# Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class SessionsController < ApplicationController prepend_before_action -> { authentication_check && authorize! }, only: %i[switch_to_user list delete] skip_before_action :verify_csrf_token, only: %i[show destroy create_omniauth failure_omniauth] skip_before_action :user_device_log, only: %i[create_sso] # "Create" a login, aka "log the user in" def create user = authenticate_with_password initiate_session_for(user) # return new session data render status: :created, json: SessionHelper.json_hash(user).merge(config: config_frontend) end def create_sso raise Exceptions::Forbidden, 'SSO authentication disabled!' if !Setting.get('auth_sso') user = begin login = request.env['REMOTE_USER'] || request.env['HTTP_REMOTE_USER'] || request.headers['X-Forwarded-User'] User.lookup(login: login&.downcase) end raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, __("Neither an SSO environment variable 'REMOTE_USER' nor a 'X-Forwarded-User' header could be found.") if login.blank? raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, "User '#{login}' could not be found." if user.blank? session.delete(:switched_from_user_id) authentication_check_prerequesits(user, 'SSO', {}) initiate_session_for(user) redirect_to '/#' end def show user = authentication_check_only raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'no valid session' if user.blank? # return current session render json: SessionHelper.json_hash(user).merge(config: config_frontend) rescue Exceptions::NotAuthorized => e render json: { error: e.message, config: config_frontend, models: SessionHelper.models, collections: { Locale.to_app_model => Locale.where(active: true) } } end # "Delete" a login, aka "log the user out" def destroy if %w[test development].include?(Rails.env) && ENV['FAKE_SELENIUM_LOGIN_USER_ID'].present? ENV['FAKE_SELENIUM_LOGIN_USER_ID'] = nil # rubocop:disable Rails/EnvironmentVariableAccess end reset_session # Remove the user id from the session @_current_user = nil # reset session request.env['rack.session.options'][:expire_after] = nil render json: {} end def create_omniauth # in case, remove switched_from_user_id session[:switched_from_user_id] = nil auth = request.env['omniauth.auth'] if !auth logger.info('AUTH IS NULL, SERVICE NOT LINKED TO ACCOUNT') # redirect to app redirect_to '/' end # Create a new user or add an auth to existing user, depending on # whether there is already a user signed in. authorization = Authorization.find_from_hash(auth) if !authorization authorization = Authorization.create_from_hash(auth, current_user) end if in_maintenance_mode?(authorization.user) redirect_to '/#' return end # set current session user current_user_set(authorization.user) # log new session authorization.user.activity_stream_log('session started', authorization.user.id, true) # remember last login date authorization.user.update_last_login # redirect to app redirect_to '/' end def failure_omniauth raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Message from #{params[:strategy]}: #{params[:message]}" end # "switch" to user def switch_to_user # check user if !params[:id] render( json: { message: 'no user given' }, status: :not_found ) return false end user = User.find(params[:id]) if !user render( json: {}, status: :not_found ) return false end # remember original user session[:switched_from_user_id] ||= current_user.id # log new session user.activity_stream_log('switch to', current_user.id, true) # set session user current_user_set(user) render( json: { success: true, location: '', }, ) end # "switch" back to user def switch_back_to_user # check if it's a switch back raise Exceptions::Forbidden if !session[:switched_from_user_id] user = User.lookup(id: session[:switched_from_user_id]) if !user render( json: {}, status: :not_found ) return false end # remember current user current_session_user = current_user # remove switched_from_user_id session[:switched_from_user_id] = nil # set old session user again current_user_set(user) # log end session current_session_user.activity_stream_log('ended switch to', user.id, true) render( json: { success: true, location: '', }, ) end def available render json: { app_version: AppVersion.get } end def list assets = {} sessions_clean = [] SessionHelper.list.each do |session| next if session.data['user_id'].blank? sessions_clean.push session next if session.data['user_id'] user = User.lookup(id: session.data['user_id']) next if !user assets = user.assets(assets) end render json: { sessions: sessions_clean, assets: assets, } end def delete SessionHelper.destroy(params[:id]) render json: {} end private def authenticate_with_password auth = Auth.new(params[:username], params[:password]) raise_unified_login_error if !auth.valid? session.delete(:switched_from_user_id) authentication_check_prerequesits(auth.user, 'session', {}) end def initiate_session_for(user) request.env['rack.session.options'][:expire_after] = 1.year if params[:remember_me] # Mark the session as "persistent". Non-persistent sessions (e.g. sessions generated by curl API call) are # deleted periodically in SessionHelper.cleanup_expired. session[:persistent] = true user.activity_stream_log('session started', user.id, true) end def config_frontend # config config = {} Setting.select('name, preferences').where(frontend: true).each do |setting| next if setting.preferences[:authentication] == true && !current_user value = Setting.get(setting.name) next if !current_user && (value == false || value.nil?) config[setting.name] = value end # remember if we can switch back to user if session[:switched_from_user_id] config['switch_back_to_possible'] = true end # remember session_id for websocket logon if current_user config['session_id'] = session.id.public_id end config end end