// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { tryOnScopeDispose } from '@vueuse/shared' import { isEqual, keyBy } from 'lodash-es' import { acceptHMRUpdate, defineStore } from 'pinia' import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue' import { useRouter } from 'vue-router' import { EnumTaskbarApp, EnumTaskbarEntity, type UserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery, type UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscription, type UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscriptionVariables, type UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscription, type UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscriptionVariables, } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts' import { getApolloClient } from '#shared/server/apollo/client.ts' import { MutationHandler, QueryHandler, } from '#shared/server/apollo/handler/index.ts' import { useApplicationStore } from '#shared/stores/application.ts' import type { ObjectWithId } from '#shared/types/utils.ts' import log from '#shared/utils/log.ts' import { userTaskbarTabPluginByType } from '#desktop/components/UserTaskbarTabs/plugins/index.ts' import type { BackRoute, UserTaskbarTab, } from '#desktop/components/UserTaskbarTabs/types.ts' import { useUserCurrentTaskbarItemAddMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/userCurrentTaskbarItemAdd.api.ts' import { useUserCurrentTaskbarItemDeleteMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/userCurrentTaskbarItemDelete.api.ts' import { useUserCurrentTaskbarItemTouchLastContactMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/userCurrentTaskbarItemTouchLastContact.api.ts' import { useUserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdateMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/userCurrentTaskbarItemUpdate.api.ts' import { UserCurrentTaskbarItemListDocument, useUserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery, } from '../graphql/queries/userCurrentTaskbarItemList.api.ts' import { UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesDocument } from '../graphql/subscriptions/userCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdates.api.ts' import { UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesDocument } from '../graphql/subscriptions/userCurrentTaskbarItemUpdates.api.ts' import type { TaskbarTabContext } from '../types.ts' export const useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore = defineStore( 'userCurrentTaskbarTabs', () => { const application = useApplicationStore() const router = useRouter() const taskbarTabContexts = ref>({}) const activeTaskbarTabEntityKey = ref() const taskbarTabsInCreation = ref([]) const taskbarTabIDsInDeletion = ref([]) const getTaskbarTabTypePlugin = (tabEntityType: EnumTaskbarEntity) => userTaskbarTabPluginByType[tabEntityType] const taskbarTabsQuery = new QueryHandler( useUserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery( { app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop }, { context: { batch: { active: false, }, }, }, ), ) const taskbarTabsRaw = taskbarTabsQuery.result() const taskbarTabsLoading = taskbarTabsQuery.loading() const taskbarTabList = computed( (currentTaskbarTabList) => { if (!taskbarTabsRaw.value?.userCurrentTaskbarItemList) return [] const taskbarTabs: UserTaskbarTab[] = taskbarTabsRaw.value.userCurrentTaskbarItemList .filter( (taskbarTab) => !taskbarTabIDsInDeletion.value.includes(taskbarTab.id), ) .flatMap((taskbarTab) => { const type = taskbarTab.callback if (!userTaskbarTabPluginByType[type]) { log.warn(`Unknown taskbar tab type: ${type}.`) return [] } return { type, entity: taskbarTab.entity, entityAccess: taskbarTab.entityAccess, tabEntityKey: taskbarTab.key, taskbarTabId: taskbarTab.id, order: taskbarTab.prio, formId: taskbarTab.formId, formNewArticlePresent: taskbarTab.formNewArticlePresent, changed: taskbarTab.changed, dirty: taskbarTab.dirty, notify: taskbarTab.notify, updatedAt: taskbarTab.updatedAt, } }) const existingTabEntityKeys = new Set( taskbarTabs.map((taskbarTab) => taskbarTab.tabEntityKey), ) const newTaskbarTabList = taskbarTabs .concat( taskbarTabsInCreation.value.filter( (taskbarTab) => !existingTabEntityKeys.has(taskbarTab.tabEntityKey), ), ) .sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order) if ( currentTaskbarTabList && isEqual(currentTaskbarTabList, newTaskbarTabList) ) return currentTaskbarTabList return newTaskbarTabList }, ) const activeTaskbarTab = computed( (currentActiveTaskbarTab) => { if (!activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value) return const newActiveTaskbarTab = taskbarTabList.value.find( (taskbarTab) => taskbarTab.tabEntityKey === activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value, ) if ( currentActiveTaskbarTab && isEqual(newActiveTaskbarTab, currentActiveTaskbarTab) ) return currentActiveTaskbarTab return newActiveTaskbarTab }, ) const activeTaskbarTabId = computed( () => activeTaskbarTab.value?.taskbarTabId, ) const activeTaskbarTabEntityAccess = computed( () => activeTaskbarTab.value?.entityAccess, ) const hasTaskbarTabs = computed(() => taskbarTabList.value?.length > 0) const taskbarTabListByTabEntityKey = computed(() => keyBy(taskbarTabList.value, 'tabEntityKey'), ) const taskbarTabListOrder = computed(() => taskbarTabList.value.reduce((taskbarTabListOrder, taskbarTab) => { taskbarTabListOrder.push(taskbarTab.tabEntityKey) return taskbarTabListOrder }, [] as string[]), ) const taskbarLookupByTypeAndTabEntityKey = computed(() => { return taskbarTabList.value.reduce( (lookup, tab) => { if (!tab.taskbarTabId) return lookup lookup[tab.type] = lookup[tab.type] || {} lookup[tab.type][tab.tabEntityKey] = tab.taskbarTabId return lookup }, {} as Record>, ) }) const taskbarTabExists = (type: EnumTaskbarEntity, tabEntityKey: string) => Boolean(taskbarLookupByTypeAndTabEntityKey.value[type]?.[tabEntityKey]) const previousRoutes = ref([]) // Keep track of previously visited routes and if they are taskbar tab routes. router.afterEach((_, from) => { // Clear all previous routes whenever a non-taskbar tab route is visited. if (!from.meta?.taskbarTabEntityKey) previousRoutes.value.length = 0 previousRoutes.value.push({ path: from.fullPath, taskbarTabEntityKey: from.meta?.taskbarTabEntityKey, }) }) const backRoutes = computed(() => [...previousRoutes.value].reverse()) const redirectToLastHistoricalRoute = () => { // In case of taskbar tab routes, make sure the tab is still present in the list. // We can do this by comparing the historical taskbar tab entity key against the current tab list. const nextRoute = backRoutes.value.find((backRoute) => { // Return a non-taskbar tab route immediately. if (!backRoute.taskbarTabEntityKey) return true // Ignore the current tab, we will be closing it shortly. if (backRoute.taskbarTabEntityKey === activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value) return false // Check if the taskbar tab route is part of the current taskbar. return !!taskbarTabListByTabEntityKey.value[ backRoute.taskbarTabEntityKey ] }) // If identified, redirect to the historical route. if (nextRoute) { router.push(nextRoute.path) return } // Otherwise, redirect to the fallback route. // TODO: Adjust the following redirect fallback to Overviews page instead, when ready. router.push('/') } const handleActiveTaskbarTabRemoval = ( taskbarTabList: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery['userCurrentTaskbarItemList'], removedItemId: string, ) => { const removedItem = taskbarTabList?.find( (tab) => tab.id === removedItemId, ) if (!removedItem) return if (removedItem.key !== activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value) return // If the active taskbar tab was removed, redirect to the last historical route. redirectToLastHistoricalRoute() } taskbarTabsQuery.subscribeToMore< UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscriptionVariables, UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscription >({ document: UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesDocument, variables: { app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop, }, updateQuery(previous, { subscriptionData }) { const updates = subscriptionData.data.userCurrentTaskbarItemUpdates if (!updates.addItem && !updates.updateItem && !updates.removeItem) return null as unknown as UserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery if (!previous.userCurrentTaskbarItemList || updates.updateItem) return previous const previousTaskbarTabList = previous.userCurrentTaskbarItemList if (updates.removeItem) { const newTaskbarTabList = previousTaskbarTabList.filter( (tab) => tab.id !== updates.removeItem, ) handleActiveTaskbarTabRemoval( previousTaskbarTabList, updates.removeItem, ) return { userCurrentTaskbarItemList: newTaskbarTabList, } } if (updates.addItem) { const newIdPresent = previousTaskbarTabList.find((taskbarTab) => { return taskbarTab.id === updates.addItem?.id }) if (newIdPresent) return previous return { userCurrentTaskbarItemList: [ ...previousTaskbarTabList, updates.addItem, ], } } return previous }, }) taskbarTabsQuery.subscribeToMore< UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscriptionVariables, UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscription >({ document: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesDocument, variables: { app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop, }, }) const taskbarAddMutation = new MutationHandler( useUserCurrentTaskbarItemAddMutation({ update: (cache, { data }) => { if (!data) return const { userCurrentTaskbarItemAdd } = data if (!userCurrentTaskbarItemAdd?.taskbarItem) return const newIdPresent = taskbarTabList.value.find((taskbarTab) => { return ( taskbarTab.taskbarTabId === userCurrentTaskbarItemAdd.taskbarItem?.id ) }) if (newIdPresent) return let existingTaskbarItemList = cache.readQuery({ query: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListDocument, }) existingTaskbarItemList = { ...existingTaskbarItemList, userCurrentTaskbarItemList: [ ...(existingTaskbarItemList?.userCurrentTaskbarItemList || []), userCurrentTaskbarItemAdd.taskbarItem, ], } cache.writeQuery({ query: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListDocument, data: existingTaskbarItemList, }) }, }), ) const addTaskbarTab = async ( taskbarTabEntity: EnumTaskbarEntity, tabEntityKey: string, tabEntityInternalId: string, ) => { const { buildTaskbarTabParams, entityType, entityDocument } = getTaskbarTabTypePlugin(taskbarTabEntity) const order = hasTaskbarTabs.value ? taskbarTabList.value[taskbarTabList.value.length - 1].order + 1 : 1 // Add temporary in creation taskbar tab item when we have already an existing entity from the cache. if (entityType && entityDocument) { const cachedEntity = getApolloClient().cache.readFragment( { id: `${entityType}:${convertToGraphQLId( entityType, tabEntityInternalId, )}`, fragment: entityDocument, }, ) if (cachedEntity) { taskbarTabsInCreation.value.push({ type: taskbarTabEntity, entity: cachedEntity, tabEntityKey, order, }) } } await taskbarAddMutation .send({ input: { app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop, callback: taskbarTabEntity, key: tabEntityKey, notify: false, params: buildTaskbarTabParams(tabEntityInternalId), prio: order, }, }) .finally(() => { // Remove temporary in creation taskar tab again. taskbarTabsInCreation.value = taskbarTabsInCreation.value.filter( (tab) => tab.tabEntityKey !== tabEntityKey, ) }) } const taskbarUpdateMutation = new MutationHandler( useUserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdateMutation(), ) const updateTaskbarTab = (taskbarTabId: ID, taskbarTab: UserTaskbarTab) => { taskbarUpdateMutation.send({ id: taskbarTabId, input: { app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop, callback: taskbarTab.type, key: taskbarTab.tabEntityKey, notify: !!taskbarTab.notify, prio: taskbarTab.order, dirty: taskbarTab.dirty, }, }) } const taskbarTouchMutation = new MutationHandler( useUserCurrentTaskbarItemTouchLastContactMutation(), ) const touchTaskbarTab = async (taskbarTabId: ID) => { await taskbarTouchMutation.send({ id: taskbarTabId, }) } const upsertTaskbarTab = async ( taskbarTabEntity: EnumTaskbarEntity, tabEntityKey: string, tabEntityInternalId: string, ) => { activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value = tabEntityKey if (!taskbarTabExists(taskbarTabEntity, tabEntityKey)) { await addTaskbarTab(taskbarTabEntity, tabEntityKey, tabEntityInternalId) } const taskbarTab = taskbarTabListByTabEntityKey.value[tabEntityKey] if (!taskbarTab || !taskbarTab.taskbarTabId) return await touchTaskbarTab(taskbarTab.taskbarTabId) } const resetActiveTaskbarTab = () => { if (!activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value) return activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value = undefined } let silenceTaskbarDeleteError = false const taskbarDeleteMutation = new MutationHandler( useUserCurrentTaskbarItemDeleteMutation(), { errorCallback: () => { if (silenceTaskbarDeleteError) return false }, }, ) const deleteTaskbarTab = (taskbarTabId: ID, silenceError?: boolean) => { taskbarTabIDsInDeletion.value.push(taskbarTabId) if (silenceError) silenceTaskbarDeleteError = true taskbarDeleteMutation .send({ id: taskbarTabId, }) .catch(() => { taskbarTabIDsInDeletion.value = taskbarTabIDsInDeletion.value.filter( (inDeletionTaskbarTabId) => inDeletionTaskbarTabId !== taskbarTabId, ) }) .finally(() => { if (silenceError) silenceTaskbarDeleteError = false }) } watch(taskbarTabList, (newTaskbarTabList) => { if ( !newTaskbarTabList || newTaskbarTabList.length <= application.config.ui_task_mananger_max_task_count ) return const sortedTaskbarTabList = newTaskbarTabList .filter( (taskbarTab) => taskbarTab.taskbarTabId !== activeTaskbarTab.value?.taskbarTabId && taskbarTab.updatedAt && !taskbarTab.changed && !taskbarTab.dirty, ) .sort( (a, b) => new Date(a.updatedAt!).getTime() - new Date(b.updatedAt!).getTime(), ) if (!sortedTaskbarTabList.length) return const oldestTaskbarTab = sortedTaskbarTabList.at(0) if (!oldestTaskbarTab?.taskbarTabId) return log.info( `More than the allowed maximum number of tasks are open (${application.config.ui_task_mananger_max_task_count}), closing the oldest untouched task now.`, oldestTaskbarTab.tabEntityKey, ) deleteTaskbarTab(oldestTaskbarTab.taskbarTabId, true) }) const waitForTaskbarListLoaded = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (taskbarTabsLoading.value) return clearInterval(interval) resolve() }) }) } tryOnScopeDispose(() => { taskbarTabsQuery.stop() }) return { taskbarTabIDsInDeletion, activeTaskbarTabId, activeTaskbarTab, activeTaskbarTabEntityKey, activeTaskbarTabEntityAccess, taskbarTabContexts, taskbarTabsInCreation, taskbarTabsRaw, taskbarTabList, taskbarTabListByTabEntityKey, taskbarLookupByTypeAndTabEntityKey, taskbarTabListOrder, taskbarTabExists, getTaskbarTabTypePlugin, addTaskbarTab, updateTaskbarTab, upsertTaskbarTab, deleteTaskbarTab, resetActiveTaskbarTab, waitForTaskbarListLoaded, loading: taskbarTabsLoading, hasTaskbarTabs, } }, ) if (import.meta.hot) { import.meta.hot.accept( acceptHMRUpdate(useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore, import.meta.hot), ) }