// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { fireEvent, getAllByRole, getByLabelText, getByRole, } from '@testing-library/vue' import { visitView } from '#tests/support/components/visitView.ts' import { mockPermissions } from '#tests/support/mock-permissions.ts' import { mockUserCurrent } from '#tests/support/mock-userCurrent.ts' import { mockLogoutMutation } from '#shared/graphql/mutations/logout.mocks.ts' describe('Left sidebar', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockUserCurrent({ id: 'gid://zammad/User/999', firstname: 'Nicole', lastname: 'Braun', fullname: 'Nicole Braun', preferences: {}, }) }) afterEach(() => { localStorage.clear() }) describe('width handling', () => { it('renders initially with the default width', async () => { const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') expect(aside.parentElement).toHaveStyle({ gridTemplateColumns: '260px 1fr', }) }) it('restores stored width', async () => { localStorage.setItem('gid://zammad/User/999-left-sidebar-width', '216') const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') expect(aside.parentElement).toHaveStyle({ gridTemplateColumns: '216px 1fr', }) }) it('supports collapsing/expanding', async () => { const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const collapseButton = getByRole(aside, 'button', { name: 'Collapse this element', }) await view.events.click(collapseButton) expect(aside.parentElement).toHaveStyle({ gridTemplateColumns: '48px 1fr', }) const expandButton = getByRole(aside, 'button', { name: 'Expand this element', }) await view.events.click(expandButton) expect(aside.parentElement).toHaveStyle({ gridTemplateColumns: '260px 1fr', }) }) it('restores collapsed state width', async () => { localStorage.setItem( 'gid://zammad/User/999-left-sidebar-collapsed', 'true', ) const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') expect(aside.parentElement).toHaveStyle({ gridTemplateColumns: '48px 1fr', }) }) it('supports resizing', async () => { const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const resizeHandle = getByLabelText(aside, 'Resize sidebar') await fireEvent.mouseDown(resizeHandle, { clientX: 260 }) await fireEvent.mouseMove(document, { clientX: 216 }) await fireEvent.mouseUp(document, { clientX: 216 }) expect(aside.parentElement).toHaveStyle({ gridTemplateColumns: '216px 1fr', }) }) it('supports resetting', async () => { localStorage.setItem('gid://zammad/User/999-left-sidebar-width', '216') const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const resizeHandle = getByLabelText(aside, 'Resize sidebar') await view.events.dblClick(resizeHandle) expect(aside.parentElement).toHaveStyle({ gridTemplateColumns: '260px 1fr', }) }) }) describe('User menu', () => { afterEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks() }) it.each([{ collapsed: false }, { collapsed: true }])( 'shows menu popover on click (collapsed: $collapsed)', async ({ collapsed }) => { localStorage.setItem( 'gid://zammad/User/999-left-sidebar-collapsed', String(collapsed), ) const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const avatarButton = getByRole(aside, 'button', { name: 'Nicole Braun', }) expect(avatarButton).toHaveTextContent('NB') await view.events.click(avatarButton) const popover = view.getByRole('region', { name: 'Nicole Braun' }) expect(popover).toHaveTextContent('Nicole Braun') const menu = getByRole(popover, 'menu') const menuItems = getAllByRole(menu, 'menuitem') expect(menuItems).toHaveLength(4) }, ) it('supports cycling appearance state', async () => { mockPermissions(['user_preferences.appearance']) const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const avatarButton = getByRole(aside, 'button', { name: 'Nicole Braun' }) await view.events.click(avatarButton) const appearanceButton = view.getByRole('button', { name: 'Appearance' }) const appearanceSwitch = view.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Dark Mode' }) expect(appearanceSwitch).toBePartiallyChecked() await view.events.click(appearanceSwitch) expect(appearanceSwitch).toBeChecked() await view.events.click(appearanceButton) expect(appearanceSwitch).not.toBeChecked() await view.events.click(appearanceSwitch) expect(appearanceSwitch).toBePartiallyChecked() }) it('supports navigating to playground', async () => { const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const avatarButton = getByRole(aside, 'button', { name: 'Nicole Braun' }) await view.events.click(avatarButton) const playgroundLink = view.getByRole('link', { name: 'Playground', }) await view.events.click(playgroundLink) await vi.waitFor(() => { expect(view, 'correctly redirects to playground page').toHaveCurrentUrl( '/playground', ) }) expect( view.queryByRole('region', { name: 'User menu' }), ).not.toBeInTheDocument() }) // TODO: Cover keyboard shortcuts menu item when ready. it('supports navigating to personal settings', async () => { const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const avatarButton = getByRole(aside, 'button', { name: 'Nicole Braun' }) await view.events.click(avatarButton) const personalSettingsLink = view.getByRole('link', { name: 'Profile settings', }) await view.events.click(personalSettingsLink) await vi.waitFor(() => { expect( view, 'correctly redirects to personal settings page', ).toHaveCurrentUrl('/personal-setting') }) expect( view.queryByRole('region', { name: 'User menu' }), ).not.toBeInTheDocument() }) it('supports signing out', async () => { const view = await visitView('/') const aside = view.getByRole('complementary') const avatarButton = getByRole(aside, 'button', { name: 'Nicole Braun' }) await view.events.click(avatarButton) const logoutLink = view.getByRole('link', { name: 'Sign out' }) mockLogoutMutation({ logout: { success: true, externalLogoutUrl: null, }, }) await view.events.click(logoutLink) await vi.waitFor(() => { expect(view, 'correctly redirects to login page').toHaveCurrentUrl( '/login', ) }) expect( view.queryByRole('region', { name: 'User menu' }), ).not.toBeInTheDocument() }) }) })