# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Ticket zoom > Checklist', authenticated_as: :authenticate, type: :system do let(:action_user) { create(:agent, groups: Group.all) } let(:other_agent) { create(:agent, groups: Group.all) } let(:ticket) { create(:ticket, group: Group.first) } def authenticate Setting.set('checklist', true) action_user end def perform_item_action(id, action) page.find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{id}'] .js-action", wait: 0).click page.find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{id}'] li[data-table-action='#{action}']", wait: 0).click rescue => e retry_click ||= 5 retry_click -= 1 sleep 1 raise e if retry_click < 1 retry end def perform_checklist_action(text) click '.sidebar[data-tab=checklist] .js-actions' click_on text rescue => e retry_click ||= 5 retry_click -= 1 sleep 1 raise e if retry_click < 1 retry end before do visit "#ticket/zoom/#{ticket.id}" end it 'does show the sidebar for the checklists' do expect(page).to have_css('.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=checklist]') Setting.set('checklist', false) expect(page).to have_no_css('.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=checklist]') end it 'does create a checklist' do click '.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=checklist]' expect(page).to have_button('Add empty checklist') click_on('Add empty checklist') expect(page).to have_no_button('Add empty checklist') wait.until { Checklist.where(ticket: ticket).present? } end it 'does show handle subscriptions for badge when sidebar is not opened' do create(:checklist, ticket: ticket) expect(page).to have_css(".tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab='checklist'] .js-tabCounter", text: ticket.checklist.items.count) end context 'when checklist exists' do let(:checklist) { create(:checklist, ticket: ticket) } let(:item) { checklist.items.last } before do checklist click '.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=checklist]' wait.until { page.text.include?(checklist.name) } await_empty_ajax_queue end it 'does show handle subscriptions' do item.update(text: SecureRandom.uuid) expect(page).to have_text(item.text) item.destroy expect(page).to have_no_text(item.text) checklist.destroy expect(page).to have_button('Add empty checklist') end it 'does remove the checklist' do perform_checklist_action('Remove checklist') click_on 'delete' expect(page).to have_text('Add empty checklist') end it 'does rename the checklist' do perform_checklist_action('Rename checklist') checklist_name = SecureRandom.uuid find('#checklistTitleEditText').fill_in with: checklist_name, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } page.find('.js-confirm').click wait.until { checklist.reload.name == checklist_name } end it 'does add item' do find('.checklistShowButtons .js-add').click wait.until { checklist.items.last.text == '' } end it 'does check item' do perform_item_action(item.id, 'check') wait.until { item.reload.checked == true } end it 'does uncheck item' do item.update(checked: true) perform_item_action(item.id, 'uncheck') wait.until { item.reload.checked == false } end it 'does edit item' do perform_item_action(item.id, 'edit') item_text = SecureRandom.uuid find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{item.id}'] .js-input").fill_in with: item_text, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } page.find('.js-confirm').click wait.until { item.reload.text == item_text } end it 'does edit item with a ticket link' do perform_item_action(item.id, 'edit') item_text = "Ticket##{Ticket.first.number}" find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{item.id}'] .js-input").fill_in with: item_text, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } page.find('.js-confirm').click expect(page).to have_link(Ticket.first.title) end it 'does reorder item' do click_on 'Reorder' first_item = checklist.items.first last_item = checklist.items.last element = page.find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{first_item.id}'] .draggable") element.drag_to(page.find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{last_item.id}'] .draggable")) click_on 'Save' wait.until { page.text.index(first_item.text) > page.text.index(last_item.text) } wait.until { checklist.reload.sorted_item_ids.last.to_s == first_item.id.to_s } end it 'does not abort edit when subscription is updating but including it afterwards' do perform_item_action(item.id, 'edit') item_text = SecureRandom.uuid find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{item.id}'] .js-input").fill_in with: item_text, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } # simulate other users change other_item_text = SecureRandom.uuid checklist.items.create!(text: other_item_text, created_by: other_agent, updated_by: other_agent) # not really another way to be absolutely sure that this works sleep 5 # the new item will be synced after saving expect(page).to have_no_text(other_item_text) # it's important that the old edit mode does not abort page.find('.js-confirm').click # then both items arrive in the UI expect(page).to have_text(item_text) expect(page).to have_text(other_item_text) end it 'does delete item' do perform_item_action(item.id, 'delete') click_on 'delete' wait.until { Checklist::Item.find_by(id: item.id).blank? } end context 'with links' do let(:checklist) do checklist = create(:checklist, ticket: ticket) checklist.items.last.update(text: 'http://google.de test') checklist end it 'does edit item with link' do expect(page).to have_link('google.de') perform_item_action(item.id, 'edit') item_text = SecureRandom.uuid find(".checklistShow tr[data-id='#{item.id}'] .js-input").fill_in with: item_text, fill_options: { clear: :backspace } page.find('.js-confirm').click wait.until { item.reload.text == item_text } end end context 'with ticket links' do context 'with access' do let(:ticket_link) { create(:ticket, title: SecureRandom.uuid, group: Group.first) } let(:checklist) do checklist = create(:checklist, ticket: ticket) checklist.items.last.update(text: "Ticket##{ticket_link.number}") checklist end it 'does show link to the ticket' do expect(page).to have_link(ticket_link.title) end end context 'without access' do let(:ticket_link) { create(:ticket, title: SecureRandom.uuid) } let(:checklist) do checklist = create(:checklist, ticket: ticket) checklist.items.last.update(text: "Ticket##{ticket_link.number}") checklist end it 'does show the not authorized for the item' do expect(page).to have_text('Not authorized') end end end end context 'when using a checklist template' do let(:checklist_template) { create(:checklist_template) } before do checklist_template click '.tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab=checklist]' wait.until { page.find('[name="checklist_template_id"]') } await_empty_ajax_queue end it 'does add checklist from template' do expect(page).to have_button('Add from a template') expect(page).to have_select('checklist_template_id') # Sometimes, by clicking the button, nothing happens. sleep 0.1 click_on('Add from a template') wait.until { page.has_content?('Please select a checklist template.') } select checklist_template.name, from: 'checklist_template_id' wait.until { page.has_no_content?('Please select a checklist template.') } click_on('Add from a template') wait.until { Checklist.where(ticket: ticket).present? } expect(Checklist.where(ticket: ticket).last.items.count).to eq(checklist_template.items.count) checklist_template.items.each do |item| expect(page).to have_text(item.text) end end end context 'when checklist modal on submit' do let(:checklist) { create(:checklist, ticket: ticket, name: SecureRandom.uuid) } def authenticate pre_auth true end context 'when activated and set' do let(:pre_auth) do Setting.set('checklist', true) checklist end it 'does show modal' do select 'closed', from: 'State' click '.js-submit' expect(page).to have_text('You have unchecked items in the checklist') end it 'does switch to sidebar' do select 'closed', from: 'State' click '.js-submit' page.find('.modal-footer .js-submit').click expect(page).to have_text(checklist.name.upcase) end context 'when ticket is closed' do let(:pre_auth) do Setting.set('checklist', true) checklist other_agent ticket.update(state: Ticket::State.find_by(name: 'closed')) end it 'does not show modal' do select other_agent.fullname, from: 'Owner' click '.js-submit' wait.until { ticket.reload.owner.fullname == other_agent.fullname } expect(page).to have_no_text('You have unchecked items in the checklist') end end context 'when time accounting is also activated' do let(:pre_auth) do Setting.set('checklist', true) Setting.set('time_accounting', true) checklist end it 'does show both modals' do find('.articleNewEdit-body').send_keys('Forwarding with the attachment') select 'closed', from: 'State' click '.js-submit' expect(page.find('.modal-body')).to have_text('You have unchecked items in the checklist') page.find('.modal-footer .js-skip').click expect(page.find('.modal-body')).to have_text('Accounted Time'.upcase) page.find('.modal-footer .js-skip').click wait.until { ticket.reload.state.name == 'closed' } end end end context 'when deactivated and set' do let(:pre_auth) do Setting.set('checklist', false) checklist end it 'does not show modal' do select 'closed', from: 'State' click '.js-submit' wait.until { ticket.reload.state.name == 'closed' } expect(page).to have_no_text('You have unchecked items in the checklist') end end context 'when activated and completed' do let(:pre_auth) do Setting.set('checklist', true) checklist.items.map { |item| item.update(checked: true) } end it 'does not show modal' do select 'closed', from: 'State' click '.js-submit' wait.until { ticket.reload.state.name == 'closed' } expect(page).to have_no_text('You have unchecked items in the checklist') end end context 'when activated and no checklist' do let(:pre_auth) do Setting.set('checklist', true) end it 'does not show modal' do select 'closed', from: 'State' click '.js-submit' wait.until { ticket.reload.state.name == 'closed' } expect(page).to have_no_text('You have unchecked items in the checklist') end end end describe 'Checklist badge counter does not update when linked tickets change state. #5319' do let(:ticket) do ticket = create(:ticket, group: Group.first) checklist = create(:checklist, ticket: ticket) checklist.items.last.update(text: "Ticket##{ticket_link.number}") ticket end let(:ticket_link) { create(:ticket, group: Group.first) } it 'does update for badge when sidebar is not opened and same user updates related tickets' do ticket_link.update!(state: Ticket::State.find_by(name: 'closed'), updated_by: action_user) expect(page).to have_css(".tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab='checklist'] .js-tabCounter", text: ticket.checklist.incomplete) end end end