# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ class TimeAccountingsController < ApplicationController prepend_before_action { authentication_check(permission: 'admin.time_accounting') } def by_ticket year = params[:year] || Time.zone.now.year month = params[:month] || Time.zone.now.month start_periode = Time.zone.parse("#{year}-#{month}-01") end_periode = start_periode.end_of_month time_unit = {} Ticket::TimeAccounting.where('created_at >= ? AND created_at <= ?', start_periode, end_periode).pluck(:ticket_id, :time_unit, :created_by_id).each do |record| if !time_unit[record[0]] time_unit[record[0]] = { time_unit: 0, agent_id: record[2], } end time_unit[record[0]][:time_unit] += record[1] end customers = {} organizations = {} agents = {} results = [] time_unit.each do |ticket_id, local_time_unit| ticket = Ticket.lookup(id: ticket_id) next if !ticket if !customers[ticket.customer_id] customers[ticket.customer_id] = '-' if ticket.customer_id customer_user = User.lookup(id: ticket.customer_id) if customer_user customers[ticket.customer_id] = customer_user.fullname end end end if !organizations[ticket.organization_id] organizations[ticket.organization_id] = '-' if ticket.organization_id organization = Organization.lookup(id: ticket.organization_id) if organization organizations[ticket.organization_id] = organization.name end end end if !agents[local_time_unit[:agent_id]] agent_user = User.lookup(id: local_time_unit[:agent_id]) agent = '-' if agent_user agents[local_time_unit[:agent_id]] = agent_user.fullname end end result = { ticket: ticket.attributes, time_unit: local_time_unit[:time_unit], customer: customers[ticket.customer_id], organization: organizations[ticket.organization_id], agent: agents[local_time_unit[:agent_id]], } results.push result end if params[:download] header = [ { name: 'Ticket#', width: 15, }, { name: 'Title', width: 30, }, { name: 'Customer', width: 20, }, { name: 'Organization', width: 20, }, { name: 'Agent', width: 20, }, { name: 'Time Units', width: 10, }, { name: 'Time Units Total', width: 10, }, { name: 'Created at', width: 18, }, { name: 'Closed at', width: 18, }, { name: 'Close Escalation At', width: 18, }, { name: 'Close In Min', width: 10, }, { name: 'Close Diff In Min', width: 10, }, { name: 'First Response At', width: 18, }, { name: 'First Response Escalation At', width: 18, }, { name: 'First Response In Min', width: 10, }, { name: 'First Response Diff In Min', width: 10, }, { name: 'Update Escalation At', width: 18, }, { name: 'Update In Min', width: 10, }, { name: 'Update Diff In Min', width: 10, }, { name: 'Last Contact At', width: 18, }, { name: 'Last Contact Agent At', width: 18, }, { name: 'Last Contact Customer At', width: 18, }, { name: 'Article Count', width: 10, }, { name: 'Escalation At', width: 18, }, ] objects = ObjectManager::Attribute.where(editable: true, active: true, to_create: false, object_lookup_id: ObjectLookup.lookup(name: 'Ticket').id) .pluck(:name, :display, :data_type, :data_option) .map { |name, display, data_type, data_option| { name: name, display: display, data_type: data_type, data_option: data_option } } objects.each do |object| header.push({ name: object[:display], width: 18 }) end result = [] results.each do |row| result_row = [ row[:ticket]['number'], row[:ticket]['title'], row[:customer], row[:organization], row[:agent], row[:time_unit], row[:ticket]['time_unit'], row[:ticket]['created_at'], row[:ticket]['close_at'], row[:ticket]['close_escalation_at'], row[:ticket]['close_in_min'], row[:ticket]['close_diff_in_min'], row[:ticket]['first_response_at'], row[:ticket]['first_response_escalation_at'], row[:ticket]['first_response_in_min'], row[:ticket]['first_response_diff_in_min'], row[:ticket]['update_escalation_at'], row[:ticket]['update_in_min'], row[:ticket]['update_diff_in_min'], row[:ticket]['last_contact_at'], row[:ticket]['last_contact_agent_at'], row[:ticket]['last_contact_customer_at'], row[:ticket]['article_count'], row[:ticket]['escalation_at'], ] # Object Manager attributes # We already queried ObjectManager::Attributes, so we just use objects objects.each do |object| key = object[:name] case object[:data_type] when 'boolean', 'select' value = row[:ticket][key] if object[:data_option] && object[:data_option]['options'] && object[:data_option]['options'][row[:ticket][key]] value = object[:data_option]['options'][row[:ticket][key]] end value.present? ? result_row.push(value) : result_row.push('') else # for text, integer and tree select row[:ticket][key].present? ? result_row.push(row[:ticket][key]) : result_row.push('') end end result.push result_row end content = sheet("By Ticket #{year}-#{month}", header, result) send_data( content, filename: "by_ticket-#{year}-#{month}.xls", type: 'application/vnd.ms-excel', disposition: 'attachment' ) return end render json: results end def by_customer year = params[:year] || Time.zone.now.year month = params[:month] || Time.zone.now.month start_periode = Time.zone.parse("#{year}-#{month}-01") end_periode = start_periode.end_of_month time_unit = {} Ticket::TimeAccounting.where('created_at >= ? AND created_at <= ?', start_periode, end_periode).pluck(:ticket_id, :time_unit, :created_by_id).each do |record| if !time_unit[record[0]] time_unit[record[0]] = { time_unit: 0, agent_id: record[2], } end time_unit[record[0]][:time_unit] += record[1] end customers = {} time_unit.each do |ticket_id, local_time_unit| ticket = Ticket.lookup(id: ticket_id) next if !ticket if !customers[ticket.customer_id] organization = nil if ticket.organization_id organization = Organization.lookup(id: ticket.organization_id).attributes end customers[ticket.customer_id] = { customer: User.lookup(id: ticket.customer_id).attributes, organization: organization, time_unit: local_time_unit[:time_unit], } next end customers[ticket.customer_id][:time_unit] += local_time_unit[:time_unit] end results = [] customers.each_value do |content| results.push content end if params[:download] header = [ { name: 'Customer', width: 30, }, { name: 'Organization', width: 30, }, { name: 'Time Units', width: 10, } ] result = [] results.each do |row| customer_name = User.find(row[:customer]['id']).fullname organization_name = '' if row[:organization].present? organization_name = row[:organization]['name'] end result_row = [customer_name, organization_name, row[:time_unit]] result.push result_row end content = sheet("By Customer #{year}-#{month}", header, result) send_data( content, filename: "by_customer-#{year}-#{month}.xls", type: 'application/vnd.ms-excel', disposition: 'attachment' ) return end render json: results end def by_organization year = params[:year] || Time.zone.now.year month = params[:month] || Time.zone.now.month start_periode = Time.zone.parse("#{year}-#{month}-01") end_periode = start_periode.end_of_month time_unit = {} Ticket::TimeAccounting.where('created_at >= ? AND created_at <= ?', start_periode, end_periode).pluck(:ticket_id, :time_unit, :created_by_id).each do |record| if !time_unit[record[0]] time_unit[record[0]] = { time_unit: 0, agent_id: record[2], } end time_unit[record[0]][:time_unit] += record[1] end organizations = {} time_unit.each do |ticket_id, local_time_unit| ticket = Ticket.lookup(id: ticket_id) next if !ticket next if !ticket.organization_id if !organizations[ticket.organization_id] organizations[ticket.organization_id] = { organization: Organization.lookup(id: ticket.organization_id).attributes, time_unit: local_time_unit[:time_unit], } next end organizations[ticket.organization_id][:time_unit] += local_time_unit[:time_unit] end results = [] organizations.each_value do |content| results.push content end if params[:download] header = [ { name: 'Organization', width: 40, }, { name: 'Time Units', width: 20, } ] result = [] results.each do |row| organization_name = '' if row[:organization].present? organization_name = row[:organization]['name'] end result_row = [organization_name, row[:time_unit]] result.push result_row end content = sheet("By Organization #{year}-#{month}", header, result) send_data( content, filename: "by_organization-#{year}-#{month}.xls", type: 'application/vnd.ms-excel', disposition: 'attachment' ) return end render json: results end private def sheet(title, header, result) params[:timezone] ||= Setting.get('timezone_default') # Create a new Excel workbook temp_file = Tempfile.new('time_tracking.xls') workbook = WriteExcel.new(temp_file) # Add a worksheet worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet # Add and define a format format = workbook.add_format # Add a format format.set_bold format.set_size(14) format.set_color('black') format_time = workbook.add_format(num_format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') format_date = workbook.add_format(num_format: 'yyyy-mm-dd') format_footer = workbook.add_format format_footer.set_italic format_footer.set_color('gray') format_footer.set_size(8) worksheet.set_row(0, 18, header.count) # Write a formatted and unformatted string, row and column notation. worksheet.write_string(0, 0, title, format) format_header = workbook.add_format # Add a format format_header.set_italic format_header.set_bg_color('gray') format_header.set_color('white') count = 0 header.each do |item| if item[:width] worksheet.set_column(count, count, item[:width]) end worksheet.write_string(2, count, item[:name], format_header) count += 1 end row_count = 2 result.each do |row| row_count += 1 row_item_count = 0 row.each do |item| if item.acts_like?(:time) worksheet.write_date_time(row_count, row_item_count, time_in_localtime_for_excel(item, params[:timezone]), format_time) if item.present? elsif item.acts_like?(:date) worksheet.write_date_time(row_count, row_item_count, item.to_s, format_date) if item.present? elsif item.is_a?(Integer) || item.is_a?(Float) worksheet.write_number(row_count, row_item_count, item) else worksheet.write_string(row_count, row_item_count, item.to_s) end row_item_count += 1 end end row_count += 2 worksheet.write_string(row_count, 0, "#{Translation.translate(current_user.locale, 'Timezone')}: #{params[:timezone]}", format_footer) workbook.close # read file again file = File.new(temp_file, 'r') contents = file.read file.close contents end def time_in_localtime_for_excel(time, timezone) return if time.blank? if timezone.present? offset = time.in_time_zone(timezone).utc_offset time -= offset end time.utc.iso8601.to_s.sub(/Z$/, '') end end