// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { useDateFormat } from '@vueuse/shared' import { renderComponent } from '#tests/support/components/index.ts' import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts' import { initializeUserAvatarClasses } from '#shared/initializer/initializeUserAvatarClasses.ts' import { SYSTEM_USER_ID } from '#shared/utils/constants.ts' import CommonUserAvatar, { type Props } from '../CommonUserAvatar.vue' const USER_ID = convertToGraphQLId('User', '123') vi.hoisted(() => { vi.setSystemTime(new Date('2024-11-11T00:00:00Z')) }) initializeUserAvatarClasses({ backgroundColors: [ 'bg-gray', 'bg-red-bright', 'bg-yellow', 'bg-blue', 'bg-green', 'bg-pink', 'bg-orange', ], }) describe('CommonUserAvatar', () => { it('renders user avatar', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', }, }, }) const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).toHaveTextContent('JD') expect(avatar).toHaveClass('bg-blue') await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, image: '100.png', firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', }, }) expect(avatar).toHaveStyle( 'background-image: url(/api/users/image/100.png)', ) expect(avatar).not.toHaveTextContent('JD') }) it('renders system user', () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: SYSTEM_USER_ID, }, }, }) const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).toHaveStyle({ backgroundImage: 'url(/app/frontend/shared/components/CommonUserAvatar/assets/logo.svg)', }) }) it('renders icon by source', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, source: 'twitter', }, }, }) expect(view.getByIconName('twitter')).toBeInTheDocument() await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, source: 'facebook', }, }) expect(view.getByIconName('facebook')).toBeInTheDocument() await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, source: 'some-unknown-source', }, }) expect(view.queryByIconName('some-unknown-source')).not.toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders active', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, active: true, }, }, }) const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).not.toHaveClass('grayscale') expect(avatar).not.toHaveClass('grayscale-[70%]') await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, active: false, }, }) expect(avatar).toHaveClass('grayscale') }) it('renders crown for vip', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, vip: true, }, }, }) expect(view.getByIconName('crown')).toBeInTheDocument() await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, vip: true, }, personal: true, }) expect(view.queryByIconName('crown')).not.toBeInTheDocument() }) it('can render initials only', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, image: '100.png', firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', }, initialsOnly: true, }, }) const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).toHaveTextContent('JD') expect(avatar).toHaveClass('bg-blue') expect(avatar).not.toHaveStyle( 'background-image: url(/api/users/image/100.png)', ) }) describe('out of office state', () => { let today: string beforeAll(() => { today = useDateFormat(new Date(), 'YYYY-MM-DD').value }) it('out of office date is in presentence', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, active: true, }, }, }) await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, outOfOffice: true, outOfOfficeStartAt: '2024-10-11', outOfOfficeEndAt: '2024-12-11', }, }) const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).toHaveClass('grayscale-[70%]') }) it('out of office date is in past', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, active: true, }, }, }) const [year, month, day] = today.split('-') const outOfOfficeStartAt = `${year}-${(+month - 2).toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${day}` const outOfOfficeEndAt = `${year}-${(+month - 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${day}` await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, outOfOffice: true, outOfOfficeStartAt, outOfOfficeEndAt, }, }) const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).not.toHaveClass('grayscale-[70%]') }) it('out of office date is in future', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonUserAvatar, { props: { entity: { id: USER_ID, active: true, }, }, }) await view.rerender({ entity: { id: USER_ID, outOfOffice: true, outOfOfficeStartAt: '2024-12-11', outOfOfficeEndAt: '2025-01-11', }, }) const avatar = view.getByTestId('common-avatar') expect(avatar).not.toHaveClass('grayscale-[70%]') }) }) })