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<title>403: Forbidden</title>
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        <h1 class="mb-9 text-8xl font-extrabold">403</h1>
        <% if !@traceback %>
          <img alt="Error" src="/assets/error/error-mobile-403.svg">
          <h2 class="mt-9 max-w-prose text-center text-xl font-semibold">Forbidden</h2>
          <p class="mt-4 min-h-[4rem] max-w-prose text-center text-gray">Sorry, but you're not allowed to access this page. If you're registered please log in and refresh this page.</p>
          <% if @message.present? %>
            <p class="max-w-prose text-center text-gray"><%= @message %></p>
          <% end %>
        <% else %>
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<%= @exception.message %>
<% if @exception.backtrace %>
<% @exception.backtrace.each {|row| %>
<%= row %>
<% } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>