# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Escalation::TicketBizBreak, time_zone: 'Europe/Berlin' do let(:ticket) { create(:ticket) } let(:calendar) { create(:calendar) } let(:instance) { described_class.new(ticket, calendar) } describe '#biz_breaks' do let(:result) { instance.biz_breaks } context 'when ticket history is empty' do it { expect(result).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(result).to be_empty } end context 'when ticket is opened' do before do travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') end it { expect(result).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(result).to be_empty } end context 'when ticket was opened and closed' do before do travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed') end it { expect(result).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(result).to be_empty } end context 'when ticket was started in non-escalated state and closed' do let(:ticket) { create(:ticket, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'pending reminder')) } before do travel_to Time.current.noon ticket travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed') end it { expect(result).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(result).to be_one } end context 'when ticket was suspended and reopened multiple times' do before do travel_to Time.current.noon ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'pending reminder') travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'pending close') travel 15.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed') end let(:first_value) { result.values.first } it { expect(result).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(result.keys).to be_one } it { expect(result.keys.first).to be_a(Date) } it { expect(result.keys.first).to eq(Time.current.to_date) } it { expect(first_value).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(first_value.keys).to eq %w[12:15 12:45] } it { expect(first_value['12:15']).to eq '12:30' } it { expect(first_value['12:45']).to eq '13:00' } end context 'when ticket was suspended over midnight in UTC', time_zone: 'UTC' do before do travel_to Time.current.change(month: 11).utc.midnight travel(-15.minutes) ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'pending reminder') travel 30.minutes ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') end let(:first_value) { result.values.first } it { expect(result.keys).to be_one } it { expect(result.keys.first).to be_a(Date) } it { expect(result.keys.first).to eq(Time.current.to_date) } it { expect(first_value).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(first_value.keys).to eq %w[00:45] } it { expect(first_value['00:45']).to eq '01:15' } end context 'when ticket was suspended over midnight in timezone' do before do travel_to Time.current.midnight travel(-15.minutes) ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'pending reminder') travel 1.hour ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') end let(:first_value) { result.values.first } let(:second_value) { result.values.second } it { expect(result.keys.count).to be(2) } it { expect(result.keys).to eq [Time.current.yesterday.to_date, Time.current.to_date] } it { expect(first_value).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(first_value.keys).to eq %w[23:45] } it { expect(first_value['23:45']).to eq '24:00' } it { expect(second_value).to be_a(Hash) } it { expect(second_value.keys).to eq %w[00:00] } it { expect(second_value['00:00']).to eq '00:45' } end context 'when ticket was suspended for multiple days' do before do travel_to Time.current.noon ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'pending reminder') travel 5.days ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') end let(:first_value) { result.values.first } let(:second_value) { result.values.second } it { expect(result.keys.count).to be(6) } it { expect(result.keys).to eq (5.days.ago.to_date..Time.current).to_a } it { expect(result.values[0].keys).to eq %w[12:00] } it { expect(result.values[0]['12:00']).to eq '24:00' } it { expect(result.values[1].keys).to eq %w[00:00] } it { expect(result.values[1]['00:00']).to eq '24:00' } it { expect(result.values[2].keys).to eq %w[00:00] } it { expect(result.values[2]['00:00']).to eq '24:00' } it { expect(result.values[3].keys).to eq %w[00:00] } it { expect(result.values[3]['00:00']).to eq '24:00' } it { expect(result.values[4].keys).to eq %w[00:00] } it { expect(result.values[4]['00:00']).to eq '24:00' } it { expect(result.values[5].keys).to eq %w[00:00] } it { expect(result.values[5]['00:00']).to eq '12:00' } end end describe '#history_list_states' do let(:result) { instance.send(:history_list_states) } it 'empty when history log is empty' do expect(result).to be_empty end it 'empty when history log has non-state records' do ticket.update! title: '2nd title' expect(result).to be_empty end it 'returns array of Hashes when history log has various records' do ticket.update! title: '2nd title', state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') expect(result.first).to be_a Hash end it 'lists changes in specific order when history log has various records' do ticket.update! title: 'title', state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open') ticket.update! title: 'another title' ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed') expect(result.pluck('value_to')).to eq %w[open closed] end end describe '#ignored_escalation_state_names' do let(:result) { instance.send(:ignored_escalation_state_names) } it { expect(result).to be_a Array } it { expect(result).to be_all String } it { expect(result).to include 'closed' } it { expect(result).not_to include 'open' } end describe '#history_list_in_break' do let(:result) { instance.send(:history_list_in_break) } it { expect(result).to be_a Array } it 'empty history returns minutes in timeframe' do expect(result).to be_empty end context 'when contains 4 history points' do before do allow(instance).to receive(:history_list_states).and_return(history_list_4) end let(:history_list_4) do [ mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at, nil, 'new'), mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at + 1.hour, 'new', 'open'), mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at + 90.minutes, 'open', 'pending close'), mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at + 2.hours, 'pending close', 'closed') ] end it 'returns one range' do expect(result).to be_one end it 'returns range from pending close' do expect(result.first.first['value_to']).to eq 'pending close' end it 'returns range to closed' do expect(result.first.second['value_to']).to eq 'closed' end it 'calls #range_on_break? thrice' do allow(instance).to receive(:range_on_break?) result expect(instance).to have_received(:range_on_break?).exactly(3).times end end end describe '#accumulate_breaks' do let(:input_a) { { Time.current.to_date => { '10:00' => '14:00' }, Time.current.tomorrow.to_date => { '10:00' => '14:05' } } } let(:input_b) { { Time.current.to_date => { '17:00' => '18:00' } } } let(:result) { instance.send(:accumulate_breaks, [input_a, input_b]) } it { expect(result.keys).to eq [Time.current.to_date, Time.current.tomorrow.to_date] } it { expect(result[Time.current.to_date]).to eq({ '10:00' => '14:00', '17:00' => '18:00' }) } it { expect(result[Time.current.tomorrow.to_date]).to eq({ '10:00' => '14:05' }) } end describe '#history_range_to_breaks' do before { travel_to Time.current.noon } let(:result) { instance.send(:history_range_to_breaks, history_from, history_to) } context 'when fits in a single day' do let(:history_from) { mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at + 90.minutes, 'open', 'pending close') } let(:history_to) { mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at + 2.hours, 'pending close', 'closed') } it { expect(result).to be_a Hash } it { expect(result.keys).to eq [Time.current.to_date] } it { expect(result.values.first).to eq({ '13:30' => '14:00' }) } end context 'when spills over to multiple days' do let(:history_from) { mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at + 90.minutes, 'open', 'pending close') } let(:history_to) { mock_state_hash(ticket.created_at + 2.days, 'pending close', 'closed') } it { expect(result).to be_a Hash } it { expect(result.keys).to eq [Time.current.to_date, Time.current.tomorrow.to_date, 2.days.from_now.to_date] } it { expect(result.values.first).to eq({ '13:30' => '24:00' }) } it { expect(result.values.second).to eq({ '00:00' => '24:00' }) } it { expect(result.values.third).to eq({ '00:00' => '12:00' }) } end end describe '#mock_initial_state' do let(:result) { instance.send(:mock_initial_state) } it { expect(result).to have_key('created_at').and(have_key('value_to')) } context 'when ticket has no history' do it { expect(result).to include('created_at' => ticket.created_at) } it { expect(result).to include('value_to' => ticket.state.name) } end shared_context 'when ticket has state changes' do let(:initial_state_name) { 'pending reminder' } let(:ticket) { create(:ticket, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: initial_state_name)) } before do freeze_time ticket travel timespan ticket.update! state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed') end end context 'when ticket has state changes later' do let(:timespan) { 30.minutes } include_examples 'when ticket has state changes' it { expect(result).to include('created_at' => ticket.created_at) } it { expect(result).to include('value_to' => initial_state_name) } end context 'when ticket has state changes at creation' do let(:timespan) { 0.minutes } include_examples 'when ticket has state changes' it { expect(result).to be_nil } end end def mock_state_hash(time, from, to) { 'attribute' => 'state', 'created_at' => time, 'value_from' => from, 'value_to' => to } end end