# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Twitter > Account Activity API', integration: true, required_envs: %w[TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET TWITTER_USER_ID TWITTER_DM_REAL_RECIPIENT TWITTER_SEARCH_CONSUMER_KEY TWITTER_SEARCH_CONSUMER_SECRET TWITTER_SEARCH_OAUTH_TOKEN TWITTER_SEARCH_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET TWITTER_SEARCH_USER_ID], use_vcr: :time_sensitive do # rubocop:disable RSpec/DescribeClass subject(:channel) { create(:twitter_channel, custom_options: { sync: { search: nil } }) } let(:twitter_helper) do RSpecTwitter::Helper.new(auth_data_search_app) end let(:twitter_helper_channel) do RSpecTwitter::Helper.new(auth_data_channel_app) end let(:channel_attributes) do { 'status_in' => 'ok', 'last_log_in' => '', 'status_out' => nil, 'last_log_out' => nil, } end def auth_data_channel_app { consumer_key: ENV['TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'], consumer_secret: ENV['TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'], oauth_token: ENV['TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN'], oauth_token_secret: ENV['TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET'], } end def auth_data_search_app { consumer_key: ENV['TWITTER_SEARCH_CONSUMER_KEY'], consumer_secret: ENV['TWITTER_SEARCH_CONSUMER_SECRET'], oauth_token: ENV['TWITTER_SEARCH_OAUTH_TOKEN'], oauth_token_secret: ENV['TWITTER_SEARCH_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET'], } end before :all do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll # TODO: Remove this once we have working apps for the Twitter API again. if VCR.configuration.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette? skip 'This test is currently not working in the live mode due to having suspended apps for the Twitter API.' end if %w[1 true].include?(ENV['CI_IGNORE_CASSETTES']) RSpecTwitter::Helper.new(auth_data_search_app).delete_old_tweets RSpecTwitter::Helper.new(auth_data_channel_app).delete_old_tweets end end it 'sets successful status attributes' do expect { channel.fetch } .to change { channel.reload.attributes } .to hash_including(channel_attributes) end context 'with search term configured' do subject(:channel) { create(:twitter_channel, custom_options: { sync: { search: [ { term: identifier, group_id: Group.first.id } ] } }) } let(:identifier) do random_number = %w[1 true].include?(ENV['CI_IGNORE_CASSETTES']) ? SecureRandom.uuid.delete('-') : '0509d41afd66476fa52a1c3892f669eb' "zammad_testing_#{random_number}" end let(:ticket_title) { "Come and join our team to bring Zammad even further forward! #{identifier}" } after do twitter_helper.delete_all_tweets(identifier) twitter_helper_channel.delete_all_tweets(identifier) end context 'with recent tweets' do before do twitter_helper.create_tweet(ticket_title) twitter_helper.create_tweet("dummy API activity test! #{identifier}") twitter_helper_channel.ensure_tweet_availability(identifier, 2) end let(:expected_ticket_attributes) do { 'title' => ticket_title.size > 80 ? "#{ticket_title[0..79]}..." : ticket_title, 'preferences' => { 'channel_id' => channel.id, 'channel_screen_name' => channel.options[:user][:screen_name] }, } end it 'creates an article for each recent tweet', :aggregate_failures do expect { channel.fetch }.to change(Ticket, :count).by(2) expect(Ticket.last.attributes).to include(expected_ticket_attributes) end end context 'with responses to other tweets' do before do parent_tweet = twitter_helper.create_tweet('Parent tweet without identifier') twitter_helper.create_tweet("Response test! #{identifier}", in_reply_to_status_id: parent_tweet.id) twitter_helper_channel.ensure_tweet_availability(identifier, 1) end let(:ticket_articles) { Ticket.last.articles } it 'creates articles for parent tweets as well', :aggregate_failures do expect { channel.fetch }.to change(Ticket, :count).by(1) expect(ticket_articles.first.body).not_to include(identifier) # parent tweet expect(ticket_articles.last.body).to include(identifier) # search result end end context 'with "track_retweets" option' do before do tweet = twitter_helper_channel.create_tweet("Zammad is amazing! #{identifier}") twitter_helper.create_retweet(tweet.id) twitter_helper_channel.ensure_tweet_availability(identifier, 2) end context 'when set to false' do it 'skips retweets' do expect { channel.fetch } .not_to change { Ticket.where('title LIKE ?', 'RT @%').count }.from(0) end end context 'when set to true' do subject(:channel) { create(:twitter_channel, custom_options: { sync: { track_retweets: true, search: [ { term: identifier, group_id: Group.first.id } ] } }) } it 'creates an article for each recent tweet/retweet' do expect { channel.fetch } .to change { Ticket.where('title LIKE ?', 'RT @%').count }.by(1) .and change(Ticket, :count).by(1) end end end context 'with "import_older_tweets" option' do before do twitter_helper.create_tweet("Zammad is amazing! #{identifier}") twitter_helper.create_tweet("Such. A. Beautiful. Helpdesk. Tool. #{identifier}") twitter_helper.create_tweet("Need a helpdesk tool? Zammad <3 #{identifier}") twitter_helper_channel.ensure_tweet_availability(identifier, 3) travel 16.days channel.update!(created_at: Time.zone.now.utc) travel_back end context 'when false (default)' do it 'skips tweets 15+ days older than channel itself' do expect { channel.fetch }.not_to change(Ticket, :count) end end context 'when true' do subject(:channel) { create(:twitter_channel, custom_options: { sync: { import_older_tweets: true, search: [ { term: identifier, group_id: Group.first.id } ] } }) } it 'creates an article for each tweet' do expect { channel.fetch }.to change(Ticket, :count).by(3) end end end context 'when fetched tweets have already been imported' do before do tweet_ids = [] 3.times do |index| tweet = twitter_helper.create_tweet("Tweet #{index}! #{identifier}") tweet_ids << tweet.id end twitter_helper_channel.ensure_tweet_availability(identifier, 3) tweet_ids.each { |tweet_id| create(:ticket_article, message_id: tweet_id) } end it 'does not import duplicates' do expect { channel.fetch }.not_to change(Ticket::Article, :count) end end context 'with a very common search term' do subject(:channel) { create(:twitter_channel, custom_options: { sync: { search: [ { term: 'corona', group_id: Group.first.id } ] } }) } let(:twitter_articles) { Ticket::Article.joins(:type).where(ticket_article_types: { name: 'twitter status' }) } before do stub_const('TwitterSync::MAX_TWEETS_PER_IMPORT', 10) end # Note that this rate limiting is partially duplicated # in #fetchable?, which prevents #fetch from running # more than once in a 20-minute period. it 'imports max. ~120 articles every 15 minutes', :aggregate_failures do freeze_time channel.fetch expect((twitter_articles - Ticket.last.articles).count).to be <= 10 expect(twitter_articles.count).to be > 10 travel(10.minutes) expect { channel.fetch }.not_to change(Ticket::Article, :count) travel(6.minutes) expect { channel.fetch }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count) travel_back end end end end