# Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe SearchIndexBackend do before do |example| next if !example.metadata[:searchindex] configure_elasticsearch(required: true, rebuild: true) end describe '.build_query' do subject(:query) { described_class.build_query('', query_extension: params) } let(:params) { { 'bool' => { 'filter' => { 'term' => { 'a' => 'b' } } } } } it 'coerces :query_extension hash keys to symbols' do expect(query.dig(:query, :bool, :filter, :term, :a)).to eq('b') end end describe '.search', searchindex: true do context 'query finds results' do let(:record_type) { 'Ticket'.freeze } let(:record) { create :ticket } before do record.search_index_update_backend described_class.refresh end it 'finds added records' do result = described_class.search(record.number, record_type, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end end context 'when search for user firstname + double lastname' do let(:record_type) { 'User'.freeze } let(:record) { create :user, login: 'a', email: 'a@a.de', firstname: 'AnFirst', lastname: 'ASplit Lastname' } before do record.search_index_update_backend described_class.refresh end it 'finds user record' do result = described_class.search('AnFirst ASplit Lastname', record_type, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end end context 'for query with no results' do subject(:search) { described_class.search(query, index, limit: 3000) } let(:query) { 'preferences.notification_sound.enabled:*' } context 'on a single index' do let(:index) { 'User' } it { is_expected.to be_an(Array).and be_empty } end context 'on multiple indices' do let(:index) { %w[User Organization] } it { is_expected.to be_an(Array).and not_include(nil).and be_empty } end end context 'search with date that requires time zone conversion', time_zone: 'Europe/Vilnius' do let(:record_type) { 'Ticket'.freeze } let(:record) { create :ticket } before do travel_to(Time.zone.parse('2019-01-02 00:33')) described_class.add(record_type, record) described_class.refresh end it 'finds record in a given timezone with a range' do Setting.set('timezone_default', 'UTC') result = described_class.search('created_at: [2019-01-01 TO 2019-01-01]', record_type) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end it 'finds record in a far away timezone with a date' do Setting.set('timezone_default', 'Europe/Vilnius') result = described_class.search('created_at: 2019-01-02', record_type) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end it 'finds record in UTC with date' do Setting.set('timezone_default', 'UTC') result = described_class.search('created_at: 2019-01-01', record_type) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end end context 'does find integer values for ticket data', db_strategy: :reset do let(:record_type) { 'Ticket'.freeze } let(:record) { create :ticket, inttest: '1021052349' } before do create(:object_manager_attribute_integer, name: 'inttest', data_option: { 'default' => 0, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 99_999_999, }) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute record.search_index_update_backend described_class.refresh end it 'finds added records by integer part' do result = described_class.search('102105', record_type, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end it 'finds added records by integer' do result = described_class.search('1021052349', record_type, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end it 'finds added records by quoted integer' do result = described_class.search('"1021052349"', record_type, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) expect(result).to eq([{ id: record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end end end describe '.append_wildcard_to_simple_query' do context 'with "simple" queries' do let(:queries) { <<~QUERIES.lines.map { |x| x.split('#')[0] }.map(&:strip) } M Max Max. # dot and underscore are acceptable characters in simple queries A_ A_B äöü 123 *ax # wildcards are allowed in simple queries Max* M*x M?x test@example.com test@example. test@example test@ QUERIES it 'appends a * to the original query' do expect(queries.map { |query| described_class.append_wildcard_to_simple_query(query) }) .to eq(queries.map { |q| "#{q}*" }) end end context 'with "complex" queries (using search operators)' do let(:queries) { <<~QUERIES.lines.map { |x| x.split('#')[0] }.map(&:strip) } title:"some words with spaces" # exact phrase / without quotation marks " an AND search for the words will be performed (in Zammad 1.5 and lower an OR search will be performed) title:"some wor*" # exact phrase beginning with "some wor*" will be searched created_at:[2017-01-01 TO 2017-12-31] # a time range created_at:>now-1h # created within last hour state:new OR state:open (state:new OR state:open) OR priority:"3 normal" (state:new OR state:open) AND customer.lastname:smith state:(new OR open) AND title:(full text search) # state: new OR open & title: full OR text OR search tags: "some tag" owner.email: "bod@example.com" AND state: (new OR open OR pending*) # show all open tickets of a certain agent state:closed AND _missing_:tag # all closed objects without tags article_count: [1 TO 5] # tickets with 1 to 5 articles article_count: [10 TO *] # tickets with 10 or more articles article.from: bob # also article.from can be used article.body: heat~ # using the fuzzy operator will also find terms that are similar, in this case also "head" article.body: /joh?n(ath[oa]n)/ # using regular expressions user:M user:Max user:Max. user:Max* organization:A_B organization:A_B* user: M user: Max user: Max. user: Max* organization: A_B organization: A_B* id:123 number:123 id:"123" number:"123" QUERIES it 'returns the original query verbatim' do expect(queries.map { |query| described_class.append_wildcard_to_simple_query(query) }) .to eq(queries) end end end describe '.remove', searchindex: true do context 'record gets deleted' do let(:record_type) { 'Ticket'.freeze } let(:deleted_record) { create :ticket } before do described_class.add(record_type, deleted_record) described_class.refresh end it 'removes record from search index' do described_class.remove(record_type, deleted_record.id) described_class.refresh result = described_class.search(deleted_record.number, record_type, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) expect(result).to eq([]) end context 'other records present' do let(:other_record) { create :ticket } before do described_class.add(record_type, other_record) described_class.refresh end it "doesn't remove other records" do described_class.remove(record_type, deleted_record.id) described_class.refresh result = described_class.search(other_record.number, record_type, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc']) expect(result).to eq([{ id: other_record.id.to_s, type: record_type }]) end end end end describe '.selectors', searchindex: true do let(:group1) { create :group } let(:organization1) { create :organization, note: 'hihi' } let(:agent1) { create :agent, organization: organization1, groups: [group1] } let(:customer1) { create :customer, organization: organization1, firstname: 'special-first-name' } let(:ticket1) do ticket = create :ticket, title: 'some-title1', state_id: 1, created_by: agent1 ticket.tag_add('t1', 1) ticket end let(:ticket2) do ticket = create :ticket, title: 'some_title2', state_id: 4 ticket.tag_add('t2', 1) ticket end let(:ticket3) do ticket = create :ticket, title: 'some::title3', state_id: 1 ticket.tag_add('t1', 1) ticket.tag_add('t2', 1) ticket end let(:ticket4) { create :ticket, title: 'phrase some-title4', state_id: 1 } let(:ticket5) { create :ticket, title: 'phrase some_title5', state_id: 1 } let(:ticket6) { create :ticket, title: 'phrase some::title6', state_id: 1 } let(:ticket7) { create :ticket, title: 'some title7', state_id: 1 } let(:ticket8) { create :ticket, title: 'sometitle', group: group1, state_id: 1, owner: agent1, customer: customer1, organization: organization1 } let(:article8) { create :ticket_article, ticket: ticket8, subject: 'lorem ipsum' } before do Ticket.destroy_all # needed to remove not created tickets travel(-1.hour) create(:mention, mentionable: ticket1, user: agent1) ticket1.search_index_update_backend travel 1.hour ticket2.search_index_update_backend travel 1.second ticket3.search_index_update_backend travel 1.second ticket4.search_index_update_backend travel 1.second ticket5.search_index_update_backend travel 1.second ticket6.search_index_update_backend travel 1.second ticket7.search_index_update_backend travel 1.hour article8.ticket.search_index_update_backend described_class.refresh end context 'query with contains' do it 'finds records with till (relative)' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.created_at'=>{ 'operator' => 'till (relative)', 'value' => '30', 'range' => 'minute' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with from (relative)' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.created_at'=>{ 'operator' => 'from (relative)', 'value' => '30', 'range' => 'minute' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with till (relative) including +1 hour ticket' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.created_at'=>{ 'operator' => 'till (relative)', 'value' => '120', 'range' => 'minute' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 8, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with from (relative) including -1 hour ticket' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.created_at'=>{ 'operator' => 'from (relative)', 'value' => '120', 'range' => 'minute' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 8, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with tags which contains all' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.tags'=>{ 'operator' => 'contains all', 'value' => 't1, t2' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket3.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with tags which contains one' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.tags'=>{ 'operator' => 'contains one', 'value' => 't1, t2' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 3, ticket_ids: [ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with tags which contains all not' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.tags'=>{ 'operator' => 'contains all not', 'value' => 't2' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 6, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with tags which contains one not' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.tags'=>{ 'operator' => 'contains one not', 'value' => 't1' } }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 6, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with organization note' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'organization.note' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'hihi', }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with customer firstname' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'customer.firstname' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'special', }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with article subject' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'article.subject' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'ipsum', }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition not_set' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'created_by_id' => { 'pre_condition' => 'not_set', 'operator' => 'is', }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition current_user.id' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'owner_id' => { 'pre_condition' => 'current_user.id', 'operator' => 'is', }, }, { current_user: agent1 }, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition current_user.organization_id' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'organization_id' => { 'pre_condition' => 'current_user.organization_id', 'operator' => 'is', }, }, { current_user: agent1 }, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing phrase' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'phrase', }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 3, ticket_ids: [ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing some title7' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'some title7', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket7.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing -' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'some-title1', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing _' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'some_title2', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing ::' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'some::title3', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket3.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing 4' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 4, }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing "4"' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => '4', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket2.id.to_s] }) end end context 'query with contains not' do it 'finds records with containing not phrase' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains not', 'value' => 'phrase', }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 5, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing not some title7' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains not', 'value' => 'some title7', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing not -' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains not', 'value' => 'some-title1', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing not _' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains not', 'value' => 'some_title2', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing not ::' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'contains not', 'value' => 'some::title3', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing not 4' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'contains not', 'value' => 4, }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with containing not "4"' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'contains not', 'value' => '4', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end end context 'query with is' do it 'finds records with is phrase' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'phrase', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 0, ticket_ids: [] }) end it 'finds records with is some title7' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'some title7', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket7.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is -' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'some-title1', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is _' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'some_title2', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is ::' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'some::title3', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket3.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is 4' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 4, }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is "4"' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => '4', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket2.id.to_s] }) end end context 'query with is not' do it 'finds records with is not phrase' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => 'phrase', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 8, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is not some title7' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => 'some title7', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is not -' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => 'some-title1', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is not _' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => 'some_title2', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is not ::' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => 'some::title3', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is not 4' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => 4, }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is not "4"' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => '4', }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with is not state_id ["4"] and title ["sometitle"]' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', 'state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => ['4'], }, 'title' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => ['sometitle'], }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s] }) end end context 'mentions' do it 'finds records with pre_condition is not_set' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.mention_user_ids' => { 'pre_condition' => 'not_set', 'operator' => 'is', }, }, { current_user: agent1 }, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition is not not_set' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.mention_user_ids' => { 'pre_condition' => 'not_set', 'operator' => 'is not', }, }, { current_user: agent1 }, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition is current_user.id' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.mention_user_ids' => { 'pre_condition' => 'current_user.id', 'operator' => 'is', }, }, { current_user: agent1 }, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition is not current_user.id' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.mention_user_ids' => { 'pre_condition' => 'current_user.id', 'operator' => 'is not', }, }, { current_user: agent1 }, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition is specific' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.mention_user_ids' => { 'pre_condition' => 'specific', 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => agent1.id, }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 1, ticket_ids: [ticket1.id.to_s] }) end it 'finds records with pre_condition is not specific' do result = described_class.selectors('Ticket', { 'ticket.mention_user_ids' => { 'pre_condition' => 'specific', 'operator' => 'is not', 'value' => agent1.id, }, }, {}, { field: 'created_at', # sort to verify result }) expect(result).to eq({ count: 7, ticket_ids: [ticket8.id.to_s, ticket7.id.to_s, ticket6.id.to_s, ticket5.id.to_s, ticket4.id.to_s, ticket3.id.to_s, ticket2.id.to_s] }) end end end describe '.verify_date_range' do let(:range_1) { { range: { created_at: { from: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', to: '2021-12-31T23:59:59Z' } } } } let(:range_2) { { range: { created_at: { from: '2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z', to: '2020-03-31T23:59:59Z' } } } } let(:range_3) { { range: { created_at: { from: '2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z', to: '2018-03-31T23:59:59Z' } } } } let(:range_4) { { range: { updated_at: { from: '2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z', to: '2018-03-31T23:59:59Z' } } } } def build_payload(*ranges) { query: { bool: { must: ranges } } } end it 'verifies single range' do result = described_class.verify_date_range 'url', build_payload(range_1) expect(result).to be_truthy end it 'verifies multiple intersecting ranges' do result = described_class.verify_date_range 'url', build_payload(range_1, range_2) expect(result).to be_truthy end it 'verifies non-intersecting ranges on different keys' do result = described_class.verify_date_range 'url', build_payload(range_1, range_4) expect(result).to be_truthy end it 'verifies payload without any ranges' do result = described_class.verify_date_range 'url', build_payload expect(result).to be_truthy end it 'verifies payload without payload' do result = described_class.verify_date_range 'url', {} expect(result).to be_truthy end it 'raises an error with multiple non-intersecting range' do expect { described_class.verify_date_range 'url', build_payload(range_1, range_3) } .to raise_error(%r{Conflicting date ranges}) end context 'with a stubbed range' do before do allow(described_class).to receive(:convert_es_date_range).and_return(mock_range) end let(:mock_range) { instance_double(Range, overlaps?: true) } it 'checks overlap once for 2 ranges' do described_class.verify_date_range 'url', build_payload(range_1, range_2) expect(mock_range).to have_received(:overlaps?).exactly(1).times end it 'checks overlap 3 times for 3 ranges' do described_class.verify_date_range 'url', build_payload(range_1, range_2, range_3) expect(mock_range).to have_received(:overlaps?).exactly(3).times end end end describe '.verify_single_key_range' do let(:range_1) { DateTime.new(2020, 1, 1)..DateTime.new(2021, 12, 31) } let(:range_2) { DateTime.new(2020, 3, 1)..DateTime.new(2020, 3, 31) } let(:range_3) { DateTime.new(2018, 3, 1)..DateTime.new(2018, 3, 31) } it 'returns true with a single range' do result = described_class.verify_single_key_range [range_1] expect(result).to be_truthy end it 'returns true with overlapping ranges' do result = described_class.verify_single_key_range [range_1, range_2] expect(result).to be_truthy end it 'returns false with non-overlapping ranges' do result = described_class.verify_single_key_range [range_1, range_3] expect(result).to be_falsey end end describe '.convert_es_date_range' do let(:from) { DateTime.new 2018, 1, 1, 17 } let(:from_placeholder) { DateTime.new(-9999, 1, 1) } let(:to) { DateTime.new 2020, 10, 1, 23 } let(:to_placeholder) { DateTime.new 9999, 1, 1 } it 'converts range' do result = described_class.convert_es_date_range( { range: { created_at: { from: '2018-01-01T17:00:00.000Z', to: '2020-10-01T23:00:00Z' } } } ) expect(result).to eq from..to end it 'converts less than' do result = described_class.convert_es_date_range( { range: { created_at: { lt: '2020-10-01T23:00:00Z' } } } ) expect(result).to eq from_placeholder..to end it 'converts greater than' do result = described_class.convert_es_date_range( { range: { created_at: { gt: '2018-01-01T17:00:00.000Z', } } } ) expect(result).to eq from..to_placeholder end end end