# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe '.eco files check', :aggregate_failures do eco_files = Rails.root.glob('**/*.eco') it 'only runs the test as long as .eco files are present - delete the test once they are gone' do expect(eco_files.count).to be_positive end it 'avoids double HTML encoding' do eco_files.each do |file| # rubocop:disable RSpec/IteratedExpectation expect(file).to avoid_double_encoding_t.and(avoid_double_encoding_p) end end matcher :avoid_double_encoding_t do match { !actual.read.match(%r{<%=\s*@T}) } failure_message { "#{actual.relative_path_from(Rails.root)} performs incorrect double HTML encoding via '<%= @T()', please change it to '<%- @T'" } end matcher :avoid_double_encoding_p do match { !actual.read.match(%r{<%=\s*@P}) } failure_message { "#{actual.relative_path_from(Rails.root)} performs incorrect double HTML encoding via '<%= @P()', please change it to '<%- @P'" } end end