window.onload = function() { App.Role.refresh([ { name: "Agent", permission_ids: [ 48, ], group_ids: {}, default_at_signup: false, note: "To work on Tickets.", active: true, updated_at: "2020-07-29T14:57:27.304Z", id: 2 }, { name: "Customer", permission_ids: [ 49 ], group_ids: {}, default_at_signup: true, note: "People who create Tickets ask for help.", active: true, updated_at: "2020-07-29T14:57:27.314Z", id: 3 } ]) App.Permission.refresh([ { name: "ticket.agent", note: "Access to Agent Tickets based on Group Access", active: true, id: 48 }, { name: "ticket.customer", note: "Access to Customer Tickets based on current_user and organization", active: true, id: 49 }, ]) App.User.refresh([ { login: "", firstname: "Nicole", lastname: "Braun", email: "", web: "", phone: "", fax: "", mobile: "", street: "", zip: "", city: "", country: "", organization_id: 1, department: "", note: "", role_ids: [ 3 ], group_ids: {}, active: true, updated_at: "2023-08-23T08:59:15.437Z", organization_ids: [], address: "", vip: false, id: 2 }, { login: "", firstname: "Test Admin", lastname: "Agent", email: "", web: "", phone: "", fax: "", mobile: "", street: "", zip: "", city: "", country: "", organization_id: null, department: null, note: "", role_ids: [ 2 ], group_ids: { 1: [ "full" ], 2: [ "full" ] }, active: true, updated_at: "2023-08-23T08:51:07.062Z", organization_ids: [], address: null, vip: false, id: 3 } ]) App.Group.refresh([ { name: "Users", assignment_timeout: null, follow_up_possible: "yes", follow_up_assignment: true, email_address_id: 1, signature_id: 1, note: "Standard Group/Pool for Tickets.", active: true, shared_drafts: true, updated_at: "2023-08-23T08:31:24.665Z", reopen_time_in_days: null, id: 1 } ]) App.EmailAddress.refresh([ { name: "Zammad Helpdesk", email: "zammad@localhost", channel_id: 1, note: null, active: true, updated_at: "2023-08-23T08:31:24.483Z", id: 1 } ]) App.Ticket.refresh([{ id: 1, title: 'ticket1', state_id: 1, customer_id: 33, organization_id: 1, owner_id: 1, group_id: 1, }, { id: 2, title: 'ticket2', state_id: 1, customer_id: 44, organization_id: 1, owner_id: 1, }, { id: 3, title: 'ticket3', state_id: 1, customer_id: 55, organization_id: undefined, owner_id: 1, }, { id: 4, title: 'ticket4', state_id: 1, customer_id: 66, organization_id: undefined, owner_id: 1, group_id: 1, }, { id: 5, title: 'ticket5', state_id: 1, customer_id: 66, organization_id: 123, owner_id: 1, group_id: 1, }]) App.User.refresh([{ id: 33, login: '', firstname: 'Harald', lastname: 'Habebe', email: '', organization_id: 1, role_ids: [3], active: true, }, { id: 44, login: '', firstname: 'Harald', lastname: 'Habebe', email: '', organization_id: 2, role_ids: [3], active: true, }, { id: 55, login: '', firstname: 'Harald', lastname: 'Habebe', email: '', organization_id: undefined, organization_ids: [123], // secondary organization role_ids: [3], active: true, }]) App.TicketArticle.refresh([ { from: "Nicole Braun ", to: null, cc: null, subject: null, body: "from customer article", content_type: "text/plain", ticket_id: 1, type_id: 5, sender_id: 2, internal: false, in_reply_to: null, preferences: {}, updated_at: "2023-08-23T08:31:12.483Z", id: 1, created_by_id: 2, }, { from: "Test Admin Agent via Zammad Helpdesk ", to: "", cc: "", subject: "Welcome to Zammad!", body: "from agent article", content_type: "text/html", ticket_id: 1, type_id: 1, sender_id: 1, internal: false, in_reply_to: "", preferences: {}, updated_at: "2023-08-23T08:59:21.632Z", id: 2, created_by_id: 3, }, ]) QUnit.test('ticket.editabe customer user #1', assert => { App.Session.set(33) ticket1 = App.Ticket.find(1); assert.ok(ticket1.editable(), 'access via customer_id'); ticket2 = App.Ticket.find(2); assert.ok(ticket2.editable(), 'access via organization_id'); ticket3 = App.Ticket.find(3); assert.ok(!ticket3.editable(), 'no access'); ticket4 = App.Ticket.find(4); assert.ok(!ticket4.editable(), 'no access'); ticket5 = App.Ticket.find(5); assert.ok(!ticket5.editable(), 'no access'); }); QUnit.test('ticket.editabe customer user #2', assert => { App.Session.set(44) ticket1 = App.Ticket.find(1); assert.ok(!ticket1.editable(), 'no access'); ticket2 = App.Ticket.find(2); assert.ok(ticket2.editable(), 'access via customer_id'); ticket3 = App.Ticket.find(3); assert.ok(!ticket3.editable(), 'no access'); ticket4 = App.Ticket.find(4); assert.ok(!ticket4.editable(), 'no access'); ticket5 = App.Ticket.find(5); assert.ok(!ticket5.editable(), 'no access'); }); QUnit.test('ticket.editabe customer user #3', assert => { App.Session.set(55) ticket1 = App.Ticket.find(1); assert.ok(!ticket1.editable(), 'no access'); ticket2 = App.Ticket.find(2); assert.ok(!ticket2.editable(), 'no access'); ticket3 = App.Ticket.find(3); assert.ok(ticket3.editable(), 'access via customer_id'); ticket4 = App.Ticket.find(4); assert.ok(!ticket4.editable(), 'no access'); ticket5 = App.Ticket.find(5); assert.ok(ticket5.editable(), 'access via secondary organization'); }); QUnit.test('Agent name is unintentionally exposed when reply with quote of own agent article #4768', assert => { App.Config.set('ticket_define_email_from', 'AgentNameSystemAddressName') App.Config.set('ticket_define_email_from_separator', 'via') article1 = App.TicketArticle.find(1); console.log('article1', article1) assert.equal(article1.recipientName(), 'Nicole Braun'); article2 = App.TicketArticle.find(2); assert.equal(article2.recipientName(), 'Test Admin Agent via Zammad Helpdesk'); App.Config.set('ticket_define_email_from', 'SystemAddressName') App.Config.set('ticket_define_email_from_separator', 'via') article1 = App.TicketArticle.find(1); assert.equal(article1.recipientName(), 'Nicole Braun'); article2 = App.TicketArticle.find(2); assert.equal(article2.recipientName(), 'Zammad Helpdesk'); App.Config.set('ticket_define_email_from', 'AgentName') App.Config.set('ticket_define_email_from_separator', 'via') article1 = App.TicketArticle.find(1); assert.equal(article1.recipientName(), 'Nicole Braun'); article2 = App.TicketArticle.find(2); assert.equal(article2.recipientName(), 'Test Admin Agent'); }); }