// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { useRawHTMLIcon } from './useRawHTMLIcon.ts' const renameIcons = (icons: [string, { default: string }][]) => { const iconsMap: [string, string][] = [] for (const [icon, svg] of icons) { const name = icon.match(/assets\/([\w-/]+)\.svg$/) if (!name) throw new Error(`Icon name not found for ${icon}`) const iconName = name[1].replace(/\//, '-') iconsMap.push([iconName, svg.default]) } return iconsMap } let iconsSymbols: [string, string][] = [] let iconsContent: Record<string, string> = {} let iconsAliasesMap: Record<string, string> = {} export const provideIcons = ( globImports: [string, { default: string }][], aliases: Record<string, string>, ) => { iconsSymbols = renameIcons(globImports) iconsContent = {} iconsAliasesMap = aliases for (const [name] of iconsSymbols) { const htmlIcon = useRawHTMLIcon({ name, size: 'base' }) iconsContent[name] = htmlIcon } return { icons: iconsContent, symbols: iconsSymbols, } } export const useIcons = () => { return { icons: iconsContent, symbols: iconsSymbols, aliases: iconsAliasesMap, } }