# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ module Gql::Mutations class Ticket::Article::EmailForwardReply < BaseMutation description 'Prepare for a new forward or reply email article' argument :article_id, GraphQL::Types::ID, loads: Gql::Types::Ticket::ArticleType, description: 'The article to be forwarded or replied to' argument :form_id, Gql::Types::FormIdType, 'Form identifier of the form for the new article to copy attachments to' field :quotable_from, String, description: "'From' information of the original email to be inserted in the quoted email block" field :quotable_to, String, description: "'To' information of the original email to be inserted in the quoted email block" field :quotable_cc, String, description: "'Cc' information of the original email to be inserted in the quoted email block" field :attachments, [Gql::Types::StoredFileType, { null: false }], null: false, description: 'Cloned attachments for the new article.' def resolve(article:, form_id:) result = { attachments: clone_attachments(article:, form_id:) } return result if !Setting.get('ui_ticket_zoom_article_email_full_quote_header') result.merge( { quotable_from: from(article), quotable_to: to(article), quotable_cc: cc(article), } ) end def from(article) [ ::User.find_by(id: article.origin_by_id || article.created_by_id), find_user_by_raw_email(article.from) ].compact.each do |user| result = filtered_user_info(user) return result if result.present? end nil end def to(article) %i[to_email_web to_customer to_agent to_default].each do |func| result = send(func, article) return result if result.present? end nil end def to_email_web(article) return if article.type.name != 'email' && article.type.name != 'web' filtered_user_info(find_user_by_raw_email(article.to)) end def to_customer(article) return if article.sender.name != 'Customer' || article.type.name != 'phone' group = Group.find_by(name: find_user_by_raw_email(article.to)) return article.to if !group ::Channel::EmailBuild.recipient_line(group.fullname, group.email) end def to_agent(article) return if article.sender.name != 'Agent' || article.type.name != 'phone' customer = ::User.find_by(id: article.ticket.customer_id) filtered_user_info(customer) || filtered_user_info(find_user_by_raw_email(article.to)) end def to_default(article) article.to end def cc(article) filtered_user_info(find_user_by_raw_email(article.cc)) end def clone_attachments(article:, form_id:) article.clone_attachments('UploadCache', form_id, only_attached_attachments: true) end private def find_user_by_raw_email(string) if string =~ %r{]+)(>?)} return ::User.find_by(email: $1) end nil end def filtered_user_info(user) return if !user if !user.permissions?('ticket.agent') && user.email ::Channel::EmailBuild.recipient_line(user.fullname, user.email) else user.fullname.presence end end end end