all('select[name=owner_id] option').count).to eq(1) end end # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/3825 describe 'CC token field' do before do visit 'ticket/create' find('[data-type=email-out]').click end it 'can be cleared by cutting out text' do add_email 'asd@example.com' add_email 'def@example.com' find('.token', text: 'def@example.com').double_click send_keys([magic_key, 'x']) find('.token').click # trigger blur expect(find('[name="cc"]', visible: :all).value).to eq 'asd@example.com' end def add_email(input) field = find_field('CC') field.fill_in with: input field.execute_script "$(this).trigger('blur')" # trigger blur find '.token', text: input # wait for email to tokenize end end describe 'No signature on new ticket if email is default message type #3844', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Setting.set('ui_ticket_create_default_type', 'email-out') Group.where.not(name: 'Users').each { |g| g.update(active: false) } true end before do visit 'ticket/create' end it 'does render the create screen with an initial core workflow state to set signatures and other defaults properly' do expect(page.find('.richtext-content')).to have_text('Support') end end describe 'Zammad 5 mail template double signature #3816', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:agent_template) { create(:agent) } let!(:template) do create( :template, :dummy_data, group: Group.first, owner: agent_template, body: 'Content dummy.

Test Other Agent

Super Support - Waterford Business Park
5201 Blue Lagoon Drive - 8th Floor & 9th Floor - Miami, 33126 USA
Email: hot@example.com - Web: http://www.example.com/
' ) end def authenticate Group.first.update(signature: Signature.first) true end before do visit 'ticket/create' find('[data-type=email-out]').click end it 'does not show double signature on template usage' do set_tree_select_value('group_id', Group.first.name) use_template(template) expect(page).to have_no_text('Test Other Agent') end end describe 'Tree select value cannot be set to "-" (empty) with Trigger/Scheduler/Core workflow #4024', authenticated_as: :authenticate, db_strategy: :reset do let(:field_name) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:field) do create(:object_manager_attribute_tree_select, :required_screen, name: field_name, display: field_name) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute end let(:workflow) do create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', condition_selected: { 'ticket.priority_id'=>{ 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::Priority.find_by(name: '3 high').id.to_s } }, perform: { "ticket.#{field_name}" => { 'operator' => 'select', 'select' => 'Incident' } }) end let(:workflow2) do create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', condition_selected: { 'ticket.priority_id'=>{ 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::Priority.find_by(name: '2 normal').id.to_s } }, perform: { "ticket.#{field_name}" => { 'operator' => 'select', 'select' => '' } }) end def authenticate field workflow workflow2 true end before do visit 'ticket/create' end it 'does select the field value properly' do page.find('[name=priority_id]').select '3 high' wait.until { page.find("input[name='#{field_name}']", visible: :all).value == 'Incident' } page.find('[name=priority_id]').select '2 normal' wait.until { page.find("input[name='#{field_name}']", visible: :all).value == '' } end end describe 'Assign user to multiple organizations #1573' do let(:organization1) { create(:organization) } let(:organization2) { create(:organization) } let(:organization3) { create(:organization) } let(:organization4) { create(:organization) } let(:user1) { create(:agent, organization: organization1, organizations: [organization2, organization3]) } let(:user2) { create(:agent, organization: organization4) } let(:customer1) { create(:customer, organization: organization1, organizations: [organization2, organization3]) } let(:customer2) { create(:customer, organization: organization4) } context 'when agent', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate user1 user2 true end before do visit 'ticket/create' end it 'does not show the organization field for user 1' do find('[name=customer_id_completion]').fill_in with: user1.firstname find("li.recipientList-entry.js-object[data-object-id='#{user1.id}']").click expect(page).to have_css("div[data-attribute-name='organization_id']") end it 'does show the organization field for user 2' do find('[name=customer_id_completion]').fill_in with: user2.firstname find("li.recipientList-entry.js-object[data-object-id='#{user2.id}']").click expect(page).to have_no_css("div[data-attribute-name='organization_id']") end it 'can create tickets for secondary organizations' do fill_in 'Title', with: 'test' find('.richtext-content').send_keys 'test' set_tree_select_value('group_id', Group.first.name) find('[name=customer_id_completion]').fill_in with: user1.firstname wait.until { page.all("li.recipientList-entry.js-object[data-object-id='#{user1.id}']").present? } find("li.recipientList-entry.js-object[data-object-id='#{user1.id}']").click find('div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-input').fill_in with: user1.organizations[0].name, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } wait.until { page.all("div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-option[data-value='#{user1.organizations[0].id}']").present? } page.find("div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-option[data-value='#{user1.organizations[0].id}'] span").click click '.js-submit' wait.until { Ticket.last.organization_id == user1.organizations[0].id } end it 'restores saved organization selection correctly (#5347)' do find('[name=customer_id_completion]').fill_in with: user1.firstname wait.until { page.all("li.recipientList-entry.js-object[data-object-id='#{user1.id}']").present? } find("li.recipientList-entry.js-object[data-object-id='#{user1.id}']").click find('div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-input').fill_in with: organization2.name, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } wait.until { page.all("div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-option[data-value='#{organization2.id}']").present? } taskbar_timestamp = Taskbar.last.updated_at page.find("div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-option[data-value='#{organization2.id}'] span").click wait.until { Taskbar.last.updated_at != taskbar_timestamp } refresh expect(find('div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-input').value).to eq(organization2.name) end end context 'when customer' do before do visit 'customer_ticket_new' end it 'does not show the organization field for user 1', authenticated_as: :customer1 do expect(page).to have_css("div[data-attribute-name='organization_id']") end it 'does show the organization field for user 2', authenticated_as: :customer2 do expect(page).to have_no_css("div[data-attribute-name='organization_id']") end it 'can create tickets for secondary organizations', authenticated_as: :customer1 do fill_in 'Title', with: 'test' find('.richtext-content').send_keys 'test' set_tree_select_value('group_id', Group.first.name) find('div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-input').fill_in with: customer1.organizations[0].name, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } wait.until { page.all("div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-option[data-value='#{customer1.organizations[0].id}']").present? } page.find("div[data-attribute-name=organization_id] .js-option[data-value='#{customer1.organizations[0].id}'] span").click click '.js-submit' wait.until { Ticket.last.organization_id == customer1.organizations[0].id } end end end describe 'Wrong default values in ticket create when creating from user profile #4088' do let(:customer) { create(:customer) } before do visit "ticket/create/customer/#{customer.id}" end it 'does show the default state when creating a ticket from a user profile' do expect(page).to have_select('state_id', selected: 'open') end end describe 'Ticket templates do not save the owner attribute #4175' do let(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: [Group.first]) } let!(:template) { create(:template, :dummy_data, group: Group.first, owner: agent) } before do visit 'ticket/create' # Wait for the initial taskbar update to finish taskbar_timestamp = Taskbar.last.updated_at wait.until { Taskbar.last.updated_at != taskbar_timestamp } end it 'does set owners properly by templates and taskbars' do use_template(template) expect(page).to have_select('owner_id', selected: agent.fullname) wait.until { Taskbar.last.state['owner_id'].to_i == agent.id } refresh expect(page).to have_select('owner_id', selected: agent.fullname) end end describe 'Ticket templates resets article body #2434' do let!(:template1) { create(:template, :dummy_data, title: 'template 1', body: 'body 1') } let!(:template2) { create(:template, :dummy_data, title: 'template 2', body: 'body 2') } before do visit 'ticket/create' end it 'preserves text input from the user' do taskbar_timestamp = Taskbar.last.updated_at set_editor_field_value('body', 'foobar') wait.until { Taskbar.last.updated_at != taskbar_timestamp } use_template(template1) check_input_field_value('title', 'template 1') check_editor_field_value('body', 'foobar') end it 'allows easy switching between templates' do use_template(template1) check_input_field_value('title', 'template 1') check_editor_field_value('body', 'body 1') use_template(template2) check_input_field_value('title', 'template 2') check_editor_field_value('body', 'body 2') taskbar_timestamp = Taskbar.last.updated_at set_editor_field_value('body', 'foobar') wait.until { Taskbar.last.updated_at != taskbar_timestamp } # This time body value should be left as-is use_template(template1) check_input_field_value('title', 'template 1') check_editor_field_value('body', 'foobar') end end describe 'Ticket templates are missing pending till option #4318', time_zone: 'Europe/London' do shared_examples 'check datetime field' do shared_examples 'calculated datetime value' do it 'applies correct datetime value' do use_template(template, without_taskbar: true) check_date_field_value(field, date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')) check_time_field_value(field, date.strftime('%H:%M')) end end context 'with static operator' do let(:operator) { 'static' } let(:date) { 3.days.from_now } let(:template_value) { date.to_datetime.to_s } it_behaves_like 'calculated datetime value' end context 'with relative operator' do let(:operator) { 'relative' } let(:template_value) { value.to_s } let(:date) do # Since front-end uses a JS-specific function to add a month value to the current date, # calculating the value here with Ruby code may lead to unexpected values. # Therefore, we use a reimplementation of the ECMAScript function instead. case range when 'month' frontend_relative_month(Time.current, value) when 'year' frontend_relative_month(Time.current, 0, year: value) when 'minute', 'hour' # Javascript disregards DST switch and simply adds hours. # Rails Time does respect DST switch and this causes off-by-one errors around DST. # Time looses time zone and DST details when converted to DateTime. # Then DateTime#advance matches Javascript DST ignorance. DateTime.current.advance range.pluralize.to_sym => value else value.send(range).from_now end end %w[minute hour day week month year].each do |range| context "with #{range} range" do let(:range) { range } let(:value) do case range when 'minute' then [*(1..120)].sample when 'hour' then [*(1..48)].sample when 'day' then [*(1..31)].sample when 'week' then [*(1..53)].sample when 'month' then [*(1..12)].sample when 'year' then [*(1..20)].sample end end it_behaves_like 'calculated datetime value' end end end end shared_examples 'check date field' do let(:date) { 5.days.from_now } let(:template_value) { date.to_datetime.to_s } it 'applies correct date value' do use_template(template, without_taskbar: true) check_date_field_value(field, date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')) end end describe 'pending till support' do let(:field) { 'pending_time' } let(:template) do create(:template, options: { 'ticket.state_id': { value: Ticket::State.find_by(name: 'pending reminder').id.to_s, }, "ticket.#{field}": { value: template_value, operator: operator, range: (range if defined? range), } }) end before do freeze_time template visit '/' browser_travel_to Time.current visit 'ticket/create' end include_examples 'check datetime field' end describe 'custom attribute support' do let(:template) do create(:template, options: { "ticket.#{field}": { value: template_value, operator: (operator if defined? operator), range: (range if defined? range), } }) end before :all do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll screens = { create_middle: { 'ticket.agent' => { shown: true, }, }, } create(:object_manager_attribute_date, name: 'test_date', display: 'test_date', screens: screens) create(:object_manager_attribute_datetime, name: 'test_datetime', display: 'test_datetime', screens: screens) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute # rubocop:disable Zammad/ExistsDbStrategy end after :all do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll ObjectManager::Attribute.where(name: %w[test_date test_datetime]).destroy_all end before do freeze_time template visit '/' browser_travel_to Time.current visit 'ticket/create' end context 'with date attribute' do let(:field) { 'test_date' } include_examples 'check date field' end context 'with datetime attribute' do let(:field) { 'test_datetime' } include_examples 'check datetime field' end end end describe 'Ticket templates are missing active flag #4381' do let!(:active_template) { create(:template, :dummy_data, active: true) } let!(:inactive_template) { create(:template, :dummy_data, active: false) } before do visit 'ticket/create' end it 'filters active templates only' do expect(find('#form-template select[name="id"]')).to have_css('option', text: active_template.name).and(have_no_selector('option', text: inactive_template.name)) end end describe 'CC field cannot be customized in the new ticket templates #4421', authenticated_as: :agent do let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: [group]) } let(:customer) { create(:customer) } let(:cc_recipients) { Array.new(3) { Faker::Internet.unique.email }.join(', ') } let!(:template) do create(:template, options: { 'ticket.title': { value: Faker::Name.unique.name_with_middle, }, 'ticket.customer_id': { value: customer.id, value_completion: "#{customer.firstname} #{customer.lastname} <#{customer.email}>", }, 'ticket.group_id': { value: group.id, }, 'ticket.formSenderType': { value: form_sender_type, }, 'article.cc': { value: cc_recipients, }, 'article.body': { value: Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart, }, }) end before do visit 'ticket/create' end context 'with email article type' do let(:form_sender_type) { 'email-out' } it 'applies configured cc value' do use_template(template) expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'CC') check_input_field_value('cc', cc_recipients, visible: :all) click '.js-submit' expect(Ticket::Article.last).to have_attributes(cc: cc_recipients) end end context 'with phone article type' do let(:form_sender_type) { 'phone-out' } it 'ignores configured cc value' do use_template(template) expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'CC') click '.js-submit' expect(Ticket::Article.last).not_to have_attributes(cc: cc_recipients) end end end describe 'Open ticket indicator coloring setting' do let(:elem) { find('[data-tab="customer"]') } let(:customer) { create(:customer) } let(:group) { Group.first } before do Setting.set 'ui_sidebar_open_ticket_indicator_colored', state customer.preferences[:tickets_open] = tickets_count customer.save! visit 'ticket/create' field = find '[name=customer_id]', visible: :hidden field.execute_script "this.value = #{customer.id}" field.execute_script '$(this).trigger("change")' end context 'when enabled' do let(:state) { true } context 'with 1 ticket' do let(:tickets_count) { 1 } it 'highlights as warning' do create(:ticket, customer: customer, group: group) expect(elem) .to have_no_selector('.tabsSidebar-tab-count--danger') .and have_css('.tabsSidebar-tab-count--warning') end end context 'with 2 tickets' do let(:tickets_count) { 2 } it 'highlights as danger' do expect(elem) .to have_css('.tabsSidebar-tab-count--danger') .and have_no_selector('.tabsSidebar-tab-count--warning') end end end context 'when disabled' do let(:state) { false } context 'with 2 tickets' do let(:tickets_count) { 2 } it 'does not highlight' do expect(elem) .to have_no_selector('.tabsSidebar-tab-count--danger, .tabsSidebar-tab-count--warning') end end end end describe 'Not possible to select multiple values in a multi-tree select when a workflow with a select action is executed #4465', authenticated_as: :authenticate, db_strategy: :reset do let(:field_name) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:screens) do { 'create_middle' => { 'ticket.agent' => { 'shown' => true, 'required' => false, } } } end def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_multi_tree_select, name: field_name, display: field_name, screens: screens) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', perform: { 'ticket.priority_id': { operator: 'select', select: [Ticket::Priority.find_by(name: '3 high').id.to_s] }, }) true end def multi_tree_select_click(value) page.evaluate_script("document.querySelector(\"div[data-attribute-name='#{field_name}'] .js-optionsList li[data-value='#{value}'] .searchableSelect-option-text\").click()") await_empty_ajax_queue end before do visit 'ticket/create' end it 'does not clear the values of the multi tree select' do multi_tree_select_click('Incident') multi_tree_select_click('Service request') multi_tree_select_click('Change request') select '1 low', from: 'priority_id' select 'pending reminder', from: 'state_id' expect(page).to have_css('span.token-label', text: 'Incident') expect(page).to have_css('span.token-label', text: 'Service request') expect(page).to have_css('span.token-label', text: 'Change request') end end describe 'Support title and body in core workflow actions #4519', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:workflow) do create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', condition_selected: { 'ticket.priority_id'=>{ 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => [Ticket::Priority.find_by(name: '2 normal').id.to_s] } }, perform: { 'ticket.title' => { 'operator' => %w[fill_in set_readonly], 'fill_in' => 'title 123', 'set_readonly' => true }, 'ticket.body' => { 'operator' => %w[fill_in set_readonly], 'fill_in' => 'text 123', 'set_readonly' => true } }) end context 'when agent' do def authenticate workflow true end before do visit '#ticket/create' end it 'has core workflow support for title and text' do expect(page).to have_css('div[data-attribute-name=title].is-readonly') expect(page).to have_css('div[data-attribute-name=body].is-readonly') expect(page.find_field('Title').value).to eq('title 123') expect(page.find('div[data-name=body]')['innerHTML']).to eq('text 123') # unset readonly (https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/4540) select '1 low', from: 'priority_id' expect(page).to have_no_css('div[data-attribute-name=title].is-readonly') expect(page).to have_no_css('div[data-attribute-name=body].is-readonly') # reset readonly select '2 normal', from: 'priority_id' expect(page).to have_css('div[data-attribute-name=title].is-readonly') expect(page).to have_css('div[data-attribute-name=body].is-readonly') end end context 'when customer' do def authenticate workflow create(:customer) end before do visit '#customer_ticket_new' end it 'has core workflow support for title and text' do expect(page).to have_css('div[data-attribute-name=title].is-readonly') expect(page).to have_css('div[data-attribute-name=body].is-readonly') expect(page.find_field('Title').value).to eq('title 123') expect(page.find('div[data-name=body]')['innerHTML']).to eq('text 123') end end end describe 'Date field value of a ticket template is not added into a new ticket #4864', authenticated_as: :authenticate, db_strategy: :reset do let(:field_name) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:field) do create(:object_manager_attribute_date, :required_screen, name: field_name, display: field_name) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute end let(:template) do create(:template, :dummy_data).tap do |template| template.update(options: template.options.merge("ticket.#{field_name}" => { 'operator' => 'relative', 'value' => '1', 'range' => 'day' })) end end def authenticate field true end before do visit 'ticket/create' use_template(template) end it 'does create a date with a relative template value' do click '.js-submit' expect(Ticket.last).to have_attributes(field_name => 1.day.from_now.to_date) end end describe 'Setting a group via CoreWorkflow in the ticket creation mask does not update text module filters and email signatures #4891', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:group_1) { create(:group, signature: create(:signature, body: SecureRandom.uuid)) } let(:group_2) { create(:group, signature: create(:signature, body: SecureRandom.uuid)) } let(:workflow_1) do create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', condition_selected: { 'ticket.priority_id'=>{ 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::Priority.find_by(name: '3 high').id.to_s } }, perform: { 'ticket.group_id' => { 'operator' => 'select', 'select' => group_1.id.to_s } }) end let(:workflow_2) do create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', condition_selected: { 'ticket.priority_id'=>{ 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::Priority.find_by(name: '1 low').id.to_s } }, perform: { 'ticket.group_id' => { 'operator' => 'select', 'select' => group_2.id.to_s } }) end def authenticate workflow_1 && workflow_2 group_1 && group_2 create(:agent, groups: Group.all) end it 'does change the signature when switching group via core workflow' do visit 'ticket/create' find('[data-type=email-out]').click page.find('[name=priority_id]').select '3 high' expect(page).to have_text(group_1.signature.body) page.find('[name=priority_id]').select '1 low' expect(page).to have_text(group_2.signature.body) end end describe 'CoreWorkflow "fill in empty" fires on non-empty fields during ticket creation when logged in as customer #5004' do let(:body_content) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:workflow) do create(:core_workflow, object: 'Ticket', perform: { 'article.body' => { 'operator' => 'fill_in_empty', 'fill_in_empty' => body_content } }) end def setup_workflows workflow end context 'when agent', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate setup_workflows true end before do visit '#ticket/create' end it 'does fill the body' do check_editor_field_value('body', body_content) set_editor_field_value('body', 'new_content') check_editor_field_value('body', 'new_content') page.find('[name=priority_id]').select '3 high' check_editor_field_value('body', 'new_content') end end context 'when customer', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate setup_workflows create(:customer) end before do visit 'customer_ticket_new' end it 'does fill the body' do check_editor_field_value('body', body_content) set_editor_field_value('body', 'new_content') check_editor_field_value('body', 'new_content') page.find('[name=state_id]').select 'closed' check_editor_field_value('body', 'new_content') end end end end