# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'test_helper' class SessionBasicTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'c session create / update' do # create users roles = Role.where(name: %w[Agent]) groups = Group.all agent1 = User.create_or_update( login: 'session-agent-1', firstname: 'Session', lastname: 'Agent 1', email: 'session-agent1@example.com', password: 'agentpw', active: true, roles: roles, groups: groups, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) # create sessions client_id1 = '123456789' Sessions.create(client_id1, {}, { type: 'websocket' }) # check if session exists assert(Sessions.session_exists?(client_id1), 'check if session exists') # check session data data = Sessions.get(client_id1) assert(data[:meta], 'check if meta exists') assert(data[:user], 'check if user exists') assert_nil(data[:user]['id'], 'check if user id is correct') # recreate session Sessions.create(client_id1, agent1.attributes, { type: 'websocket' }) # check if session exists assert(Sessions.session_exists?(client_id1), 'check if session exists') # check session data data = Sessions.get(client_id1) assert(data[:meta], 'check if meta exists') assert(data[:user], 'check if user exists') assert_equal(data[:user]['id'], agent1.id, 'check if user id is correct') # destroy session Sessions.destroy(client_id1) # check if session exists assert_not(Sessions.session_exists?(client_id1), 'check if session exists') end test 'c activity stream' do # create users roles = Role.where(name: %w[Agent Admin]) groups = Group.all agent1 = User.create_or_update( login: 'activity-stream-agent-1', firstname: 'Session', lastname: "activity stream #{SecureRandom.uuid}", email: 'activity-stream-agent1@example.com', password: 'agentpw', active: true, roles: roles, groups: groups, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) # create min. on activity record random_name = "Random:#{SecureRandom.uuid}" Group.create_or_update( name: random_name, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) as_client1 = Sessions::Backend::ActivityStream.new(agent1, {}, false, '123-1', 3) # get as stream result1 = as_client1.push assert(result1, 'check as agent1') travel 1.second # next check should be empty result1 = as_client1.push assert_not(result1, 'check as agent1 - recall') # next check should be empty travel 4.seconds result1 = as_client1.push assert_not(result1, 'check as agent1 - recall 2') agent1.update!(email: 'activity-stream-agent11@example.com') Ticket.create!( title: '12323', group_id: 1, priority_id: 1, state_id: 1, customer_id: 1, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) travel 4.seconds # get as stream result1 = as_client1.push assert(result1, 'check as agent1 - recall 3') travel_back end end