# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Ticket Access Zoom', authenticated_as: :user, type: :system do let(:group) { create(:group) } let!(:ticket) do create(:ticket, group: group).tap do |ticket| ticket.tag_add('Tag', 1) create(:link, from: create(:ticket, group: group), to: ticket) create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket) end end let(:user) do create(:agent).tap do |agent| agent.user_groups.create! group: group, access: group_access end end let(:name) { attribute.name } let(:data_type) { attribute.data_type } let(:display) { attribute.display } let(:value) { data_option['options'].values.first } let(:data_option) do { 'default' => '', 'options' => { 'value_1' => 'value_1', 'value_2' => 'value_2', 'value_3' => 'value_3' }, 'relation' => '', 'nulloption' => true, 'multiple' => false, 'null' => true, 'translate' => true, 'maxlength' => 255 } end let(:multi_data_option) do data_option.merge({ 'multiple' => true }) end before do visit "ticket/zoom/#{ticket.id}" end shared_examples 'elements' do it 'verify all elements available' do %w[TAGS LINKS].each do |element| expect(page).to have_content(element) end end end context 'with full access' do let(:group_access) { :full } include_examples 'elements' it 'shows tag, and link modification buttons' do expect(page).to have_css('.tags .icon-diagonal-cross') expect(page).to have_content('+ Add Tag') expect(page).to have_css('.links .icon-diagonal-cross') expect(page).to have_content('+ Add Link') end context 'with select, treeselect, multiselect and multi-treeselect fields', authenticated_as: :authenticated, db_strategy: :reset do def authenticated attribute ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute user end shared_examples 'allow agents to select another value' do it 'allows agents to select another value' do within attribute_selector do expect(page).to have_content(%r{#{display}}i) find(".controls select[name=#{name}]", visible: :all).select value expect(page).to have_select(name, selected: value, visible: :all) end end end shared_examples 'allows agents to select a treeselect/multi-treeselect value' do it 'allows agents to select another value' do within attribute_selector { expect(page).to have_content(%r{#{display}}i) } dropdown_toggle within attribute_selector do find(".js-optionsList > .js-option[data-value=#{value}]", visible: :all).click expect(page).to have_element end end end context 'with a select field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_select, :required_screen, data_option: data_option) } include_examples 'allow agents to select another value' end context 'with a multiselect field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_multiselect, :required_screen, data_option: multi_data_option) } include_examples 'allow agents to select another value' end context 'with a tree select field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_tree_select, :required_screen, data_option: data_option) } let(:have_element) { have_field(name, with: value, visible: :all) } include_examples 'allows agents to select a treeselect/multi-treeselect value' end context 'with a multi tree select field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_multi_tree_select, :required_screen, data_option: multi_data_option) } let(:have_element) { have_select(name, selected: value, visible: :all) } include_examples 'allows agents to select a treeselect/multi-treeselect value' end end end context 'with read access' do let(:group_access) { :read } include_examples 'elements' it 'shows no tag and link modification buttons' do expect(page).to have_no_selector('.tags .icon-diagonal-cross') expect(page).to have_no_content('+ Add Tag') expect(page).to have_no_selector('.links .icon-diagonal-cross') expect(page).to have_no_content('+ Add Link') end it 'shows no ticket actions' do expect(page).to have_no_selector('.js-submit') expect(page).to have_no_selector('.js-secondaryActionButtonLabel') expect(page).to have_no_selector('.js-ArticleAction[data-type=internal]') expect(page).to have_no_selector('.js-highlight') end it 'shows no ticket sidebar ticket actions' do click '.sidebar .js-headline' expect(page).to have_no_text('Change Customer') expect(page).to have_no_text('Merge') end it 'shows no ticket sidebar customer ticket actions' do click '.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=customer]' click '.sidebar .js-headline' expect(page).to have_no_text('Change Customer') end context 'with select, treeselect, multiselect and multi-treeselect fields', authenticated_as: :authenticated, db_strategy: :reset do def authenticated attribute ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute user end shared_examples 'does not allow agents to select another value' do it 'does not allow agents to select another value' do within attribute_selector do expect(page).to have_content(%r{#{display}}i) find(".controls select[name=#{name}]", visible: :all).select value, disabled: true expect(page).to have_no_select(name, selected: value, visible: :all, disabled: :all) end end end shared_examples 'does not allow agents to select another treeselect/multi-treeselect value' do it 'does not allow agents to select another value' do within attribute_selector do expect(page).to have_content(%r{#{display}}i) find('.controls .dropdown .dropdown-toggle').click expect(page).to have_no_css(".js-optionsList > .js-option[data-value=#{value}]", wait: 15) end end end context 'with a select field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_select, :required_screen, data_option: data_option) } include_examples 'does not allow agents to select another value' end context 'with a multiselect field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_multiselect, :required_screen, data_option: multi_data_option) } include_examples 'does not allow agents to select another value' end context 'with a tree select field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_tree_select, :required_screen, data_option: data_option) } include_examples 'does not allow agents to select another treeselect/multi-treeselect value' end context 'with a multi tree select field' do let(:attribute) { create(:object_manager_attribute_multi_tree_select, :required_screen, data_option: multi_data_option) } include_examples 'does not allow agents to select another treeselect/multi-treeselect value' end end end def dropdown_toggle loop do find('.controls .dropdown .dropdown-toggle').click break if find_all(".js-optionsList > .js-option[data-value=#{value}]", allow_reload: true, wait: 0).any? # If we could not find the dropdown options, we sleep and try again. sleep 0.1 end end def attribute_selector ".sidebar-content .#{data_type}[data-attribute-name=#{name}]" end end