// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { computed, type Ref } from 'vue' import { EnumTextDirection } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { i18n } from '#shared/i18n.ts' import { useLocaleStore } from '#shared/stores/locale.ts' import type { DateTimeContext } from './types.ts' export const useDateTime = (context: Ref) => { const timePicker = computed(() => context.value.type === 'datetime') const valueFormat = computed(() => { if (timePicker.value) return 'iso' return 'yyyy-MM-dd' }) const localeStore = useLocaleStore() const position = computed(() => localeStore.localeData?.dir === EnumTextDirection.Rtl ? 'right' : 'left', ) const minDate = computed(() => { if (context.value.futureOnly) return new Date() return context.value.minDate }) const displayFormat = computed(() => { let result = i18n.getDateFormat() if (timePicker.value) result = i18n.getDateTimeFormat() result = result.replace(/m/g, '{m}') result = result.replace(/M/g, 'm') result = result.replace(/\{m\}/g, 'M') result = result.replace(/l/g, 'h') result = result.replace(/P/g, 'aaa') return result }) const is24 = computed(() => i18n.getTimeFormatType() === '24hour') const ariaLabels = computed(() => ({ toggleOverlay: i18n.t('Toggle the overlay'), menu: i18n.t('Datepicker menu'), input: i18n.t('Datepicker input field'), calendarWrap: i18n.t('Area for calendar month display'), calendarDays: i18n.t('Area for calendar days display'), openTimePicker: i18n.t('Open the time picker'), closeTimePicker: i18n.t('Close the time picker'), incrementValue: (type: string) => { switch (type) { case 'hours': return i18n.t('Increment hours value') case 'minutes': return i18n.t('Increment minutes value') case 'seconds': default: return i18n.t('Increment seconds value') } }, decrementValue: (type: string) => { switch (type) { case 'hours': return i18n.t('Decrement hours value') case 'minutes': return i18n.t('Decrement minutes value') case 'seconds': default: return i18n.t('Decrement seconds value') } }, openTpOverlay: (type: string) => { switch (type) { case 'hours': return i18n.t('Open the hours overlay') case 'minutes': return i18n.t('Open the minutes overlay') case 'seconds': default: return i18n.t('Open the seconds overlay') } }, amPmButton: i18n.t('Toggle AM/PM mode'), openYearsOverlay: i18n.t('Open the years overlay'), openMonthsOverlay: i18n.t('Open the months overlay'), nextMonth: i18n.t('Next month'), prevMonth: i18n.t('Previous month'), nextYear: i18n.t('Next year'), prevYear: i18n.t('Previous year'), })) return { ariaLabels, displayFormat, is24, localeStore, minDate, position, timePicker, valueFormat, } }