# Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class TicketsController < ApplicationController include CreatesTicketArticles include ClonesTicketArticleAttachments include ChecksUserAttributesByCurrentUserPermission include TicketStats include CanPaginate prepend_before_action -> { authorize! }, only: %i[create selector import_example import_start ticket_customer ticket_history ticket_related ticket_recent ticket_merge ticket_split] prepend_before_action :authentication_check # GET /api/v1/tickets def index paginate_with(max: 100) tickets = TicketPolicy::ReadScope.new(current_user).resolve .order(id: :asc) .offset(pagination.offset) .limit(pagination.limit) if response_expand? list = [] tickets.each do |ticket| list.push ticket.attributes_with_association_names end render json: list, status: :ok return end if response_full? assets = {} item_ids = [] tickets.each do |item| item_ids.push item.id assets = item.assets(assets) end render json: { record_ids: item_ids, assets: assets, }, status: :ok return end render json: tickets end # GET /api/v1/tickets/1 def show ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) authorize!(ticket) auto_assign_ticket(ticket) if response_expand? result = ticket.attributes_with_association_names render json: result, status: :ok return end if response_full? full = Ticket.full(params[:id]) render json: full return end if response_all? render json: ticket_all(ticket) return end render json: ticket end def auto_assign_ticket(ticket) return if params[:auto_assign].blank? ticket.auto_assign(current_user) end # POST /api/v1/tickets def create ticket = nil Transaction.execute do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength customer = {} if params[:customer].instance_of?(ActionController::Parameters) customer = params[:customer] params.delete(:customer) end if (shared_draft_id = params[:shared_draft_id]) shared_draft = Ticket::SharedDraftStart.find_by id: shared_draft_id if shared_draft && (shared_draft.group_id.to_s != params[:group_id]&.to_s || !shared_draft.group.shared_drafts?) raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __('Shared draft cannot be selected for this ticket.') end shared_draft&.destroy end clean_params = Ticket.association_name_to_id_convert(params) # overwrite params if !current_user.permissions?('ticket.agent') %i[owner owner_id customer customer_id preferences].each do |key| clean_params.delete(key) end clean_params[:customer_id] = current_user.id end # The parameter :customer_id is 'abused' in cases where it is not an integer, but a string like # 'guess:customers.email@domain.cm' which implies that the customer should be looked up. if clean_params[:customer_id].is_a?(String) && clean_params[:customer_id] =~ %r{^guess:(.+?)$} email_address = $1 email_address_validation = EmailAddressValidation.new(email_address) if !email_address_validation.valid? render json: { error: "Invalid email '#{email_address}' of customer" }, status: :unprocessable_entity return end local_customer = User.find_by(email: email_address.downcase) if !local_customer role_ids = Role.signup_role_ids local_customer = User.create( firstname: '', lastname: '', email: email_address, password: '', active: true, role_ids: role_ids, ) end clean_params[:customer_id] = local_customer.id end # try to create customer if needed if clean_params[:customer_id].blank? && customer.present? check_attributes_by_current_user_permission(customer) clean_customer = User.association_name_to_id_convert(customer) local_customer = nil if !local_customer && clean_customer[:id].present? local_customer = User.find_by(id: clean_customer[:id]) end if !local_customer && clean_customer[:email].present? local_customer = User.find_by(email: clean_customer[:email].downcase) end if !local_customer && clean_customer[:login].present? local_customer = User.find_by(login: clean_customer[:login].downcase) end if !local_customer role_ids = Role.signup_role_ids local_customer = User.new(clean_customer) local_customer.role_ids = role_ids local_customer.save! end clean_params[:customer_id] = local_customer.id end clean_params = Ticket.param_cleanup(clean_params, true) clean_params[:screen] = 'create_middle' ticket = Ticket.new(clean_params) authorize!(ticket, :create?) # create ticket ticket.save! # create tags if given if params[:tags].present? tags = params[:tags].split(',') tags.each do |tag| ticket.tag_add(tag) end end # create mentions if given if params[:mentions].present? authorize!(Mention.new, :create?) Array(params[:mentions]).each do |user_id| Mention.where(mentionable: ticket, user_id: user_id).first_or_create(mentionable: ticket, user_id: user_id) end end # create article if given if params[:article] article_create(ticket, params[:article]) end # create links (e. g. in case of ticket split) # links: { # Ticket: { # parent: [ticket_id1, ticket_id2, ...] # normal: [ticket_id1, ticket_id2, ...] # child: [ticket_id1, ticket_id2, ...] # }, # } if params[:links].present? link = params[:links].permit!.to_h raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __('Invalid link structure') if !link.is_a? Hash link.each do |target_object, link_types_with_object_ids| raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __('Invalid link structure (Object)') if !link_types_with_object_ids.is_a? Hash link_types_with_object_ids.each do |link_type, object_ids| raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __('Invalid link structure (Object → LinkType)') if !object_ids.is_a? Array object_ids.each do |local_object_id| link = Link.add( link_type: link_type, link_object_target: target_object, link_object_target_value: local_object_id, link_object_source: 'Ticket', link_object_source_value: ticket.id, ) end end end end end if response_expand? result = ticket.reload.attributes_with_association_names render json: result, status: :created return end if response_full? full = Ticket.full(ticket.id) render json: full, status: :created return end if response_all? render json: ticket_all(ticket.reload), status: :created return end render json: ticket.reload.attributes_with_association_ids, status: :created end # PUT /api/v1/tickets/1 def update ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) authorize!(ticket, :follow_up?) authorize!(ticket) clean_params = Ticket.association_name_to_id_convert(params) clean_params = Ticket.param_cleanup(clean_params, true) # only apply preferences changes (keep not updated keys/values) clean_params = ticket.param_preferences_merge(clean_params) clean_params[:screen] = 'edit' # disable changes on ticket number clean_params.delete('number') # overwrite params if !current_user.permissions?('ticket.agent') %i[owner owner_id customer customer_id organization organization_id preferences].each do |key| clean_params.delete(key) end end ticket.with_lock do ticket.update!(clean_params) if params[:article].present? if (shared_draft_id = params[:article][:shared_draft_id]) shared_draft = Ticket::SharedDraftZoom.find_by id: shared_draft_id if shared_draft && shared_draft.ticket != ticket raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __('Shared draft cannot be selected for this ticket.') end shared_draft&.destroy end article_create(ticket, params[:article]) end end if response_expand? result = ticket.reload.attributes_with_association_names render json: result, status: :ok return end if response_full? full = Ticket.full(params[:id]) render json: full, status: :ok return end if response_all? render json: ticket_all(ticket.reload), status: :ok return end render json: ticket.reload.attributes_with_association_ids, status: :ok end # DELETE /api/v1/tickets/1 def destroy ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) authorize!(ticket) ticket.destroy! head :ok end # GET /api/v1/ticket_customer # GET /api/v1/tickets_customer def ticket_customer # return result result = Ticket::ScreenOptions.list_by_customer( current_user: current_user, customer_id: params[:customer_id], limit: 15, ) render json: result end # GET /api/v1/ticket_history/1 def ticket_history # get ticket data ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) authorize!(ticket, :show?) # get history of ticket render json: ticket.history_get(true) end # GET /api/v1/ticket_related/1 def ticket_related ticket = Ticket.find(params[:ticket_id]) assets = ticket.assets({}) tickets = TicketPolicy::ReadScope.new(current_user).resolve .where( customer_id: ticket.customer_id, state_id: Ticket::State.by_category(:open).select(:id), ) .where.not(id: ticket.id) .order(created_at: :desc) .limit(6) # if we do not have open related tickets, search for any tickets tickets ||= TicketPolicy::ReadScope.new(current_user).resolve .where(customer_id: ticket.customer_id) .where.not(state_id: Ticket::State.by_category(:merged).pluck(:id)) .where.not(id: ticket.id) .order(created_at: :desc) .limit(6) # get related assets ticket_ids_by_customer = [] tickets.each do |ticket_list| ticket_ids_by_customer.push ticket_list.id assets = ticket_list.assets(assets) end ticket_ids_recent_viewed = [] recent_views = RecentView.list(current_user, 8, 'Ticket') recent_views.each do |recent_view| next if recent_view.object.name != 'Ticket' next if recent_view.o_id == ticket.id ticket_ids_recent_viewed.push recent_view.o_id recent_view_ticket = Ticket.find(recent_view.o_id) assets = recent_view_ticket.assets(assets) end # return result render json: { assets: assets, ticket_ids_by_customer: ticket_ids_by_customer, ticket_ids_recent_viewed: ticket_ids_recent_viewed, } end # GET /api/v1/ticket_recent def ticket_recent ticket_ids = RecentView.list(current_user, 10, Ticket.name).map(&:o_id) tickets = ticket_ids.map { |elem| Ticket.lookup(id: elem) } assets = ApplicationModel::CanAssets.reduce(tickets) render json: { assets: assets, ticket_ids_recent_viewed: ticket_ids } end # PUT /api/v1/ticket_merge/1/1 def ticket_merge # check target ticket target_ticket = Ticket.find_by(number: params[:target_ticket_number]) if !target_ticket render json: { result: 'failed', message: __('The target ticket number could not be found.'), } return end authorize!(target_ticket, :update?) # check source ticket source_ticket = Ticket.find_by(id: params[:source_ticket_id]) if !source_ticket render json: { result: 'failed', message: __('The source ticket could not be found.'), } return end authorize!(source_ticket, :update?) # merge ticket source_ticket.merge_to( ticket_id: target_ticket.id, created_by_id: current_user.id, ) # return result render json: { result: 'success', target_ticket: target_ticket.attributes, source_ticket: source_ticket.attributes, } end # GET /api/v1/ticket_split def ticket_split ticket = Ticket.find(params[:ticket_id]) authorize!(ticket, :show?) assets = ticket.assets({}) article = Ticket::Article.find(params[:article_id]) authorize!(article.ticket, :show?) assets = article.assets(assets) render json: { assets: assets, attachments: article_attachments_clone(article), } end # GET /api/v1/ticket_create def ticket_create # get attributes to update attributes_to_change = Ticket::ScreenOptions.attributes_to_change( view: 'ticket_create', screen: 'create_middle', current_user: current_user, ) render json: attributes_to_change end # GET /api/v1/tickets/search def search # permit nested conditions if params[:condition] params.require(:condition).permit! end paginate_with(max: 200, default: 50) query = params[:query] if query.respond_to?(:permit!) query = query.permit!.to_h end # build result list tickets = Ticket.search( query: query, condition: params[:condition].to_h, limit: pagination.limit, offset: pagination.offset, order_by: params[:order_by], sort_by: params[:sort_by], current_user: current_user, ) if response_expand? list = [] tickets.each do |ticket| list.push ticket.attributes_with_association_names end render json: list, status: :ok return end assets = {} ticket_result = [] tickets.each do |ticket| ticket_result.push ticket.id assets = ticket.assets(assets) end # return result render json: { tickets: ticket_result, tickets_count: tickets.count, assets: assets, } end # GET /api/v1/tickets/selector def selector ticket_count, tickets = Ticket.selectors(params[:condition], limit: 6, execution_time: true) assets = {} ticket_ids = [] tickets&.each do |ticket| ticket_ids.push ticket.id assets = ticket.assets(assets) end # return result render json: { ticket_ids: ticket_ids, ticket_count: ticket_count || 0, assets: assets, } end # GET /api/v1/ticket_stats def stats if !params[:user_id] && !params[:organization_id] raise __('Need user_id or organization_id as param') end # lookup open user tickets limit = 100 assets = {} user_tickets = {} if params[:user_id] user = User.lookup(id: params[:user_id]) if !user raise "No such user with id #{params[:user_id]}" end conditions = { closed_ids: { 'ticket.state_id' => { operator: 'is', value: Ticket::State.by_category(:closed).pluck(:id), }, 'ticket.customer_id' => { operator: 'is', value: user.id, }, }, open_ids: { 'ticket.state_id' => { operator: 'is', value: Ticket::State.by_category(:open).pluck(:id), }, 'ticket.customer_id' => { operator: 'is', value: user.id, }, }, } conditions.each do |key, local_condition| user_tickets[key] = ticket_ids_and_assets(local_condition, current_user, limit, assets) end # generate stats by user condition = { 'tickets.customer_id' => user.id, } user_tickets[:volume_by_year] = ticket_stats_last_year(condition) end # lookup open org tickets org_tickets = {} organization_ids = Array(params[:organization_id]) if organization_ids.present? organization_ids.each do |organization_id| organization = Organization.lookup(id: organization_id) if !organization raise "No such organization with id #{organization_id}" end end conditions = { closed_ids: { 'ticket.state_id' => { operator: 'is', value: Ticket::State.by_category(:closed).pluck(:id), }, 'ticket.organization_id' => { operator: 'is', value: organization_ids, }, }, open_ids: { 'ticket.state_id' => { operator: 'is', value: Ticket::State.by_category(:open).pluck(:id), }, 'ticket.organization_id' => { operator: 'is', value: organization_ids, }, }, } conditions.each do |key, local_condition| org_tickets[key] = ticket_ids_and_assets(local_condition, current_user, limit, assets) end # generate stats by org condition = { 'tickets.organization_id' => organization_ids, } org_tickets[:volume_by_year] = ticket_stats_last_year(condition) end # return result render json: { user: user_tickets, organization: org_tickets, assets: assets, } end # @path [GET] /tickets/import_example # # @summary Download of example CSV file. # @notes The requester have 'admin' permissions to be able to download it. # @example curl -u 'me@example.com:test' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/tickets/import_example # # @response_message 200 File download. # @response_message 403 Forbidden / Invalid session. def import_example csv_string = Ticket.csv_example( col_sep: ',', ) send_data( csv_string, filename: 'example.csv', type: 'text/csv', disposition: 'attachment' ) end # @path [POST] /tickets/import # # @summary Starts import. # @notes The requester have 'admin' permissions to be create a new import. # @example curl -u 'me@example.com:test' -F 'file=@/path/to/file/tickets.csv' 'https://your.zammad/api/v1/tickets/import?try=true' # @example curl -u 'me@example.com:test' -F 'file=@/path/to/file/tickets.csv' 'https://your.zammad/api/v1/tickets/import' # # @response_message 201 Import started. # @response_message 403 Forbidden / Invalid session. def import_start if Setting.get('import_mode') != true raise __('Tickets can only be imported if system is in import mode.') end string = params[:data] if string.blank? && params[:file].present? string = params[:file].read.force_encoding('utf-8') end raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __('No source data submitted!') if string.blank? result = Ticket.csv_import( string: string, parse_params: { col_sep: params[:col_sep] || ',', }, try: params[:try], ) render json: result, status: :ok end private def ticket_all(ticket) # get attributes to update attributes_to_change = Ticket::ScreenOptions.attributes_to_change( current_user: current_user, ticket: ticket, screen: 'edit', ) # get related users assets = attributes_to_change[:assets] assets = ticket.assets(assets) # get related users article_ids = [] ticket.articles.each do |article| next if !authorized?(article, :show?) article_ids.push article.id assets = article.assets(assets) end # get links links = Link.list( link_object: 'Ticket', link_object_value: ticket.id, user: current_user, ) assets = Link.reduce_assets(assets, links) # get tags tags = ticket.tag_list # get mentions mentions = Mention.where(mentionable: ticket).order(created_at: :desc) mentions.each do |mention| assets = mention.assets(assets) end if (draft = ticket.shared_draft) && authorized?(draft, :show?) assets = draft.assets(assets) end # return result { ticket_id: ticket.id, ticket_article_ids: article_ids, assets: assets, links: links, tags: tags, mentions: mentions.pluck(:id), form_meta: attributes_to_change[:form_meta], } end end