# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ class MonitoringController < ApplicationController prepend_before_action { authorize! } prepend_before_action -> { authentication_check }, except: %i[health_check status amount_check] prepend_before_action -> { authentication_check_only }, only: %i[health_check status amount_check] skip_before_action :verify_csrf_token =begin Resource: GET /api/v1/monitoring/health_check?token=XXX Response: { "healthy": true, "message": "success", } { "healthy": false, "message": "authentication of XXX failed; issue #2", "issues": ["authentication of XXX failed", "issue #2"], } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?token=XXX =end def health_check issues = [] actions = Set.new # channel check last_run_tolerance = Time.zone.now - 1.hour options_keys = %w[host user uid] Channel.where(active: true).each do |channel| # inbound channel if channel.status_in == 'error' message = "Channel: #{channel.area} in " options_keys.each do |key| next if channel.options[key].blank? message += "key:#{channel.options[key]};" end issues.push "#{message} #{channel.last_log_in}" end if channel.preferences && channel.preferences['last_fetch'] && channel.preferences['last_fetch'] < last_run_tolerance diff = Time.zone.now - channel.preferences['last_fetch'] issues.push "#{message} channel is active but not fetched for #{helpers.time_ago_in_words(Time.zone.now - diff.seconds)}" end # outbound channel next if channel.status_out != 'error' message = "Channel: #{channel.area} out " options_keys.each do |key| next if channel.options[key].blank? message += "key:#{channel.options[key]};" end issues.push "#{message} #{channel.last_log_out}" end # unprocessable mail check directory = Rails.root.join('tmp/unprocessable_mail').to_s if File.exist?(directory) count = 0 Dir.glob("#{directory}/*.eml") do |_entry| count += 1 end if count.nonzero? issues.push "unprocessable mails: #{count}" end end # scheduler running check Scheduler.where('active = ? AND period > 300', true).where.not(last_run: nil).order(last_run: :asc, period: :asc).each do |scheduler| diff = Time.zone.now - (scheduler.last_run + scheduler.period.seconds) next if diff < 8.minutes issues.push "scheduler may not run (last execution of #{scheduler.method} #{helpers.time_ago_in_words(Time.zone.now - diff.seconds)} over) - please contact your system administrator" break end if Scheduler.where(active: true, last_run: nil).count == Scheduler.where(active: true).count issues.push 'scheduler not running' end Scheduler.failed_jobs.each do |job| issues.push "Failed to run scheduled job '#{job.name}'. Cause: #{job.error_message}" actions.add(:restart_failed_jobs) end # failed jobs check failed_jobs = Delayed::Job.where('attempts > 0') count_failed_jobs = failed_jobs.count if count_failed_jobs > 10 issues.push "#{count_failed_jobs} failing background jobs" end handler_attempts_map = {} failed_jobs.order(:created_at).limit(10).each do |job| job_name = if job.instance_of?(Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job) && job.payload_object.respond_to?(:job_data) job.payload_object.job_data['job_class'] else job.name end handler_attempts_map[job_name] ||= { count: 0, attempts: 0, } handler_attempts_map[job_name][:count] += 1 handler_attempts_map[job_name][:attempts] += job.attempts end handler_attempts_map.sort.to_h.each_with_index do |(job_name, job_data), index| issues.push "Failed to run background job ##{index + 1} '#{job_name}' #{job_data[:count]} time(s) with #{job_data[:attempts]} attempt(s)." end # job count check total_jobs = Delayed::Job.where('created_at < ?', Time.zone.now - 15.minutes).count if total_jobs > 8000 issues.push "#{total_jobs} background jobs in queue" end # import jobs import_backends = ImportJob.backends # failed import jobs import_backends.each do |backend| job = ImportJob.where( name: backend, dry_run: false, ).where('finished_at >= ?', 5.minutes.ago).limit(1).first next if job.blank? next if !job.result.is_a?(Hash) error_message = job.result[:error] next if error_message.blank? issues.push "Failed to run import backend '#{backend}'. Cause: #{error_message}" end # stuck import jobs import_backends.each do |backend| # rubocop:disable Style/CombinableLoops job = ImportJob.where( name: backend, dry_run: false, finished_at: nil, ).where('updated_at <= ?', 5.minutes.ago).limit(1).first next if job.blank? issues.push "Stuck import backend '#{backend}' detected. Last update: #{job.updated_at}" end # stuck data privacy tasks DataPrivacyTask.where.not(state: 'completed').where('updated_at <= ?', 30.minutes.ago).find_each do |task| issues.push "Stuck data privacy task (ID #{task.id}) detected. Last update: #{task.updated_at}" end token = Setting.get('monitoring_token') if issues.blank? result = { healthy: true, message: 'success', issues: issues, token: token, } render json: result return end result = { healthy: false, message: issues.join(';'), issues: issues, actions: actions, token: token, } render json: result end =begin Resource: GET /api/v1/monitoring/status?token=XXX Response: { "agents": 8123, "last_login": "2016-11-21T14:14:14Z", "counts": { "users": 12313, "tickets": 23123, "ticket_articles": 131451, }, "last_created_at": { "users": "2016-11-21T14:14:14Z", "tickets": "2016-11-21T14:14:14Z", "ticket_articles": "2016-11-21T14:14:14Z", }, } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/monitoring/status?token=XXX =end def status last_login = nil last_login_user = User.where.not(last_login: nil).order(last_login: :desc).limit(1).first if last_login_user last_login = last_login_user.last_login end status = { counts: {}, last_created_at: {}, last_login: last_login, agents: User.with_permissions('ticket.agent').count, } map = { users: User, groups: Group, overviews: Overview, tickets: Ticket, ticket_articles: Ticket::Article, text_modules: TextModule, object_manager_attributes: ObjectManager::Attribute, knowledge_base_categories: KnowledgeBase::Category, knowledge_base_answers: KnowledgeBase::Answer, } map.each do |key, class_name| status[:counts][key] = class_name.count last = class_name.last status[:last_created_at][key] = last&.created_at end if ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:adapter] == 'postgresql' sql = 'SELECT SUM(CAST(coalesce(size, \'0\') AS INTEGER)) FROM stores WHERE id IN (SELECT MAX(id) FROM stores GROUP BY store_file_id)' records_array = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(sql) if records_array[0] && records_array[0]['sum'] sum = records_array[0]['sum'] status[:storage] = { kB: sum / 1024, MB: sum / 1024 / 1024, GB: sum / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, } end end render json: status end =begin get counts about created ticket in certain time slot. s, m, h and d possible. Resource: GET /api/v1/monitoring/amount_check?token=XXX&max_warning=2000&max_critical=3000&periode=1h GET /api/v1/monitoring/amount_check?token=XXX&min_warning=2000&min_critical=3000&periode=1h GET /api/v1/monitoring/amount_check?token=XXX&periode=1h Response: { "state": "ok", "message": "", "count": 123, } { "state": "warning", "message": "limit of 2000 tickets in 1h reached", "count": 123, } { "state": "critical", "message": "limit of 3000 tickets in 1h reached", "count": 123, } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/monitoring/amount_check?token=XXX&max_warning=2000&max_critical=3000&periode=1h curl http://localhost/api/v1/monitoring/amount_check?token=XXX&min_warning=2000&min_critical=3000&periode=1h curl http://localhost/api/v1/monitoring/amount_check?token=XXX&periode=1h =end def amount_check raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'periode is missing!' if params[:periode].blank? scale = params[:periode][-1, 1] raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'periode need to have s, m, h or d as last!' if !scale.match?(/^(s|m|h|d)$/) periode = params[:periode][0, params[:periode].length - 1] raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'periode need to be an integer!' if periode.to_i.zero? case scale when 's' created_at = Time.zone.now - periode.to_i.seconds when 'm' created_at = Time.zone.now - periode.to_i.minutes when 'h' created_at = Time.zone.now - periode.to_i.hours when 'd' created_at = Time.zone.now - periode.to_i.days end map = [ { param: :max_critical, notice: 'critical', type: 'gt' }, { param: :min_critical, notice: 'critical', type: 'lt' }, { param: :max_warning, notice: 'warning', type: 'gt' }, { param: :min_warning, notice: 'warning', type: 'lt' }, ] result = {} state_param = false map.each do |row| next if params[row[:param]].blank? raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "#{row[:param]} need to be an integer!" if params[row[:param]].to_i.zero? state_param = true count = Ticket.where('created_at >= ?', created_at).count if row[:type] == 'gt' if count > params[row[:param]].to_i result = { state: row[:notice], message: "The limit of #{params[row[:param]]} was exceeded with #{count} in the last #{params[:periode]}", count: count, } break end next end next if count > params[row[:param]].to_i result = { state: row[:notice], message: "The minimum of #{params[row[:param]]} was undercut by #{count} in the last #{params[:periode]}", count: count, } break end if result.blank? result = { state: 'ok', count: Ticket.where('created_at >= ?', created_at).count, } end if state_param == false result.delete(:state) end render json: result end def token token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(40) Setting.set('monitoring_token', token) result = { token: token, } render json: result, status: :created end def restart_failed_jobs Scheduler.restart_failed_jobs render json: {}, status: :ok end end