// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { computed, ref, reactive } from 'vue' import { useTwoFactorPlugins } from '#shared/entities/two-factor/composables/useTwoFactorPlugins.ts' import type { EnumTwoFactorAuthenticationMethod, UserTwoFactorMethods, } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import type { LoginFlow, LoginCredentials, } from '#shared/entities/two-factor/types.ts' import { useApplicationStore } from '#shared/stores/application.ts' const { twoFactorPlugins, twoFactorMethods } = useTwoFactorPlugins() const useLoginTwoFactor = (clearErrors: () => void) => { const application = useApplicationStore() const loginFlow = reactive({ state: 'credentials', allowedMethods: [], defaultMethod: undefined, recoveryCodesAvailable: false, }) const states = ref([loginFlow.state]) const updateState = (state: LoginFlow['state'], skipClearErrors = false) => { if (!skipClearErrors) clearErrors() states.value.push(state) loginFlow.state = state } const updateSecondFactor = ( factor: EnumTwoFactorAuthenticationMethod, skipClearErrors = false, ) => { if (!skipClearErrors) clearErrors() loginFlow.twoFactor = factor updateState('2fa', true) } const askTwoFactor = ( twoFactor: UserTwoFactorMethods, formData: LoginCredentials, ) => { clearErrors() loginFlow.credentials = formData loginFlow.recoveryCodesAvailable = twoFactor.recoveryCodesAvailable loginFlow.allowedMethods = twoFactor.availableTwoFactorAuthenticationMethods loginFlow.defaultMethod = twoFactor.defaultTwoFactorAuthenticationMethod updateSecondFactor( twoFactor.defaultTwoFactorAuthenticationMethod as EnumTwoFactorAuthenticationMethod, true, ) } const twoFactorAllowedMethods = computed(() => { return twoFactorMethods.filter((method) => loginFlow.allowedMethods.includes(method.name), ) }) const twoFactorPlugin = computed(() => { return loginFlow.twoFactor ? twoFactorPlugins[loginFlow.twoFactor] : undefined }) const hasAlternativeLoginMethod = computed(() => { return ( twoFactorAllowedMethods.value.length > 1 || loginFlow.recoveryCodesAvailable ) }) const statePreviousMap = { credentials: null, '2fa': 'credentials', '2fa-select': '2fa', 'recovery-code': '2fa-select', } satisfies Record const goBack = () => { clearErrors() const previousState = statePreviousMap[loginFlow.state] || 'credentials' loginFlow.state = previousState // if we go to the first state, reset credentials if (previousState === 'credentials') { loginFlow.credentials = undefined } } const cancelAndGoBack = () => { clearErrors() loginFlow.state = 'credentials' loginFlow.credentials = undefined } const loginPageTitle = computed(() => { const productName = application.config.product_name if (loginFlow.state === 'credentials') return productName if (loginFlow.state === 'recovery-code') return __('Recovery Code') if (loginFlow.state === '2fa') { return twoFactorPlugin.value?.label ?? productName } return __('Try Another Method') }) return { loginFlow, hasAlternativeLoginMethod, askTwoFactor, twoFactorPlugin, twoFactorAllowedMethods, updateState, updateSecondFactor, goBack, cancelAndGoBack, statePreviousMap, loginPageTitle, } } export default useLoginTwoFactor