# encoding: utf-8
require 'browser_test_helper'
class AgentTicketActionsLevel2Test < TestCase
def test_work_with_two_browser_on_same_ticket
message = 'message 1äöüß ' + rand(99999999999999999).to_s
tests = [
:name => 'start',
:instance1 => browser_instance,
:instance2 => browser_instance,
:instance1_username => 'master@example.com',
:instance1_password => 'test',
:instance2_username => 'agent1@example.com',
:instance2_password => 'test',
:url => browser_url,
:action => [
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'close_all_tasks',
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'close_all_tasks',
# create ticket
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'create_ticket',
:group => 'Users',
:subject => 'some level 2 subject 123äöü',
:body => 'some level 2 body 123äöü',
# check ticket
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active div.ticket-article',
:value => 'some level 2 body 123äöü',
:match_result => true,
# remember old ticket where we want to merge to
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket_info h3',
:value => '^#(.*)$',
:no_quote => true,
:match_result => true,
# open ticket in second browser
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'set',
:css => '#global-search',
:value => '###stack###',
:execute => 'wait',
:value => 3,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'click',
:link => '###stack###',
# :css => 'a:contains(\'###stack###\')',
:execute => 'wait',
:value => 3,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active div.ticket-article',
:value => 'some level 2 body 123äöü',
:match_result => true,
# change title in second browser
# {
# :where => :instance2,
# :execute => 'sendkey',
# :css => '.active .ticket-title-update',
# :value => 'TTT',
# },
# {
# :where => :instance2,
# :execute => 'sendkey',
# :css => '.active .ticket-title-update',
# :value => :tab,
# },
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'js',
:value => '$(".active .ticket-title .ticket-title-update").focus()',
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'js',
:value => '$(".active .ticket-title .ticket-title-update").html("TTTsome level 2 <b>subject</b> 123äöü")',
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'js',
:value => '$(".active .ticket-title .ticket-title-update").blur()',
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'js',
:value => '$(".active .ticket-title .ticket-title-update").trigger("blur")',
:execute => 'wait',
:value => 5,
# set body in edit area
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'set',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => 'some level 2 body in instance 2',
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'set',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => 'some level 2 body in instance 1',
# change task and page title in second browser
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.taskbar .active .task',
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance2,
:element => :title,
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
# change task and page title in first browser
:execute => 'wait',
:value => 10,
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-title-update',
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.taskbar .active .task',
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance1,
:element => :title,
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
:where => :instance2,
:element => :title,
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
# verify text in input body
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => 'some level 2 body in instance 1',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => 'some level 2 body in instance 2',
:match_result => true,
# add new article
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'select',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer select[name="type_id"]',
:value => 'note',
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'set',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => 'some update 4711',
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'click',
:css => '.active button.submit',
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'watch_for',
:area => 'body',
:value => 'some update 4711',
# verify empty text in input body
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => '',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => 'some level 2 body in instance 2',
:match_result => true,
# reload instances, verify again
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'reload',
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'reload',
# wait till application become ready
:execute => 'wait',
:value => 8,
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-title-update',
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.taskbar .active .task',
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance1,
:element => :title,
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
:where => :instance2,
:element => :title,
:value => 'TTTsome level 2 subject 123äöü',
# verify update
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => 'body',
:value => 'some update 4711',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => 'body',
:value => 'some update 4711',
:match_result => true,
# verify empty text in input body
:where => :instance1,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => '',
:match_result => true,
:where => :instance2,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.active .ticket-answer textarea[name="body"]',
:value => 'some level 2 body in instance 2',
:match_result => true,