// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { ApolloLink, createHttpLink, from } from '@apollo/client/core' import { BatchHttpLink } from '@apollo/client/link/batch-http' import { removeTypenameFromVariables } from '@apollo/client/link/remove-typename' import { getMainDefinition } from '@apollo/client/utilities' import ActionCableLink from 'graphql-ruby-client/subscriptions/ActionCableLink' import { consumer } from '#shared/server/action_cable/consumer.ts' import connectedStateLink from './link/connectedState.ts' import csrfLink from './link/csrf.ts' import debugLink from './link/debug.ts' import errorLink from './link/error.ts' import setAuthorizationLink from './link/setAuthorization.ts' import testFlagsLink from './link/testFlags.ts' import getBatchContext from './utils/getBatchContext.ts' import getWebsocketContext from './utils/getWebsocketContext.ts' import type { Operation } from '@apollo/client/core' import type { FragmentDefinitionNode, OperationDefinitionNode } from 'graphql' // Should subsequent HTTP calls be batched together? const enableBatchLink = true // Should queries and mutations be sent over ActionCable? const enableQueriesOverWebsocket = false const connectionSettings = { uri: '/graphql', credentials: 'same-origin', // Must have for CSRF validation via Rails. } const noBatchLink = createHttpLink(connectionSettings) const batchLink = new BatchHttpLink({ ...connectionSettings, batchMax: 5, batchInterval: 20, }) const operationIsLoginLogout = ( definition: OperationDefinitionNode | FragmentDefinitionNode, ) => { return !!( definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && definition.operation === 'mutation' && definition.name?.value && ['login', 'logout'].includes(definition.name?.value) ) } const requiresBatchLink = (op: Operation) => { if (!enableBatchLink) return false const batchContext = getBatchContext(op) return batchContext.active } const httpLink = ApolloLink.split(requiresBatchLink, batchLink, noBatchLink) const requiresHttpLink = (op: Operation) => { const definition = getMainDefinition(op.query) const websocketContext = getWebsocketContext(op) if (!enableQueriesOverWebsocket) { // Only subscriptions over websocket. return ( !( definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && definition.operation === 'subscription' ) && !websocketContext.active ) } // Everything over websocket except login/logout as that changes cookies. return operationIsLoginLogout(definition) } const actionCableLink = new ActionCableLink({ cable: consumer }) const splitLink = ApolloLink.split(requiresHttpLink, httpLink, actionCableLink) const link = from([ ...(VITE_TEST_MODE ? [testFlagsLink] : []), csrfLink, errorLink, setAuthorizationLink, debugLink, connectedStateLink, removeTypenameFromVariables(), splitLink, ]) export default link