# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Ticket::Article::EnqueueCommunicateEmailJob, performs_jobs: true do before { allow(Delayed::Job).to receive(:enqueue).and_call_original } let(:article) { create(:ticket_article, **(try(:factory_options) || {})) } let(:channel) do create(:email_channel, outbound: { 'adapter' => 'smtp', 'options' => { 'host' => '', 'port' => 25, 'ssl' => true, 'ssl_verify' => true, 'user' => 'other@example.com', 'password' => 'somepass', 'authentication' => nil } }) end shared_examples 'for no-op' do it 'is a no-op' do expect { article }.not_to have_enqueued_job(TicketArticleCommunicateEmailJob) end end shared_examples 'for success' do it 'enqueues the Email background job' do expect { article }.to have_enqueued_job(TicketArticleCommunicateEmailJob) end end shared_examples 'for failure' do it 'executes the enqueued Email background job that will time out', :aggregate_failures do stub_const('Channel::Driver::Smtp::DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT', 0.01) stub_const('Channel::Driver::Smtp::DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT', 0.01) expect { article.ticket.group.email_address.update(channel:) }.to have_enqueued_job(TicketArticleCommunicateEmailJob) expect(TicketArticleCommunicateEmailJob).to have_been_enqueued expect { perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true }.not_to raise_error expect(article.reload.preferences).to include( delivery_status: 'fail', delivery_status_message: "Can't use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #", ) expect(channel.reload).to have_attributes( status_out: 'error', last_log_out: '#', ) end end context 'when in Import Mode' do before { Setting.set('import_mode', true) } include_examples 'for no-op' end context 'when article is created during Channel::EmailParser#process', application_handle: 'scheduler.postmaster' do include_examples 'for no-op' end context 'when article is from a customer' do let(:factory_options) { { sender_name: 'Customer' } } include_examples 'for no-op' end context 'when article is an email' do let(:factory_options) { { sender_name: 'Agent', type_name: 'email' } } include_examples 'for success' end context 'when article is an email but cannot be sent' do let(:factory_options) { { sender_name: 'Agent', type_name: 'email' } } include_examples 'for failure' end end