# Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ # encoding: utf-8 class Channel::EmailParser PROZESS_TIME_MAX = 180 EMAIL_REGEX = %r{.+@.+} RECIPIENT_FIELDS = %w[to cc delivered-to x-original-to envelope-to].freeze SENDER_FIELDS = %w[from reply-to return-path sender].freeze EXCESSIVE_LINKS_MSG = __('This message cannot be displayed because it contains over 5,000 links. Download the raw message below and open it via an Email client if you still wish to view it.').freeze MESSAGE_STRUCT = Struct.new(:from_display_name, :subject, :msg_size).freeze =begin parser = Channel::EmailParser.new mail = parser.parse(msg_as_string) mail = { from: 'Some Name ', from_email: 'some@example.com', from_local: 'some', from_domain: 'example.com', from_display_name: 'Some Name', message_id: 'some_message_id@example.com', to: 'Some System ', cc: 'Somebody ', subject: 'some message subject', body: 'some message body', content_type: 'text/html', # text/plain date: Time.zone.now, attachments: [ { data: 'binary of attachment', filename: 'file_name_of_attachment.txt', preferences: { 'content-alternative' => true, 'Mime-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Charset: => 'iso-8859-1', }, }, ], # ignore email header x-zammad-ignore: 'false', # customer headers x-zammad-customer-login: '', x-zammad-customer-email: '', x-zammad-customer-firstname: '', x-zammad-customer-lastname: '', # ticket headers (for new tickets) x-zammad-ticket-group: 'some_group', x-zammad-ticket-state: 'some_state', x-zammad-ticket-priority: 'some_priority', x-zammad-ticket-owner: 'some_owner_login', # ticket headers (for existing tickets) x-zammad-ticket-followup-group: 'some_group', x-zammad-ticket-followup-state: 'some_state', x-zammad-ticket-followup-priority: 'some_priority', x-zammad-ticket-followup-owner: 'some_owner_login', # article headers x-zammad-article-internal: false, x-zammad-article-type: 'agent', x-zammad-article-sender: 'customer', # all other email headers some-header: 'some_value', } =end def parse(msg) msg = msg.force_encoding('binary') # mail 2.6 and earlier accepted non-conforming mails that lacked the correct CRLF seperators, # mail 2.7 and above require CRLF so we force it on using binary_unsafe_to_crlf msg = Mail::Utilities.binary_unsafe_to_crlf(msg) mail = Mail.new(msg) message_ensure_message_id(msg, mail) force_parts_encoding_if_needed(mail) headers = message_header_hash(mail) body = message_body_hash(mail) message_attributes = [ { mail_instance: mail }, headers, body, self.class.sender_attributes(headers), { raw: msg }, ] message_attributes.reduce({}.with_indifferent_access, &:merge) end =begin parser = Channel::EmailParser.new ticket, article, user, mail = parser.process(channel, email_raw_string) returns [ticket, article, user, mail] do not raise an exception - e. g. if used by scheduler parser = Channel::EmailParser.new ticket, article, user, mail = parser.process(channel, email_raw_string, false) returns [ticket, article, user, mail] || false =end def process(channel, msg, exception = true) Timeout.timeout(PROZESS_TIME_MAX) do _process(channel, msg) end rescue => e # store unprocessable email for bug reporting filename = archive_mail('unprocessable_mail', msg) message = "Can't process email, you will find it for bug reporting under #{filename}, please create an issue at https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues" p "ERROR: #{message}" # rubocop:disable Rails/Output p "ERROR: #{e.inspect}" # rubocop:disable Rails/Output Rails.logger.error message Rails.logger.error e return false if exception == false raise %(#{e.inspect}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}) end def _process(channel, msg) # parse email mail = parse(msg) Rails.logger.info "Process email with msgid '#{mail[:message_id]}'" # run postmaster pre filter UserInfo.current_user_id = 1 # set interface handle original_interface_handle = ApplicationHandleInfo.current transaction_params = { interface_handle: "#{original_interface_handle}.postmaster", disable: [] } filters = {} Setting.where(area: 'Postmaster::PreFilter').order(:name).each do |setting| filters[setting.name] = Setting.get(setting.name).constantize end filters.each do |key, backend| Rails.logger.debug { "run postmaster pre filter #{key}: #{backend}" } begin backend.run(channel, mail, transaction_params) rescue => e Rails.logger.error "can't run postmaster pre filter #{key}: #{backend}" Rails.logger.error e.inspect raise e end end # check ignore header if mail[:'x-zammad-ignore'] == 'true' || mail[:'x-zammad-ignore'] == true Rails.logger.info "ignored email with msgid '#{mail[:message_id]}' from '#{mail[:from]}' because of x-zammad-ignore header" return end ticket = nil article = nil session_user = nil # use transaction Transaction.execute(transaction_params) do # get sender user session_user_id = mail[:'x-zammad-session-user-id'] if !session_user_id raise __('No x-zammad-session-user-id, no sender set!') end session_user = User.lookup(id: session_user_id) if !session_user raise "No user found for x-zammad-session-user-id: #{session_user_id}!" end # set current user UserInfo.current_user_id = session_user.id # get ticket# based on email headers if mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-id'] ticket = Ticket.find_by(id: mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-id']) end if mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-number'] ticket = Ticket.find_by(number: mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-number']) end # set ticket state to open if not new if ticket set_attributes_by_x_headers(ticket, 'ticket', mail, 'followup') # save changes set by x-zammad-ticket-followup-* headers ticket.save! if ticket.has_changes_to_save? # set ticket to open again or keep create state if !mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-followup-state'] && !mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-followup-state_id'] new_state = Ticket::State.find_by(default_create: true) if ticket.state_id != new_state.id && !mail[:'x-zammad-out-of-office'] ticket.state = Ticket::State.find_by(default_follow_up: true) ticket.save! end end end # create new ticket if !ticket preferences = {} if channel[:id] preferences = { channel_id: channel[:id] } end # get default group where ticket is created group = nil if channel[:group_id] group = Group.lookup(id: channel[:group_id]) else mail_to_group = self.class.mail_to_group(mail[:to]) if mail_to_group.present? group = mail_to_group end end if group.blank? || group.active == false group = Group.where(active: true).order(id: :asc).first end if group.blank? group = Group.first end title = mail[:subject] if title.blank? title = '-' end ticket = Ticket.new( group_id: group.id, title: title, preferences: preferences, ) set_attributes_by_x_headers(ticket, 'ticket', mail) # create ticket ticket.save! end # apply tags to ticket if mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-tags'].present? mail[:'x-zammad-ticket-tags'].each do |tag| ticket.tag_add(tag) end end # set attributes ticket.with_lock do article = Ticket::Article.new( ticket_id: ticket.id, type_id: Ticket::Article::Type.find_by(name: 'email').id, sender_id: Ticket::Article::Sender.find_by(name: 'Customer').id, content_type: mail[:content_type], body: mail[:body], from: mail[:from], reply_to: mail[:'reply-to'], to: mail[:to], cc: mail[:cc], subject: mail[:subject], message_id: mail[:message_id], internal: false, ) # x-headers lookup set_attributes_by_x_headers(article, 'article', mail) # create article article.save! # store mail plain article.save_as_raw(msg) # store attachments mail[:attachments]&.each do |attachment| filename = attachment[:filename].force_encoding('utf-8') if !filename.force_encoding('UTF-8').valid_encoding? filename = filename.utf8_encode(fallback: :read_as_sanitized_binary) end Store.create!( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: article.id, data: attachment[:data], filename: filename, preferences: attachment[:preferences] ) end end end ticket.reload article.reload session_user.reload # run postmaster post filter filters = {} Setting.where(area: 'Postmaster::PostFilter').order(:name).each do |setting| filters[setting.name] = Setting.get(setting.name).constantize end filters.each_value do |backend| Rails.logger.debug { "run postmaster post filter #{backend}" } begin backend.run(channel, mail, ticket, article, session_user) rescue => e Rails.logger.error "can't run postmaster post filter #{backend}" Rails.logger.error e.inspect end end # return new objects [ticket, article, session_user, mail] end def self.mail_to_group(to) begin to = Mail::AddressList.new(to)&.addresses&.first&.address rescue Rails.logger.error 'Can not parse :to field for group destination!' end return if to.blank? email = EmailAddress.find_by(email: to.downcase) return if email&.channel.blank? email.channel&.group end def self.check_attributes_by_x_headers(header_name, value) class_name = nil attribute = nil # skip check attributes if it is tags return true if header_name == 'x-zammad-ticket-tags' if header_name =~ %r{^x-zammad-(.+?)-(followup-|)(.*)$}i class_name = $1 attribute = $3 end return true if !class_name if class_name.casecmp('article').zero? class_name = 'Ticket::Article' end return true if !attribute key_short = attribute[ attribute.length - 3, attribute.length ] return true if key_short != '_id' class_object = class_name.to_classname.constantize return if !class_object class_instance = class_object.new return false if !class_instance.association_id_validation(attribute, value) true end def self.sender_attributes(from) if from.is_a?(HashWithIndifferentAccess) from = SENDER_FIELDS.filter_map { |f| from[f] } .map(&:to_utf8).compact_blank .partition { |address| address.match?(EMAIL_REGEX) } .flatten.first end data = {}.with_indifferent_access return data if from.blank? from = from.gsub('<>', '').strip mail_address = begin Mail::AddressList.new(from).addresses .select { |a| a.address.present? } .partition { |a| a.address.match?(EMAIL_REGEX) } .flatten.first rescue Mail::Field::ParseError => e $stdout.puts e end if mail_address&.address.present? data[:from_email] = mail_address.address data[:from_local] = mail_address.local data[:from_domain] = mail_address.domain data[:from_display_name] = mail_address.display_name || mail_address.comments&.first elsif from =~ %r{^(.+?)<((.+?)@(.+?))>} data[:from_email] = $2 data[:from_local] = $3 data[:from_domain] = $4 data[:from_display_name] = $1 else data[:from_email] = from data[:from_local] = from data[:from_domain] = from data[:from_display_name] = from end # do extra decoding because we needed to use field.value data[:from_display_name] = Mail::Field.new('X-From', data[:from_display_name].to_utf8) .to_s .delete('"') .strip .gsub(%r{(^'|'$)}, '') data end def set_attributes_by_x_headers(item_object, header_name, mail, suffix = false) # loop all x-zammad-header-* headers item_object.attributes.each_key do |key| # ignore read only attributes next if key == 'updated_by_id' next if key == 'created_by_id' # check if id exists key_short = key[ key.length - 3, key.length ] if key_short == '_id' key_short = key[ 0, key.length - 3 ] header = "x-zammad-#{header_name}-#{key_short}" if suffix header = "x-zammad-#{header_name}-#{suffix}-#{key_short}" end # only set value on _id if value/reference lookup exists if mail[header.to_sym] Rails.logger.info "set_attributes_by_x_headers header #{header} found #{mail[header.to_sym]}" item_object.class.reflect_on_all_associations.map do |assoc| next if assoc.name.to_s != key_short Rails.logger.info "set_attributes_by_x_headers found #{assoc.class_name} lookup for '#{mail[header.to_sym]}'" item = assoc.class_name.constantize assoc_object = nil if item.new.respond_to?(:name) assoc_object = item.lookup(name: mail[header.to_sym]) end if !assoc_object && item.new.respond_to?(:login) assoc_object = item.lookup(login: mail[header.to_sym]) end if !assoc_object && item.new.respond_to?(:email) assoc_object = item.lookup(email: mail[header.to_sym]) end if assoc_object.blank? # no assoc exists, remove header mail.delete(header.to_sym) next end Rails.logger.info "set_attributes_by_x_headers assign #{item_object.class} #{key}=#{assoc_object.id}" item_object[key] = assoc_object.id end end end # check if attribute exists header = "x-zammad-#{header_name}-#{key}" if suffix header = "x-zammad-#{header_name}-#{suffix}-#{key}" end if mail[header.to_sym] Rails.logger.info "set_attributes_by_x_headers header #{header} found. Assign #{key}=#{mail[header.to_sym]}" item_object[key] = mail[header.to_sym] end end end =begin process unprocessable_mails (tmp/unprocessable_mail/*.eml) again Channel::EmailParser.process_unprocessable_mails =end def self.process_unprocessable_mails(params = {}) path = Rails.root.join('tmp/unprocessable_mail') files = [] Dir.glob("#{path}/*.eml") do |entry| ticket, _article, _user, _mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process(params, File.binread(entry)) next if ticket.blank? files.push entry File.delete(entry) end files end =begin process oversized emails by: 1. Archiving the oversized mail as tmp/oversized_mail/md5.eml 2. Reply with a postmaster message to inform the sender =end def process_oversized_mail(channel, msg) archive_mail('oversized_mail', msg) postmaster_response(channel, msg) end private # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/2922 def force_parts_encoding_if_needed(mail) # enforce encoding on both multipart parts and main body ([mail] + mail.parts).each { |elem| force_single_part_encoding_if_needed(elem) } end # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/2922 def force_single_part_encoding_if_needed(part) return if part.charset&.downcase != 'iso-2022-jp' part.body = force_japanese_encoding part.body.encoded.unpack1('M') end ISO2022JP_REGEXP = %r{=\?ISO-2022-JP\?B\?(.+?)\?=} # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/3115 def header_field_unpack_japanese(field) field.value.gsub ISO2022JP_REGEXP do force_japanese_encoding Base64.decode64($1) end end # generate Message ID on the fly if it was missing # yes, Mail gem generates one in some cases # but it is 100% random so duplicate messages would not be detected def message_ensure_message_id(raw, parsed) field = parsed.header.fields.find { |elem| elem.name == 'Message-ID' } return true if field&.unparsed_value.present? parsed.message_id = generate_message_id(raw, parsed.from) end def message_header_hash(mail) imported_fields = mail.header.fields.to_h do |f| begin value = if f.value.match?(ISO2022JP_REGEXP) value = header_field_unpack_japanese(f) else f.decoded.to_utf8 end # fields that cannot be cleanly parsed fallback to the empty string rescue Mail::Field::IncompleteParseError value = '' rescue Encoding::CompatibilityError => e try_iso88591 = f.value.force_encoding('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8') raise e if !try_iso88591.is_utf8? f.value = try_iso88591 value = f.decoded.to_utf8 rescue value = f.decoded.to_utf8(fallback: :read_as_sanitized_binary) end [f.name.downcase, value] end # imported_fields = mail.header.fields.map { |f| [f.name.downcase, f.to_utf8] }.to_h raw_fields = mail.header.fields.index_by { |f| "raw-#{f.name.downcase}" } custom_fields = {}.tap do |h| h.replace(imported_fields.slice(*RECIPIENT_FIELDS) .transform_values { |v| v.match?(EMAIL_REGEX) ? v : '' }) h['x-any-recipient'] = h.values.select(&:present?).join(', ') h['message_id'] = imported_fields['message-id'] h['subject'] = imported_fields['subject'] begin h['date'] = Time.zone.parse(mail.date.to_s) || imported_fields['date'] rescue h['date'] = nil end end [imported_fields, raw_fields, custom_fields].reduce({}.with_indifferent_access, &:merge) end def message_body_hash(mail) if mail.html_part&.body.present? content_type = mail.html_part.mime_type || 'text/plain' body = body_text(mail.html_part, strict_html: true) elsif mail.text_part.present? && mail.all_parts.any? { |elem| elem.inline? && elem.content_type&.start_with?('image') } content_type = 'text/html' body = mail .all_parts .reduce('') do |memo, part| if part.mime_type == 'text/plain' && !part.attachment? memo += body_text(part, strict_html: false).text2html elsif part.inline? && part.content_type&.start_with?('image') memo += "" end memo end elsif mail.text_part.present? content_type = 'text/plain' body = mail .all_parts .reduce('') do |memo, part| if part.mime_type == 'text/plain' && !part.attachment? memo += body_text(part, strict_html: false) end memo end elsif mail&.body.present? && (mail.mime_type.nil? || mail.mime_type.match?(%r{^text/(plain|html)$})) content_type = mail.mime_type || 'text/plain' body = body_text(mail, strict_html: content_type.eql?('text/html')) end content_type = 'text/plain' if body.blank? { attachments: collect_attachments(mail), content_type: content_type || 'text/plain', body: body.presence || 'no visible content' }.with_indifferent_access end def body_text(message, **options) body_text = begin message.body.to_s rescue Mail::UnknownEncodingType # see test/data/mail/mail043.box / issue #348 message.body.raw_source end body_text = body_text.utf8_encode(from: message.charset, fallback: :read_as_sanitized_binary) body_text = Mail::Utilities.to_lf(body_text) # plaintext body requires no processing return body_text if !options[:strict_html] # Issue #2390 - emails with >5k HTML links should be rejected return EXCESSIVE_LINKS_MSG if body_text.scan(%r{= 5_000 body_text.html2html_strict end def collect_attachments(mail) attachments = [] attachments.push(*get_nonplaintext_body_as_attachment(mail)) mail.parts.each do |part| attachments.push(*gracefully_get_attachments(part, attachments, mail)) end attachments end def get_nonplaintext_body_as_attachment(mail) if !(mail.html_part&.body.present? || (!mail.multipart? && mail.mime_type.present? && mail.mime_type != 'text/plain')) return end message = mail.html_part || mail if !mail.mime_type.starts_with?('text/') && mail.html_part.blank? return gracefully_get_attachments(message, [], mail) end filename = message.filename.presence || (message.mime_type.eql?('text/html') ? 'message.html' : '-no name-') headers_store = { 'content-alternative' => true, 'original-format' => message.mime_type.eql?('text/html'), 'Mime-Type' => message.mime_type, 'Charset' => message.charset, }.compact_blank [{ data: body_text(message), filename: filename, preferences: headers_store }] end def gracefully_get_attachments(part, attachments, mail) get_attachments(part, attachments, mail).flatten.compact rescue => e # Protect process to work with spam emails (see test/fixtures/mail15.box) raise e if (fail_count ||= 0).positive? (fail_count += 1) && retry end def get_attachments(file, attachments, mail) return file.parts.map { |p| get_attachments(p, attachments, mail) } if file.parts.any? return [] if [mail.text_part&.body&.encoded, mail.html_part&.body&.encoded].include?(file.body.encoded) return [] if file.content_type&.start_with?('text/plain') && !file.attachment? # get file preferences headers_store = {} file.header.fields.each do |field| # full line, encode, ready for storage value = field.to_utf8 if value.blank? value = field.raw_value end headers_store[field.name.to_s] = value rescue headers_store[field.name.to_s] = field.raw_value end # cleanup content id, <> will be added automatically later if headers_store['Content-ID'].blank? && headers_store['Content-Id'].present? headers_store['Content-ID'] = headers_store['Content-Id'] end if headers_store['Content-ID'] headers_store['Content-ID'].delete_prefix!('<') headers_store['Content-ID'].delete_suffix!('>') end # get filename from content-disposition # workaround for: NoMethodError: undefined method `filename' for # begin filename = file.header[:content_disposition].try(:filename) rescue begin case file.header[:content_disposition].to_s when %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})="(.+?)"}i, %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})='(.+?)'}i, %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})=(.+?);}i filename = $3 end rescue Rails.logger.debug { 'Unable to get filename' } end end begin case file.header[:content_disposition].to_s when %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})="(.+?)"}i, %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})='(.+?)'}i, %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})=(.+?);}i filename = $3 end rescue Rails.logger.debug { 'Unable to get filename' } end # as fallback, use raw values if filename.blank? case headers_store['Content-Disposition'].to_s when %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})="(.+?)"}i, %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})='(.+?)'}i, %r{(filename|name)(\*{0,1})=(.+?);}i filename = $3 end end # for some broken sm mail clients (X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5) filename ||= file.header[:content_location].to_s.dup.force_encoding('utf-8') file_body = String.new(file.body.to_s) # generate file name based on content type if filename.blank? && headers_store['Content-Type'].present? && headers_store['Content-Type'].match?(%r{^message/rfc822}i) begin parser = Channel::EmailParser.new mail_local = parser.parse(file_body) filename = if mail_local[:subject].present? "#{mail_local[:subject]}.eml" elsif headers_store['Content-Description'].present? "#{headers_store['Content-Description']}.eml".to_s.force_encoding('utf-8') else 'Mail.eml' end rescue filename = 'Mail.eml' end end # e. g. Content-Type: video/quicktime; name="Video.MOV"; if filename.blank? ['(filename|name)(\*{0,1})="(.+?)"(;|$)', '(filename|name)(\*{0,1})=\'(.+?)\'(;|$)', '(filename|name)(\*{0,1})=(.+?)(;|$)'].each do |regexp| if headers_store['Content-Type'] =~ %r{#{regexp}}i filename = $3 break end end end # workaround for mail gem - decode filenames # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/928 if filename.present? filename = Mail::Encodings.value_decode(filename) end if !filename.force_encoding('UTF-8').valid_encoding? filename = filename.utf8_encode(fallback: :read_as_sanitized_binary) end # generate file name based on content-id with file extention if filename.blank? && headers_store['Content-ID'].present? && headers_store['Content-ID'] =~ %r{(.+?\..{2,6})@.+?}i filename = $1 end # e. g. Content-Type: video/quicktime if filename.blank? && (content_type = headers_store['Content-Type']) map = { 'message/delivery-status': %w[txt delivery-status], 'text/plain': %w[txt document], 'text/html': %w[html document], 'video/quicktime': %w[mov video], 'image/jpeg': %w[jpg image], 'image/jpg': %w[jpg image], 'image/png': %w[png image], 'image/gif': %w[gif image], } map.each do |type, ext| next if !content_type.match?(%r{^#{Regexp.quote(type)}}i) filename = if headers_store['Content-Description'].present? "#{headers_store['Content-Description']}.#{ext[0]}".to_s.force_encoding('utf-8') else "#{ext[1]}.#{ext[0]}" end break end end # generate file name based on content-id without file extention if filename.blank? && headers_store['Content-ID'].present? && headers_store['Content-ID'] =~ %r{(.+?)@.+?}i filename = $1 end # set fallback filename if filename.blank? filename = 'file' end # create uniq filename local_filename = '' local_extention = '' if filename =~ %r{^(.*?)\.(.+?)$} local_filename = $1 local_extention = $2 end 1.upto(1000) do |i| filename_exists = false attachments.each do |attachment| if attachment[:filename] == filename filename_exists = true end end break if filename_exists == false filename = if local_extention.present? "#{local_filename}#{i}.#{local_extention}" else "#{local_filename}#{i}" end end # get mime type if file.header[:content_type]&.string headers_store['Mime-Type'] = file.header[:content_type].string end # get charset if file.header&.charset headers_store['Charset'] = file.header.charset end # remove not needed header headers_store.delete('Content-Transfer-Encoding') headers_store.delete('Content-Disposition') attach = { data: file_body, filename: filename, preferences: headers_store, } [attach] end # Archive the given message as tmp/folder/md5.eml def archive_mail(folder, msg) path = Rails.root.join('tmp', folder) FileUtils.mkpath path # MD5 hash the msg and save it as "md5.eml" md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(msg) file_path = Rails.root.join('tmp', folder, "#{md5}.eml") File.binwrite(file_path, msg) file_path end # Auto reply as the postmaster to oversized emails with: # [undeliverable] Message too large def postmaster_response(channel, msg) begin reply_mail = compose_postmaster_reply(msg) rescue NotificationFactory::FileNotFoundError => e Rails.logger.error "No valid postmaster email_oversized template found. Skipping postmaster reply. #{e.inspect}" return end Rails.logger.info "Send mail too large postmaster message to: #{reply_mail[:to]}" reply_mail[:from] = EmailAddress.find_by(channel: channel).email channel.deliver(reply_mail) rescue => e Rails.logger.error "Error during sending of postmaster oversized email auto-reply: #{e.inspect}\n#{e.backtrace}" end # Compose a "Message too large" reply to the given message def compose_postmaster_reply(raw_incoming_mail, locale = nil) parsed_incoming_mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.parse(raw_incoming_mail) # construct a dummy mail object mail = MESSAGE_STRUCT.new mail.from_display_name = parsed_incoming_mail[:from_display_name] mail.subject = parsed_incoming_mail[:subject] mail.msg_size = format('%.2f', MB: raw_incoming_mail.size.to_f / 1024 / 1024) reply = NotificationFactory::Mailer.template( template: 'email_oversized', locale: locale, format: 'txt', objects: { mail: mail, }, raw: true, # will not add application template standalone: true, # default: false - will send header & footer ) reply.merge( to: parsed_incoming_mail[:from_email], body: reply[:body].gsub(%r{\n}, "\r\n"), content_type: 'text/plain', References: parsed_incoming_mail[:message_id], 'In-Reply-To': parsed_incoming_mail[:message_id], ) end def guess_email_fqdn(from) Mail::Address.new(from).domain.strip rescue nil end def generate_message_id(raw_message, from) fqdn = guess_email_fqdn(from) || 'zammad_generated' "" end # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/3096 # specific email needs to be forced to ISO-2022-JP # but that breaks other emails that can be forced to SJIS only # thus force to ISO-2022-JP but fallback to SJIS # # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/3368 # some characters are not included in the official ISO-2022-JP # ISO-2022-JP-KDDI superset provides support for more characters def force_japanese_encoding(input) %w[ISO-2022-JP ISO-2022-JP-KDDI SJIS] .lazy .map { |encoding| try_encoding(input, encoding) } .detect(&:present?) end def try_encoding(input, encoding) input.force_encoding(encoding).encode('UTF-8') rescue nil end end module Mail # workaround to get content of no parseable headers - in most cases with non 7 bit ascii signs class Field def raw_value begin value = @raw_value.try(:utf8_encode) rescue value = @raw_value.utf8_encode(fallback: :read_as_sanitized_binary) end return value if value.blank? value.sub(%r{^.+?:(\s|)}, '') end end # issue#348 - IMAP mail fetching stops because of broken spam email (e. g. broken Content-Transfer-Encoding value see test/fixtures/mail43.box) # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/348 class Body def decoded if Encodings.defined?(encoding) Encodings.get_encoding(encoding).decode(raw_source) else Rails.logger.info "UnknownEncodingType: Don't know how to decode #{encoding}!" raw_source end end end end