# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class NotificationFactory::Renderer =begin examples how to use message_subject = NotificationFactory::Renderer.new( objects: { ticket: Ticket.first, }, locale: 'de-de', timezone: 'America/Port-au-Prince', template: 'some template #{ticket.title} {config.fqdn}', escape: false, # Perform HTML encoding on replaced values url_encode: false, # Perform URI encoding on replaced values trusted: false, # Allow ERB tags in the template? ).render message_body = NotificationFactory::Renderer.new( objects: { ticket: Ticket.first, }, locale: 'de-de', timezone: 'America/Port-au-Prince', template: 'some template #{ticket.title} #{config.fqdn}', ).render =end def initialize(objects:, template:, locale: nil, timezone: nil, escape: true, url_encode: false, trusted: false) @objects = objects @locale = locale || Locale.default @timezone = timezone || Setting.get('timezone_default') @template = NotificationFactory::Template.new(template, escape || url_encode, trusted) @escape = escape @url_encode = url_encode end def render(debug_errors: true) @debug_errors = debug_errors ERB.new(@template.to_s).result(binding) rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException raise StandardError, e.message if e.is_a? SyntaxError raise end # d - data of object # d('user.firstname', htmlEscape) def d(key, escape = nil, escaping: true) # do validation, ignore some methods return "\#{#{key} / not allowed}" if !data_key_valid?(key) article_tags = %w[article last_article last_internal_article last_external_article created_article created_internal_article created_external_article] # aliases map = { 'ticket.tags' => 'ticket.tag_list', 'ticket.group.name' => 'ticket.group.fullname', 'group.name' => 'group.fullname' } article_tags.each do |tag| map["#{tag}.body"] = "#{tag}.body_as_text_with_quote.text2html" end if map[key] key = map[key] end # escape in html mode if escape no_escape = {} article_tags.each do |tag| no_escape["#{tag}.body_as_html"] = true no_escape["#{tag}.body_as_text_with_quote.text2html"] = true end if no_escape[key] escape = false end end value = nil object_methods = key.split('.') object_name = object_methods.shift # if no object is given, just return return debug("\#{no such object}") if object_name.blank? object_refs = @objects[object_name] || @objects[object_name.to_sym] # if object is not in available objects, just return return debug("\#{#{object_name} / no such object}") if !object_refs # if content of method is a complex datatype, just return if object_methods.blank? && object_refs.class != String && object_refs.class != Float && object_refs.class != Integer return debug("\#{#{key} / no such method}") end method_whitelist = %w[avatar] previous_object_refs = '' object_methods_s = '' object_methods.each do |method_raw| method = method_raw.strip if method == 'value' temp = object_refs object_refs = display_value(previous_object_refs, method, object_methods_s, object_refs) previous_object_refs = temp end if object_methods_s != '' object_methods_s += '.' end object_methods_s += method next if method == 'value' if object_methods_s == '' value = debug("\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / no such method}") break end arguments = nil if %r{\A(?[^(]+)\((?[^)]+)\)\z} =~ method parameters = [] parameter.split(',').each do |p| p = p.strip! if p != p.to_i.to_s value = debug("\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / invalid parameter: #{p}}") break end parameters << parameter.to_i end # Ensure that e.g. 'ticket.title.slice(3,4)' is not allowed, but 'ticket.owner.avatar(150,150)' is if !parameters.size.eql?(1) && method_whitelist.exclude?(method_id) value = debug("\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / invalid parameter: #{parameter}}") break end begin arguments = parameters method = method_id rescue value = debug("\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / #{e.message}}") break end end # if method exists if !object_refs.respond_to?(method.to_sym) && method_whitelist.exclude?(method) value = debug("\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / no such method}") break end begin previous_object_refs = object_refs if method.to_sym.eql?(:avatar) object_refs = handle_user_avatar(previous_object_refs, *arguments) escape = false break end object_refs = object_refs.send(method.to_sym, *arguments) # body_as_html should trigger the cloning of all inline attachments from the parent article (issue #2399) if method.to_sym == :body_as_html && previous_object_refs.respond_to?(:should_clone_inline_attachments) previous_object_refs.should_clone_inline_attachments = true end rescue => e value = debug("\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / #{e.message}}") break end end placeholder = value || object_refs return placeholder if !escaping escaping(convert_to_timezone(placeholder), escape) end # c - config # c('fqdn', htmlEscape) def c(key, escape = nil) config = Setting.get(key) escaping(config, escape) end # t - translation # t('yes', htmlEscape) def t(key, escape = nil) translation = Translation.translate(@locale, key) escaping(translation, escape) end # h - htmlEscape # h(htmlEscape) def h(value) return value if !value CGI.escapeHTML(convert_to_timezone(value).to_s) end def dt(params_string) datetime_object, format_string, timezone = params_string.scan(%r{(?:['"].*?["']|[^,])+}).map do |param| param.strip.sub(%r{^["']}, '').sub(%r{["']$}, '') end return debug("\#{datetime object missing / invalid parameter}") if datetime_object.blank? value = d(datetime_object, escaping: false) allowed_classes = %w[ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone Date Time DateTime].freeze return debug("\#{#{datetime_object} / invalid parameter}") if allowed_classes.exclude?(value.class.to_s) format_string = format_string.presence || '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' timezone = timezone.presence || @timezone begin result = value.in_time_zone(timezone).strftime(format_string) rescue return debug("\#{#{timezone} / invalid parameter}") end result end private def debug(message) @debug_errors ? message : '-' end def convert_to_timezone(value) return Translation.timestamp(@locale, @timezone, value) if value.instance_of?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) return Translation.date(@locale, value) if value.instance_of?(Date) value end def escaping(key, escape) return escaping(key['value'], escape) if key.is_a?(Hash) && key.key?('value') return escaping(key.join(', '), escape) if key.respond_to?(:join) return key if escape == false return key if escape.nil? && !@escape && !@url_encode return ERB::Util.url_encode(key) if @url_encode h key end def data_key_valid?(key) return false if key =~ %r{`|\.(|\s*)(save|destroy|delete|remove|drop|update|create|new|all|where|find|raise|dump|rollback|freeze)}i && key !~ %r{(update|create)d_(at|by)}i true end def select_value(attribute, key) key = Array(key) options = attribute.data_option['options'] if options.is_a?(Array) key.map { |k| options.detect { |o| o['value'] == k }&.dig('name') || k } else key.map { |k| options[k] || k } end end def display_value(object, method_name, previous_method_names, key) return key if method_name != 'value' || (!key.instance_of?(String) && !key.instance_of?(Array) && !key.is_a?(Hash)) attributes = ObjectManager::Attribute .where(object_lookup_id: ObjectLookup.by_name(object.class.to_s)) .where(name: previous_method_names.split('.').last) case attributes.first.data_type when %r{^(multi)?select$} select_value(attributes.first, key) when 'autocompletion_ajax_external_data_source' key['label'] else key end end def handle_user_avatar(user, width = 60, height = 60) return if user.image.blank? file = avatar_file(user.image) return if file.nil? file_content_type = file.preferences['Content-Type'] || file.preferences['Mime-Type'] "" end def avatar_file(image_hash) Avatar.get_by_hash(image_hash) rescue nil end end