// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ /* eslint-disable no-nested-ternary */ const startCase = require('lodash/startCase.js') const camelCase = require('lodash/camelCase.js') const { basename } = require('path') const { convertFactory } = require('@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common') /** @typedef {import('graphql').OperationDefinitionNode} OperationDefinitionNode */ const pascalCase = (str) => startCase(camelCase(str)) const getCompositionFunctionSuffix = (name, operationType) => { if ( name.includes('Query') || name.includes('Mutation') || name.includes('Subscription') ) { return '' } return pascalCase(operationType) } const getOperationSuffix = (config, node, operationType) => { const { omitOperationSuffix = false, dedupeOperationSuffix = false } = config const operationName = typeof node === 'string' ? node : node.name ? node.name.value : '' return omitOperationSuffix ? '' : dedupeOperationSuffix && operationName.toLowerCase().endsWith(operationType.toLowerCase()) ? '' : operationType } module.exports.plugin = (schema, documents, config) => { // we assume that there is only one operation per file // if not, then we take the first operation and assume it is the only one const node = documents[0].document.definitions[0] const suffix = getCompositionFunctionSuffix(node.name.value, node.operation) const convertName = convertFactory(config) const operationName = convertName(node.name.value, { suffix, useTypesPrefix: false, }) const baseFile = basename(documents[0].location).replace( /\.graphql$/, '.api.ts', ) const documentVariableName = convertName(node, { suffix: config.documentVariableSuffix || 'Document', prefix: config.documentVariablePrefix, useTypesPrefix: false, }) const operationType = pascalCase(node.operation) const operationTypeSuffix = getOperationSuffix(config, node, operationType) const operationResultType = `Types.${convertName(node, { suffix: operationTypeSuffix, })}` const operationVariablesTypes = `Types.${convertName(node, { suffix: `${operationTypeSuffix}Variables`, })}` return { prepend: [ "import * as Mocks from '#tests/graphql/builders/mocks.ts'", `import * as Operations from './${baseFile}'`, ], content: [ node.operation === 'subscription' ? ` export function get${operationName}Handler() { return Mocks.getGraphQLSubscriptionHandler<${operationResultType}>(Operations.${documentVariableName}) } ` : ` export function mock${operationName}(defaults: Mocks.MockDefaultsValue<${operationResultType}, ${operationVariablesTypes}>) { return Mocks.mockGraphQLResult(Operations.${documentVariableName}, defaults) } export function waitFor${operationName}Calls() { return Mocks.waitForGraphQLMockCalls<${operationResultType}>(Operations.${documentVariableName}) } `, ], } }