module SessionHelper def self.default_collections(user, assets = {}) # auto population collections, store all here default_collection = {} # load collections to deliver from external files dir = File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__) files = Dir.glob( "#{dir}/app/controllers/sessions/collection_*.rb") files.each { |file| load file (default_collection, assets) = ExtraCollection.session(default_collection, assets, user) } [default_collection, assets] end def self.models(user = nil) models = {} objects = ObjectManager.list_objects objects.each { |object| attributes = ObjectManager::Attribute.by_object(object, user) models[object] = attributes } models end def self.cleanup_expired # delete temp. sessions ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.where('persistent IS NULL AND updated_at < ?', - 2.hours).delete_all # web sessions not updated the last x days ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.where('updated_at < ?', - 60.days).delete_all end def self.get(id) ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.find_by(id: id) end def self.list(limit = 10_000) ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.order('updated_at DESC').limit(limit) end def self.destroy(id) session = ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.find_by(id: id) return if !session session.destroy end end