# Default enabled cops # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/blob/master/config/default.yml require: - rubocop-capybara - rubocop-factory_bot - rubocop-faker - rubocop-graphql - rubocop-inflector - rubocop-performance - rubocop-rails - rubocop-rspec - ../config/initializers/inflections.rb - ./rubocop_zammad.rb inherit_from: - todo.yml - todo.rspec.yml inherit_mode: merge: - Include AllCops: NewCops: enable DisplayCopNames: true Include: - '.gitlab/**/*.rb' - '.github/**/*.rb' - '.rubocop/**/*.rb' Exclude: - 'bin/*' - 'db/schema.rb' - 'vendor/**/*' - 'node_modules/**/*' - 'public/assets/**/*' - 'public/packs/**/*' RSpec: Include: - "**/*_spec.rb" - "**/*_examples.rb" Language: Expectations: - expect_no_offenses - expect_offense - adds_foreign_key - sent - not_sent Rails: Enabled: true # Zammad StyleGuide Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: false Layout/LineLength: Description: 'Limit lines to 80 characters.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#80-character-limits' Enabled: false Style/NegatedIf: Description: >- Favor unless over if for negative conditions (or control flow or). StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#unless-for-negatives' Enabled: false Style/IfUnlessModifier: Description: >- Favor modifier if/unless usage when you have a single-line body. StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#if-as-a-modifier' Enabled: false Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: Description: 'Checks for trailing comma in array literals.' StyleGuide: '#no-trailing-array-commas' Enabled: false Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral: Description: 'Checks for trailing comma in hash literals.' Enabled: false Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: Description: 'Checks for trailing comma in argument lists.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#no-trailing-array-commas' Enabled: false Style/RescueStandardError: Description: 'Avoid rescuing without specifying an error class.' Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: implicit Style/FormatStringToken: Description: Use a consistent style for named format string tokens. EnforcedStyle: template # Prefer %{...} over %<...>s to make it easier for translators. Layout/SpaceInsideReferenceBrackets: Description: 'Checks the spacing inside referential brackets.' Enabled: false Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets: Description: 'Checks the spacing inside array literal brackets.' Enabled: false Style/DefWithParentheses: Description: 'Use def with parentheses when there are arguments.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#method-parens' Enabled: false Style/HashSyntax: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: either Layout/HashAlignment: Description: >- Align the elements of a hash literal if they span more than one line. Enabled: true EnforcedHashRocketStyle: table EnforcedColonStyle: table EnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle: always_inspect Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around class bodies." Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundMethodBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around method bodies." Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around block bodies." Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around module bodies." Enabled: false Layout/ExtraSpacing: Description: 'Do not use unnecessary spacing.' Enabled: true Exclude: - 'config/routes/**/*' - 'db/migrate/20120101000001_create_base.rb' - 'db/migrate/20120101000010_create_ticket.rb' Style/MultilineBlockChain: Description: 'Avoid multi-line chains of blocks.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#single-line-blocks' Enabled: false Metrics/ClassLength: Description: 'Avoid classes longer than 100 lines of code.' Enabled: false Metrics/MethodLength: Description: 'Avoid methods longer than 10 lines of code.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#short-methods' Enabled: false Metrics/ParameterLists: Description: 'Checks for methods with too many parameters.' CountKeywordArgs: false Style/BlockComments: Description: 'Do not use block comments.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#no-block-comments' Enabled: false Style/PerlBackrefs: Description: 'Avoid Perl-style regex back references.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#no-perl-regexp-last-matchers' Enabled: false Rails/ApplicationRecord: Exclude: - 'app/models/application_model.rb' - 'app/models/active_job_lock.rb' Rails/BulkChangeTable: Description: 'Check whether alter queries are combinable.' Enabled: false Rails/FindEach: Description: 'Prefer all.find_each over all.find.' Enabled: false Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany: Description: 'Prefer has_many :through to has_and_belongs_to_many.' # StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/rails-style-guide#has-many-through' Enabled: false Rails/I18nLocaleTexts: Description: 'Enforces use of I18n and locale files instead of locale specific strings.' Enabled: false Rails/MatchRoute: Description: >- Don't use `match` to define any routes unless there is a need to map multiple request types among [:get, :post, :patch, :put, :delete] to a single action using the `:via` option. StyleGuide: 'https://rails.rubystyle.guide/#no-match-routes' Enabled: false Rails/SkipsModelValidations: Description: >- Use methods that skips model validations with caution. See reference for more information. Reference: 'http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations.html#skipping-validations' Enabled: true Exclude: - test/**/* - "**/*_spec.rb" - "**/*_examples.rb" Rails/ReversibleMigration: Description: This cop checks whether the change method of the migration file is reversible. Enabled: false Rails/EnvironmentVariableAccess: Description: 'This cop looks for direct access to environment variables through the ENV variable within the application code.' Enabled: true AllowReads: true Rails/Output: Exclude: - "lib/tasks/**/*" Include: - "**/*_spec.rb" Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Description: 'Checks style of children classes and modules.' Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: compact # Avoids nesting of classes and modules in sequencer code and improves readability by decreasing whitespace. # This cop is excluded for the rest of the codebase, due to following problems: # - undefined constants in path components which are not autoloaded # - changes to the lexical scope which require reference to the complete namespace of external classes # - difficult backporting due to extensive whitespace changes on all lines Include: - 'lib/sequencer/**/*.rb' Naming/FileName: Description: 'Use snake_case for source file names.' StyleGuide: 'https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#snake-case-files' Enabled: true Exclude: - 'script/websocket-server.rb' Naming/VariableNumber: Description: 'Use the configured style when numbering variables.' Enabled: false Naming/MethodParameterName: Description: >- Checks for method parameter names that contain capital letters, end in numbers, or do not meet a minimal length. Enabled: true AllowedNames: e, id, _, ip, to Lint/BooleanSymbol: Description: 'Check for `:true` and `:false` symbols.' Enabled: true Exclude: - "db/seeds/object_manager_attributes.rb" - "spec/requests/integration/object_manager_attributes_spec.rb" Lint/InterpolationCheck: Description: 'Raise warning for interpolation in single q strs' Enabled: true Exclude: - "test/unit/email_process_auto_response_test.rb" - "test/unit/email_process_bounce_delivery_permanent_failed_test.rb" - "test/unit/email_process_bounce_follow_test.rb" - "test/unit/notification_factory_renderer_test.rb" - "test/unit/notification_factory_template_test.rb" - "test/unit/ticket_trigger_test.rb" - "test/unit/ticket_trigger_recursive_disabled_test.rb" Style/StringConcatenation: Description: 'Checks for places where string concatenation can be replaced with string interpolation.' StyleGuide: '#string-interpolation' Enabled: true Exclude: - "config/routes/**/*" Style/RegexpLiteral: Description: 'This cop enforces using // or %r around regular expressions.' EnforcedStyle: percent_r Style/RedundantBegin: Description: 'This cop checks for redundant `begin` blocks.' Enabled: false Style/FetchEnvVar: Description: 'This cop suggests `ENV.fetch` for the replacement of `ENV[]`.' Enabled: false GraphQL/OrderedArguments: Enabled: false GraphQL/OrderedFields: Enabled: false # Our models can have many fields, and we should not enforce a different GraphQL structure just for the sake of it. GraphQL/ExtractType: Enabled: false GraphQL/ExtractInputType: MaxArguments: 3 # Run cop only for mutations: https://github.com/DmitryTsepelev/rubocop-graphql/issues/47 Include: - 'app/graphql/gql/mutations/**/*.rb' # Enforcing field descriptions for all model fields will be too verbose/redundant. GraphQL/FieldDescription: Exclude: - "app/graphql/gql/types/**/*" GraphQL/ObjectDescription: Exclude: - "app/graphql/gql/fields/**/*" # false positive? - "app/graphql/gql/types/**/base_*" # RSpec tests Style/NumericPredicate: Description: >- Checks for the use of predicate- or comparison methods for numeric comparisons. StyleGuide: '#predicate-methods' # This will change to a new method call which isn't guaranteed to be on the # object. Switching these methods has to be done with knowledge of the types # of the variables which rubocop doesn't have. AutoCorrect: false Enabled: true Exclude: - "**/*_spec.rb" Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation: Description: >- Checks for ambiguous block association with method when param passed without parentheses. StyleGuide: '#syntax' Enabled: true Exclude: - "spec/support/*.rb" - "**/*_spec.rb" - "**/*_examples.rb" Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: Description: >- Checks the indentation of the method name part in method calls that span more than one line. EnforcedStyle: indented Include: - "**/*_spec.rb" Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments: true Naming/PredicateName: Exclude: - "app/graphql/gql/types/**/*" RSpec/DescribeMethod: # We want to be able to split tests into subfolders, where several cases are grouped together. Description: 'Checks that the second argument to the top level describe is the tested method name.' Enabled: false RSpec/NestedGroups: Max: 6 RSpecRails/AvoidSetupHook: Exclude: - "test/**/*" RSpec/AlignLeftLetBrace: Description: 'Checks that left braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned.' Enabled: true RSpec/AnyInstance: Description: 'Prefer instance doubles over stubbing any instance of a class.' Enabled: false RSpec/SubjectStub: Enabled: false RSpecRails/InferredSpecType: Description: 'Identifies redundant spec type.' Enabled: false # We use types to add DSL to rspec. RSpec/IndexedLet: Description: 'Do not set up test data using indexes (e.g., `item_1`, `item_2`).' Enabled: false Capybara/SpecificFinders: Description: 'Checks if there is a more specific finder offered by Capybara.' Enabled: false # False positives, autocorrection makes weird suggestions. Capybara/SpecificActions: Description: 'Checks for there is a more specific actions offered by Capybara.' Enabled: false Capybara/NegationMatcher: Description: Enforces use of have_no_* or not_to for negated expectations. EnforcedStyle: have_no Capybara/ClickLinkOrButtonStyle: EnforcedStyle: link_or_button RSpec/ExampleLength: CountAsOne: - 'array' - 'hash' - 'heredoc' Max: 25 FactoryBot/ExcessiveCreateList: Enabled: false Zammad/PreferNegatedIfOverUnless: Exclude: - 'bin/rspec' Zammad/ExistsDateTimePrecision: Include: - "db/migrate/*.rb" - "**/db/addon/**/*.rb" Zammad/ExistsResetColumnInformation: Include: - "db/migrate/*.rb" - "**/db/addon/**/*.rb" Exclude: - 'db/migrate/201*_*.rb' - 'db/migrate/2020*_*.rb' Zammad/MigrationSchedulerLastRun: Include: - "db/migrate/*.rb" - "**/db/addon/**/*.rb" Exclude: - 'db/migrate/201*_*.rb' - 'db/migrate/2020*_*.rb' Zammad/DetectTranslatableString: Enabled: true Include: - "app/**/*.rb" - "db/**/*.rb" - "lib/**/*.rb" Exclude: - "db/migrate/**/*.rb" - "db/addon/**/*.rb" - "lib/generators/**/*.rb" - "lib/sequencer/**/*.rb" - "lib/import/**/*.rb" - "lib/tasks/**/*.rb" - "lib/fill_db.rb" Zammad/ForbidTranslatableMarker: Enabled: true Include: - "db/migrate/*.rb" Zammad/ExistsDbStrategy: Include: - "spec/**/*.rb" Exclude: - "spec/support/capybara/*.rb"