# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class Ldap # Class for handling LDAP Groups. class User include Ldap::FilterLookup IGNORED_ATTRIBUTES = %i[ admincount accountexpires badpasswordtime badpwdcount countrycode distinguishedname dnshostname dscorepropagationdata instancetype iscriticalsystemobject useraccountcontrol usercertificate objectclass objectcategory objectsid primarygroupid pwdlastset lastlogoff lastlogon lastlogontimestamp localpolicyflags lockouttime logoncount logonhours msdfsr-computerreferencebl msds-supportedencryptiontypes ridsetreferences samaccounttype memberof serverreferencebl serviceprincipalname showinadvancedviewonly usnchanged usncreated whenchanged whencreated ].freeze # Returns the uid attribute. # # @param attributes [Hash{Symbol=>Array}] A list of LDAP User attributes which should get checked for available uids. # # @example # Ldap::User.uid_attribute(attributes) # # @return [String] The uid attribute. def self.uid_attribute(attributes) result = nil %i[objectguid entryuuid samaccountname userprincipalname uid dn].each do |attribute| next if attributes[attribute].blank? result = attribute.to_s break end result end # Initializes a wrapper around Net::LDAP and ::Ldap to handle LDAP users. # # @param [Hash] config the configuration for establishing a LDAP connection. Default is Setting 'ldap_config'. # @option config [String] :uid_attribute The uid attribute. Default is determined automatically. # @option config [String] :filter The filter for LDAP users. Default is determined automatically. # @param ldap [Ldap] An optional existing Ldap class instance. Default is a new connection with given configuration. # # @example # ldap_user = Ldap::User.new # # @return [nil] def initialize(config, ldap: nil) @config = config @ldap = ldap || ::Ldap.new(@config) handle_config end # Checks if given username and password combination is valid for the connected LDAP. # # @param username [String] The username. # @param password [String] The password. # # @example # ldap_user.valid?('example_user', 'pw1234') # #=> true # # @return [Boolean] The valid state of the username and password combination. def valid?(username, password) bind_success = @ldap.connection.bind_as( base: @ldap.base_dn, filter: @user_filter ? "(&(#{login_attribute}=#{username})#{@user_filter})" : "(#{login_attribute}=#{username})", password: password ) message = bind_success ? 'successful' : 'failed' Rails.logger.info "ldap authentication for user '#{username}' (#{login_attribute}) #{message}!" bind_success.present? end # Determines possible User attributes with example values. # # @param filter [String] The filter for listing users. Default is initialization parameter. # @param base_dn [String] The applied base DN for listing users. Default is Ldap#base_dn. # # @example # ldap_user.attributes # #=> {:dn=>"dn (e. g. CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=tld)", ...} # # @return [Hash{Symbol=>String}] The available User attributes as key and the name and an example as value. def attributes(custom_filter: nil, base_dn: nil) @attributes ||= begin attributes = {}.with_indifferent_access lookup_counter = 0 # collect sample attributes @ldap.search(custom_filter || filter, base: base_dn) do |entry| pre_merge_count = attributes.count attributes.reverse_merge!(entry.to_h .except(*IGNORED_ATTRIBUTES) .transform_values(&:first) .compact) # check max 50 entries with the same attributes in a row lookup_counter = (pre_merge_count < attributes.count ? 0 : lookup_counter.next) break if lookup_counter >= 50 end # format sample values for presentation attributes.each do |name, value| attributes[name] = if value.encoding == Encoding.find('ascii-8bit') "#{name} (binary data)" else "#{name} (e.g., #{value.utf8_encode})" end end end end # The active filter of the instance. If none give on initialization an automatic lookup is performed. # # @example # ldap_user.filter # #=> '(objectClass=user)' # # @return [String, nil] The active or found filter or nil if none could be found. def filter @filter ||= lookup_filter(['(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=*)(!(samaccountname=*$)))', '(objectClass=user)', '(objectClass=posixaccount)', '(objectClass=person)']) end # The active uid attribute of the instance. If none give on initialization an automatic lookup is performed. # # @example # ldap_user.uid_attribute # #=> 'samaccountname' # # @return [String, nil] The active or found uid attribute or nil if none could be found. def uid_attribute @uid_attribute ||= self.class.uid_attribute(attributes) end private attr_reader :config def login_attribute @login_attribute ||= config[:user_attributes]&.key('login') || uid_attribute end def handle_config return if config.blank? @uid_attribute = config[:uid_attribute] @filter = config[:filter] @user_filter = config[:user_filter] end end end