# See http://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files. # # If you find yourself ignoring temporary files generated by your text editor # or operating system, you probably want to add a global ignore instead: # git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global # Configuration ================================================================ # These files will differ from one user to another; # committing them may cause Zammad to behave unexpectedly on other machines # Zammad ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # database (copy from config/database/database.yml, or use `rails bs:init`) /config/database.yml # storage (copy from config/zammad/storage.yml.dist) /config/zammad/storage.yml # local backup config file /contrib/backup/config # Dynamic environment config for Gitlab /.gitlab/environment.env # Third-Party ------------------------------------------------------------------ # The config files / dev tools listed below are optional # and may not be present on most users' machines # Bundler /.bundle /Gemfile.local # Clutter ====================================================================== # These files are automatically generated; # in most cases, committing them won't do anything other than bloat the repo # Zammad ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # database files /db/*.sqlite3 /db/schema.rb # dev ssl /config/ssl/* # legacy translation cache files /config/locales-*.yml /config/translations/*.yml # logfiles and tempfiles /log /public/assets/*.* /public/assets/frontend/vite /public/assets/frontend/vite-dev /public/assets/addons /public/assets/app /public/assets/custom /public/assets/chat/node_modules /tmp/* !/tmp/README.md !/tmp/pids /tmp/pids/* !/tmp/pids/.keep /storage/fs # doorkeeper (OAuth 2) /public/assets/doorkeeper # images /public/assets/images/node_modules # Ignore generated hashed file names. /public/assets/images/????????????????????????????????.* # Third-Party ------------------------------------------------------------------ # macOS .DS_Store # vim .*.sw[pon] # RubyMine /.idea # Eclipse /.project # VSCode /.vscode # Byebug /.byebug_history # Backup files *~ # Vite PWA /app/frontend/dev-dist # Node **/node_modules yarn-error.log .yarn/cache # Cypress .dev/cypress/screenshots/* .dev/cypress/videos/* .dev/cypress/**/__diff_output__/** **/__image_snapshots__/**/*.diff.png **/__image_snapshots__/**/*.actual.png # Auto Generated schema.graphql # Packages *.zpm