// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { createMessage, type FormKitNode } from '@formkit/core' import { useFormKitNodeById } from '@formkit/vue' import type { FileUploaded } from '#shared/components/Form/fields/FieldFile/types.ts' import { FormValidationVisibility, type FormRef, } from '#shared/components/Form/types.ts' import { getNodeId } from '#shared/components/Form/utils.ts' import { getTicketChannelPlugin } from '#shared/entities/ticket/channel/plugins/index.ts' import type { TicketById } from '#shared/entities/ticket/types.ts' import { EnumTicketArticleSenderName } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { i18n } from '#shared/i18n.ts' import { getAcceptableFileTypesString } from '#shared/utils/files.ts' import type { TicketArticleAction, TicketArticleActionPlugin, TicketArticleType, } from './types.ts' const allowedFiles = [ { label: __('Audio file'), types: ['audio/aac', 'audio/mp4', 'audio/amr', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/ogg'], size: 16 * 1024 * 1024, }, { label: __('Sticker file'), types: ['image/webp'], size: 500 * 1024, }, { label: __('Image file'), types: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'], size: 5 * 1024 * 1024, }, { label: __('Video file'), types: ['video/mp4', 'video/3gpp'], size: 16 * 1024 * 1024, }, { label: __('Document file'), types: [ 'text/plain', 'application/pdf', 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'application/msword', 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', ], size: 100 * 1024 * 1024, }, ] const acceptableFileTypes = getAcceptableFileTypesString(allowedFiles) const canUseWhatsapp = (ticket: TicketById) => { const channelPlugin = getTicketChannelPlugin(ticket.initialChannel) const channelAlert = channelPlugin?.channelAlert(ticket) return Boolean(channelAlert) && Boolean(channelAlert?.variant !== 'danger') } const actionPlugin: TicketArticleActionPlugin = { order: 300, addActions(ticket, article) { const sender = article.sender?.name const type = article.type?.name // 'whatsapp message' if ( sender !== EnumTicketArticleSenderName.Customer || type !== 'whatsapp message' ) return [] if (!canUseWhatsapp(ticket)) return [] const action: TicketArticleAction = { apps: ['mobile', 'desktop'], label: __('Reply'), name: 'whatsapp message', icon: 'reply', view: { agent: ['change'], }, perform(ticket, article, { openReplyForm }) { const articleData = { articleType: type, inReplyTo: article.messageId, } openReplyForm(articleData) }, } return [action] }, addTypes(ticket) { const descriptionType = ticket.createArticleType?.name if (descriptionType !== 'whatsapp message') return [] if (!canUseWhatsapp(ticket)) return [] let attachmentsFieldNode: FormKitNode let attachmentsCommitEvent: string let bodyCommitEventNode: FormKitNode let bodyCommitEventListener: string const setBodyNotAllowedMessage = (body: FormKitNode) => { body.emit('prop:validationVisibility', FormValidationVisibility.Live) body.store.set( createMessage({ key: 'bodyNotAllowedForMediaType', blocking: true, value: i18n.t( 'No additional text can be sent with this media type. Please remove the text.', ), type: 'validation', visible: true, }), ) } const removeBodyNotAllowedMessage = (body: FormKitNode) => { body.emit('prop:validationVisibility', FormValidationVisibility.Submit) body.store.remove('bodyNotAllowedForMediaType') } const deRegisterListeners = () => { if (attachmentsFieldNode) { attachmentsFieldNode.off(attachmentsCommitEvent) } if (bodyCommitEventNode) { bodyCommitEventNode.off(bodyCommitEventListener) removeBodyNotAllowedMessage(bodyCommitEventNode) } } const handleAllowedBody = (form?: FormRef) => { if (!form) return const checkAllowedForFileType = (currentFiles: FileUploaded[]) => { const body = form.getNodeByName('body') if (!body) return bodyCommitEventNode = body if ( currentFiles && currentFiles.length > 0 && currentFiles[0].type && (currentFiles[0].type === 'image/webp' || currentFiles[0].type.startsWith('audio')) ) { bodyCommitEventListener = bodyCommitEventNode.on( 'commit', ({ payload: newValue }) => { if (newValue) { setBodyNotAllowedMessage(bodyCommitEventNode) } else { removeBodyNotAllowedMessage(bodyCommitEventNode) } }, ) if (bodyCommitEventNode.value) { setBodyNotAllowedMessage(bodyCommitEventNode) } } else { removeBodyNotAllowedMessage(bodyCommitEventNode) bodyCommitEventNode.off(bodyCommitEventListener) } } useFormKitNodeById(getNodeId(form.formId, 'attachments'), (node) => { attachmentsFieldNode = node // Check if the attachments are already present (e.g. after article type switch). if (attachmentsFieldNode.value) { checkAllowedForFileType(attachmentsFieldNode.value as FileUploaded[]) } attachmentsCommitEvent = node.on('commit', ({ payload: newValue }) => { checkAllowedForFileType(newValue) }) }) } const type: TicketArticleType = { apps: ['mobile', 'desktop'], value: 'whatsapp message', label: __('WhatsApp'), buttonLabel: __('Add message'), icon: 'whatsapp', view: { agent: ['change'], }, fields: { body: { required: false, validation: 'require_one:attachments|length:1,4096', }, attachments: { validation: 'require_one:body', accept: acceptableFileTypes, multiple: false, allowedFiles, }, }, internal: false, contentType: 'text/plain', onDeselected: () => { deRegisterListeners() }, onSelected: (ticket, context, form) => handleAllowedBody(form), onOpened: (ticket, context, form) => handleAllowedBody(form), } return [type] }, } export default actionPlugin