# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class EmailHelper class Probe # # Try to guess email channel configuration from basic user data. # def self.full(params) user, domain = EmailHelper.parse_email(params[:email]) if !user || !domain return { result: 'invalid', messages: { email: "Invalid email '#{params[:email]}'." }, } end # probe provider based settings provider_map = EmailHelper.provider(params[:email], params[:password]) domains = [domain] # get mx records, try to find provider based on mx records mx_records = EmailHelper.mx_records(domain) domains.concat(mx_records) provider_map.each_value do |settings| domains.each do |domain_to_check| next if !domain_to_check.match?(%r{#{settings[:domain]}}i) # add folder to config if needed if params[:folder].present? && settings[:inbound] && settings[:inbound][:options] settings[:inbound][:options][:folder] = params[:folder] end config_set_verify_ssl(settings[:inbound], params) config_set_verify_ssl(settings[:outbound], params) # probe inbound Rails.logger.debug { "INBOUND PROBE PROVIDER: #{settings[:inbound].inspect}" } result_inbound = EmailHelper::Probe.inbound(settings[:inbound]) Rails.logger.debug { "INBOUND RESULT PROVIDER: #{result_inbound.inspect}" } next if result_inbound[:result] != 'ok' # probe outbound Rails.logger.debug { "OUTBOUND PROBE PROVIDER: #{settings[:outbound].inspect}" } result_outbound = EmailHelper::Probe.outbound(settings[:outbound], params[:email]) Rails.logger.debug { "OUTBOUND RESULT PROVIDER: #{result_outbound.inspect}" } next if result_outbound[:result] != 'ok' return { result: 'ok', content_messages: result_inbound[:content_messages], archive_possible: result_inbound[:archive_possible], archive_week_range: result_inbound[:archive_week_range], setting: settings, } end end # probe guess settings # probe inbound inbound_mx = EmailHelper.provider_inbound_mx(user, params[:email], params[:password], mx_records) inbound_guess = EmailHelper.provider_inbound_guess(user, params[:email], params[:password], domain) inbound_map = inbound_mx + inbound_guess result = { result: 'ok', setting: {} } success = false inbound_map.each do |config| # add folder to config if needed if params[:folder].present? && config[:options] config[:options][:folder] = params[:folder] end # Add SSL verification flag to configuration, if needed. config_set_verify_ssl(config, params) Rails.logger.debug { "INBOUND PROBE GUESS: #{config.inspect}" } result_inbound = EmailHelper::Probe.inbound(config) Rails.logger.debug { "INBOUND RESULT GUESS: #{result_inbound.inspect}" } next if result_inbound[:result] != 'ok' success = true result[:setting][:inbound] = config result[:content_messages] = result_inbound[:content_messages] result[:archive_possible] = result_inbound[:archive_possible] result[:archive_week_range] = result_inbound[:archive_week_range] break end # give up, no possible inbound found if !success return { result: 'failed', reason: 'inbound failed', } end # probe outbound outbound_mx = EmailHelper.provider_outbound_mx(user, params[:email], params[:password], mx_records) outbound_guess = EmailHelper.provider_outbound_guess(user, params[:email], params[:password], domain) outbound_map = outbound_mx + outbound_guess success = false outbound_map.each do |config| # Add SSL verification flag to configuration, if needed. config_set_verify_ssl(config, params) Rails.logger.debug { "OUTBOUND PROBE GUESS: #{config.inspect}" } result_outbound = EmailHelper::Probe.outbound(config, params[:email]) Rails.logger.debug { "OUTBOUND RESULT GUESS: #{result_outbound.inspect}" } next if result_outbound[:result] != 'ok' success = true result[:setting][:outbound] = config break end # give up, no possible outbound found if !success return { result: 'failed', reason: 'outbound failed', } end Rails.logger.debug { "PROBE FULL SUCCESS: #{result.inspect}" } result end # # Validate an inbound email channel configuration. # def self.inbound(params) adapter = params[:adapter].downcase # validate adapter if !EmailHelper.available_driver[:inbound][adapter.to_sym] return { result: 'failed', message: "Unknown adapter '#{adapter}'", } end # connection test result_inbound = {} begin driver_class = "Channel::Driver::#{adapter.to_classname}".constantize driver_instance = driver_class.new result_inbound = driver_instance.fetch(params[:options], nil, 'check') rescue => e Rails.logger.debug { e } return { result: 'invalid', settings: params, message: e.message, message_human: translation(e.message), invalid_field: invalid_field(e.message), } end result_inbound end # # Validate an outbound email channel configuration. # def self.outbound(params, email, subject = nil) adapter = params[:adapter].downcase # validate adapter if !EmailHelper.available_driver[:outbound][adapter.to_sym] return { result: 'failed', message: "Unknown adapter '#{adapter}'", } end # prepare test email # rubocop:disable Zammad/DetectTranslatableString mail = if subject { from: email, to: email, subject: "Zammad Getting started Test Email #{subject}", body: "This is a test email from Zammad to check if email sending and receiving work correctly.\n\nYou can ignore or delete this email.", } else { from: email, to: 'verify-external-smtp-sending@discard.zammad.org', subject: 'This is a Test Email', body: "This is a test email from Zammad to verify if Zammad can send emails to an external address.\n\nIf you see this email, you can ignore or delete it.", } end # rubocop:enable Zammad/DetectTranslatableString if subject.present? mail['X-Zammad-Test-Message'] = subject end mail['X-Zammad-Ignore'] = 'true' mail['X-Zammad-Fqdn'] = Setting.get('fqdn') mail['X-Zammad-Verify'] = 'true' mail['X-Zammad-Verify-Time'] = Time.zone.now.iso8601 mail['X-Loop'] = 'yes' mail['Precedence'] = 'bulk' mail['Auto-Submitted'] = 'auto-generated' mail['X-Auto-Response-Suppress'] = 'All' # test connection begin driver_class = "Channel::Driver::#{adapter.to_classname}".constantize driver_instance = driver_class.new driver_instance.deliver( params[:options], mail, ) rescue => e Rails.logger.debug { e } # check if sending email was ok, but mailserver rejected if !subject white_map = { 'Recipient address rejected' => true, 'Sender address rejected: Domain not found' => true, } white_map.each_key do |key| next if !e.message.match?(%r{#{Regexp.escape(key)}}i) return { result: 'ok', settings: params, notice: e.message, } end end return { result: 'invalid', settings: params, message: e.message, message_human: translation(e.message), invalid_field: invalid_field(e.message), } end { result: 'ok', } end def self.invalid_field(message_backend) invalid_fields.each do |key, fields| return fields if message_backend.match?(%r{#{Regexp.escape(key)}}i) end {} end def self.invalid_fields { 'authentication failed' => { user: true, password: true }, 'Username and Password not accepted' => { user: true, password: true }, 'Incorrect username' => { user: true, password: true }, 'Lookup failed' => { user: true }, 'Invalid credentials' => { user: true, password: true }, 'getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known' => { host: true }, 'getaddrinfo: Name or service not known' => { host: true }, 'No route to host' => { host: true }, 'execution expired' => { host: true }, 'Connection refused' => { host: true }, 'Mailbox doesn\'t exist' => { folder: true }, 'Folder doesn\'t exist' => { folder: true }, 'Unknown Mailbox' => { folder: true }, } end def self.translation(message_backend) translations.each do |key, message_human| return message_human if message_backend.match?(%r{#{Regexp.escape(key)}}i) end nil end def self.translations { 'authentication failed' => __('Authentication failed.'), 'Username and Password not accepted' => __('Authentication failed.'), 'Incorrect username' => __('Authentication failed due to incorrect username.'), 'Lookup failed' => __('Authentication failed due to incorrect username.'), 'Invalid credentials' => __('Authentication failed due to incorrect credentials.'), 'authentication not enabled' => __('Authentication not possible (not offered by the service)'), 'getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known' => __('The hostname could not be found.'), 'getaddrinfo: Name or service not known' => __('The hostname could not be found.'), 'No route to host' => __('There is no route to this host.'), 'execution expired' => __('This host cannot be reached.'), 'Connection refused' => __('The connection was refused.'), } end def self.config_set_verify_ssl(config, params) return if !config[:options] if params.key?(:ssl_verify) config[:options][:ssl_verify] = params[:ssl_verify] elsif config[:options][:ssl] || config[:options][:start_tls] config[:options][:ssl_verify] = true else config[:options][:ssl_verify] ||= false end end end end