Thorsten Eckel
Maintenance: Ensure that the window of the different browsers has the same and consistent size to avoid diverging behavior.
4 лет назад |
Thorsten Eckel
Maintenance: Ensure that FQDN Setting has correct host and port value in Capybara system test context.
4 лет назад |
Thorsten Eckel
Maintenance: Added Zammad/NoToSymOnString cop to prevent .to_sym on Strings.
4 лет назад |
Thorsten Eckel
Enhancement: Increase number of Capybara puma threads from 4 to 16 to make tests more stable by handling more parallel requests.
4 лет назад |
Thorsten Eckel
Invited Capybara to the party 🎉 Taking browser tests to the next level 🚀.
6 лет назад |