# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ module Sessions @store = case Rails.application.config.websocket_session_store when :redis then Sessions::Store::Redis.new else Sessions::Store::File.new end # create global vars for threads @@client_threads = {} # rubocop:disable Style/ClassVars =begin start new session Sessions.create(client_id, session_data, { type: 'websocket' }) returns true|false =end def self.create(client_id, session, meta) # collect session data meta[:last_ping] = Time.now.utc.to_i data = { user: session, meta: meta, } content = data.to_json @store.create(client_id, content) # send update to browser return if !session || session['id'].blank? send( client_id, { event: 'ws:login', data: { success: true }, } ) end =begin list of all session client_ids = Sessions.sessions returns ['4711', '4712'] =end def self.sessions @store.sessions end =begin list of all session Sessions.session_exists?(client_id) returns true|false =end def self.session_exists?(client_id) @store.session_exists?(client_id) end =begin list of all session with data client_ids_with_data = Sessions.list returns { '4711' => { user: { 'id' => 123, }, meta: { type: 'websocket', last_ping: time_of_last_ping, } }, '4712' => { user: { 'id' => 124, }, meta: { type: 'ajax', last_ping: time_of_last_ping, } }, } =end def self.list client_ids = sessions session_list = {} client_ids.each do |client_id| data = get(client_id) next if !data session_list[client_id] = data end session_list end =begin destroy session Sessions.destroy(client_id) returns true|false =end def self.destroy(client_id) @store.destroy(client_id) end =begin destroy idle session list_of_client_ids = Sessions.destroy_idle_sessions returns ['4711', '4712'] =end def self.destroy_idle_sessions(idle_time_in_sec = 240) list_of_closed_sessions = [] clients = Sessions.list clients.each do |client_id, client| if !client[:meta] || !client[:meta][:last_ping] || (client[:meta][:last_ping].to_i + idle_time_in_sec) < Time.now.utc.to_i list_of_closed_sessions.push client_id Sessions.destroy(client_id) end end list_of_closed_sessions end =begin touch session Sessions.touch(client_id) returns true|false =end def self.touch(client_id) data = get(client_id) return false if !data data[:meta][:last_ping] = Time.now.utc.to_i @store.set(client_id, data) true end =begin get session data data = Sessions.get(client_id) returns { user: { 'id' => 123, }, meta: { type: 'websocket', last_ping: time_of_last_ping, } } =end def self.get(client_id) @store.get client_id end =begin send message to client Sessions.send(client_id_of_recipient, data) returns true|false =end def self.send(client_id, data) # rubocop:disable Zammad/ForbidDefSend @store.send_data(client_id, data) end =begin send message to recipient client Sessions.send_to(user_id, data) e. g. Sessions.send_to(user_id, { event: 'session_takeover', data: { taskbar_id: 12312 }, }) returns true|false =end def self.send_to(user_id, data) # list all current clients client_list = sessions client_list.each do |client_id| session = Sessions.get(client_id) next if !session next if !session[:user] next if !session[:user]['id'] next if session[:user]['id'].to_i != user_id.to_i Sessions.send(client_id, data) end true end =begin send message to all authenticated client Sessions.broadcast(data) returns [array_with_client_ids_of_recipients] broadcase also to not authenticated client Sessions.broadcast(data, 'public') # public|authenticated broadcase also not to sender Sessions.broadcast(data, 'public', sender_user_id) =end def self.broadcast(data, recipient = 'authenticated', sender_user_id = nil) # list all current clients recipients = [] client_list = sessions client_list.each do |client_id| session = Sessions.get(client_id) next if !session if recipient != 'public' next if session[:user].blank? next if session[:user]['id'].blank? end next if sender_user_id && session[:user] && session[:user]['id'] && session[:user]['id'].to_i == sender_user_id.to_i Sessions.send(client_id, data) recipients.push client_id end recipients end =begin get messages for client messages = Sessions.queue(client_id_of_recipient) returns [ { key1 => 'some data of message 1', key2 => 'some data of message 1', }, { key1 => 'some data of message 2', key2 => 'some data of message 2', }, ] =end def self.queue(client_id) @store.queue(client_id) end =begin remove all session and spool messages Sessions.cleanup =end def self.cleanup @store.cleanup end =begin Zammad previously used a spooling mechanism for session mechanism. The code to clean-up such data is still here, even though the mechanism itself was removed in the meantime. Sessions.spool_delete =end def self.spool_delete @store.clear_spool end def self.jobs(node_id = nil) # dispatch sessions if node_id.blank? && ENV['ZAMMAD_SESSION_JOBS_CONCURRENT'].to_i.positive? previous_nodes_sessions = Sessions::Node.stats if previous_nodes_sessions.present? log('info', "Cleaning up previous Sessions::Node sessions: #{previous_nodes_sessions}") Sessions::Node.cleanup end dispatcher_pid = Process.pid node_count = ENV['ZAMMAD_SESSION_JOBS_CONCURRENT'].to_i node_pids = [] (1..node_count).each do |worker_node_id| node_pids << fork do title = "Zammad Session Jobs Node ##{worker_node_id}: dispatch_pid:#{dispatcher_pid} -> worker_pid:#{Process.pid}" $PROGRAM_NAME = title log('info', "#{title} started.") ::Sessions.jobs(worker_node_id) sleep node_count rescue Interrupt nil end end Signal.trap 'SIGTERM' do node_pids.each do |node_pid| Process.kill 'TERM', node_pid end Process.waitall raise SignalException, 'SIGTERM' end # dispatch client_ids to nodes loop do # nodes nodes_stats = Sessions::Node.stats client_ids = sessions client_ids.each do |client_id| # ask nodes for nodes next if nodes_stats[client_id] # assign to node Sessions::Node.session_assigne(client_id) sleep 1 end sleep 1 end end Thread.abort_on_exception = true loop do if node_id # register node Sessions::Node.register(node_id) # watch for assigned sessions client_ids = Sessions::Node.sessions_by(node_id) else client_ids = sessions end client_ids.each do |client_id| # connection already open, ignore next if @@client_threads[client_id] # get current user session_data = Sessions.get(client_id) next if session_data.blank? next if session_data[:user].blank? next if session_data[:user]['id'].blank? user = User.lookup(id: session_data[:user]['id']) next if user.blank? # start client thread next if @@client_threads[client_id].present? @@client_threads[client_id] = true @@client_threads[client_id] = Thread.new do thread_client(client_id, 0, Time.now.utc, node_id) @@client_threads[client_id] = nil log('debug', "close client (#{client_id}) thread") if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.owner == Thread.current ActiveRecord::Base.connection.close end end sleep 1 end sleep 1 end end =begin check if thread for client_id is running Sessions.thread_client_exists?(client_id) returns thread =end def self.thread_client_exists?(client_id) @@client_threads[client_id] end =begin start client for browser Sessions.thread_client(client_id) returns thread =end def self.thread_client(client_id, try_count = 0, try_run_time = Time.now.utc, node_id) log('debug', "LOOP #{node_id}.#{client_id} - #{try_count}") begin Sessions::Client.new(client_id, node_id) rescue => e log('error', "thread_client #{client_id} exited with error #{e.inspect}") log('error', e.backtrace.join("\n ")) sleep 10 begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.release_connection rescue => e log('error', "Can't reconnect to database #{e.inspect}") end try_run_max = 10 try_count += 1 # reset error counter if to old if try_run_time + (60 * 5) < Time.now.utc try_count = 0 end try_run_time = Time.now.utc # restart job again if try_run_max > try_count thread_client(client_id, try_count, try_run_time, node_id) end raise "STOP thread_client for client #{node_id}.#{client_id} after #{try_run_max} tries" end log('debug', "/LOOP #{node_id}.#{client_id} - #{try_count}") end def self.symbolize_keys(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), result| new_key = case key when String then key.to_sym else key end new_value = case value when Hash then symbolize_keys(value) else value end result[new_key] = new_value end end # we use it in rails and non rails context def self.log(level, message) if defined?(Rails) case level when 'debug' Rails.logger.debug { message } when 'info' Rails.logger.info message else Rails.logger.error message end return end puts "#{Time.now.utc.iso8601}:#{level} #{message}" # rubocop:disable Rails/Output end end