require 'integration_test_helper' class ZendeskImportTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase self.test_order = :sorted if !ENV['IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT'] raise "ERROR: Need IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT - hint IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT=''" end if !ENV['IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_KEY'] raise "ERROR: Need IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_KEY - hint IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_KEY='01234567899876543210'" end if !ENV['IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_USERNAME'] raise "ERROR: Need IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_USERNAME - hint IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_USERNAME=''" end Setting.set('import_zendesk_endpoint', ENV['IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT']) Setting.set('import_zendesk_endpoint_key', ENV['IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_KEY']) Setting.set('import_zendesk_endpoint_username', ENV['IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT_USERNAME']) Setting.set('import_mode', true) Setting.set('system_init_done', false) job = ImportJob.create(name: 'Import::Zendesk') job.start # check statistic count test 'check statistic' do # retrive statistic compare_statistic = { Groups: { skipped: 0, created: 2, updated: 0, unchanged: 0, failed: 0, deactivated: 0, sum: 2, total: 2 }, Users: { skipped: 0, created: 141, updated: 1, unchanged: 0, failed: 0, deactivated: 0, sum: 142, total: 142 }, Organizations: { skipped: 0, created: 1, updated: 0, unchanged: 1, failed: 0, deactivated: 0, sum: 2, total: 2 }, Tickets: { skipped: 1, created: 142, updated: 2, unchanged: 0, failed: 0, deactivated: 0, sum: 145, total: 145 } } assert_equal(compare_statistic.with_indifferent_access, job.result, 'statistic') end # check count of imported items test 'check counts' do assert_equal(144, User.count, 'users') assert_equal(3, Group.count, 'groups') assert_equal(3, Role.count, 'roles') assert_equal(2, Organization.count, 'organizations') assert_equal(143, Ticket.count, 'tickets') assert_equal(153, Ticket::Article.count, 'ticket articles') assert_equal(3, Store.count, 'ticket article attachments') # TODO: Macros, Views, Automations... end # check imported users and permission test 'check users' do role_admin = Role.find_by(name: 'Admin') role_agent = Role.find_by(name: 'Agent') role_customer = Role.find_by(name: 'Customer') group_support = Group.find_by(name: 'Support') group_additional_group = Group.find_by(name: 'Additional Group') checks = [ { id: 144, data: { firstname: 'Bob Smith', lastname: 'Smith', login: '', email: '', active: true, phone: '00114124', lieblingstier: 'Hundä', }, roles: [role_admin, role_agent], groups: [group_support], }, { id: 142, data: { firstname: 'Hansimerkur', lastname: '', login: '', email: '', active: true, lieblingstier: nil, }, roles: [role_admin, role_agent], groups: [group_additional_group, group_support], }, { id: 6, data: { firstname: 'Bernd', lastname: 'Hofbecker', login: '', email: '', active: true, }, roles: [role_customer], groups: [], }, { id: 143, data: { firstname: 'Zendesk', lastname: '', login: '', email: '', active: true, }, roles: [role_customer], groups: [], }, { id: 5, data: { firstname: 'Hans', lastname: 'Peter Wurst', login: '', email: '', active: true, }, roles: [role_customer], groups: [], }, ] checks.each do |check| user = User.find(check[:id]) check[:data].each do |key, value| user_value = user[key] text = "user.#{key} for user_id #{check[:id]}" if value.nil? assert_nil(user_value, text) else assert_equal(value, user_value, text) end end assert_equal(check[:roles], user.roles.sort.to_a, "#{user.login} roles") assert_equal(check[:groups], user.groups_access('full').sort.to_a, "#{user.login} groups") end end # check user fields test 'check user fields' do local_fields = User.column_names copmare_fields = %w[ id organization_id login firstname lastname email image image_source web password phone fax mobile department street zip city country address vip verified active note last_login source login_failed out_of_office out_of_office_start_at out_of_office_end_at out_of_office_replacement_id preferences updated_by_id created_by_id created_at updated_at lieblingstier custom_dropdown ] assert_equal(copmare_fields, local_fields, 'user fields') end # check groups/queues test 'check groups' do checks = [ { id: 1, data: { name: 'Users', active: true, }, }, { id: 2, data: { name: 'Additional Group', active: true, }, }, { id: 3, data: { name: 'Support', active: true, }, }, ] checks.each do |check| group = Group.find(check[:id]) check[:data].each do |key, value| assert_equal(value, group[key], "group.#{key} for group_id #{check[:id]}") end end end # check imported organizations test 'check organizations' do checks = [ { id: 1, data: { name: 'Zammad Foundation', note: '', api_key: nil, custom_dropdown: nil, }, }, { id: 2, data: { name: 'Znuny', note: nil, api_key: 'my api öäüß', custom_dropdown: 'b', }, }, ] checks.each do |check| organization = Organization.find(check[:id]) check[:data].each do |key, value| organization_value = organization[key] text = "organization.#{key} for organization_id #{check[:id]}" if value.nil? assert_nil(organization_value, text) else assert_equal(value, organization_value, text) end end end end # check organization fields test 'check organization fields' do local_fields = Organization.column_names copmare_fields = %w[ id name shared domain domain_assignment active note updated_by_id created_by_id created_at updated_at api_key custom_dropdown ] assert_equal(copmare_fields, local_fields, 'organization fields') end # check imported tickets test 'check tickets' do checks = [ { id: 2, data: { title: 'test', note: nil, create_article_type_id: 1, create_article_sender_id: 2, article_count: 2, state_id: 3, group_id: 3, priority_id: 3, owner_id: User.find_by(login: '').id, customer_id: User.find_by(login: '').id, organization_id: 2, test_checkbox: true, custom_integer: 999, custom_dropdown: 'key2', custom_decimal: '1.6', not_existing: nil, }, }, { id: 3, data: { title: 'Bob Smith, here is the test ticket you requested', note: nil, create_article_type_id: 10, create_article_sender_id: 2, article_count: 5, state_id: 3, group_id: 3, priority_id: 1, owner_id: User.find_by(login: '').id, customer_id: User.find_by(login: '').id, organization_id: nil, test_checkbox: false, custom_integer: nil, custom_dropdown: '', custom_decimal: nil, not_existing: nil, }, }, { id: 5, data: { title: 'Twitter', note: nil, create_article_type_id: 6, create_article_sender_id: 2, article_count: 1, state_id: 1, group_id: 3, priority_id: 2, owner_id: User.find_by(login: '-').id, customer_id: 69, organization_id: nil, }, }, { id: 143, data: { title: 'Basti ist cool', note: nil, create_article_type_id: 8, create_article_sender_id: 2, article_count: 1, state_id: 1, group_id: 1, priority_id: 2, owner_id: User.find_by(login: '-').id, customer_id: 7, organization_id: nil, }, }, { id: 145, data: { title: 'closed ticket - should be archived and imported', note: nil, create_article_type_id: 11, create_article_sender_id: 1, article_count: 2, state_id: Ticket::State.find_by(name: 'closed').id, group_id: Group.find_by(name: 'Additional Group').id, priority_id: Ticket::Priority.find_by(name: '2 normal').id, owner_id: User.find_by(login: '').id, customer_id: User.find_by(login: '').id, organization_id: Organization.find_by(name: 'Znuny').id, }, }, # { # id: , # data: { # title: , # note: , # create_article_type_id: , # create_article_sender_id: , # article_count: , # state_id: , # group_id: , # priority_id: , # owner_id: , # customer_id: , # organization_id: , # }, # }, ] checks.each do |check| ticket = Ticket.find(check[:id]) check[:data].each do |key, value| ticket_value = ticket[key] text = "ticket.#{key} for ticket_id #{check[:id]}" if value.nil? assert_nil(ticket_value, text) else assert_equal(value, ticket_value, text) end end end end test 'check article attachments' do checks = [ { message_id: 39_984_258_725, data: { count: 1, 1 => { preferences: { 'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg', 'resizable' => true, 'content_preview' => true }, filename: '1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg', }, }, }, { message_id: 32_817_827_921, data: { count: 1, 1 => { preferences: { 'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg', 'resizable' => true, 'content_preview' => true }, filename: 'paris.jpg', }, }, }, { message_id: 538_901_840_720, data: { count: 1, 1 => { preferences: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/rtf' }, filename: 'test.rtf', }, }, }, ] checks.each do |check| article = Ticket::Article.find_by(message_id: check[:message_id]) assert_equal(check[:data][:count], article.attachments.count, 'attachemnt count') (1..check[:data][:count]).each do |attachment_counter| attachment = article.attachments[ attachment_counter - 1 ] compare_attachment = check[:data][ attachment_counter ] assert_equal(compare_attachment[:filename], attachment.filename, 'attachment file name') assert_equal(compare_attachment[:preferences], attachment[:preferences], 'attachment preferences') end end end # check ticket fields test 'check ticket fields' do local_fields = Ticket.column_names copmare_fields = %w[ id group_id priority_id state_id organization_id number title owner_id customer_id note first_response_at first_response_escalation_at first_response_in_min first_response_diff_in_min close_at close_escalation_at close_in_min close_diff_in_min update_escalation_at update_in_min update_diff_in_min last_contact_at last_contact_agent_at last_contact_customer_at last_owner_update_at create_article_type_id create_article_sender_id article_count escalation_at pending_time type time_unit preferences updated_by_id created_by_id created_at updated_at custom_decimal test_checkbox custom_date custom_integer custom_regex custom_dropdown ] assert_equal(copmare_fields, local_fields, 'ticket fields') end end