@@ -1,25 +1,59 @@
class Ldap extends App.ControllerIntegrationBase
featureIntegration: 'ldap_integration'
featureName: __('LDAP')
- featureConfig: 'ldap_config'
description: [
- [__('This service enables Zammad to connect with your LDAP server.')]
+ [__('Use this switch to start synchronization of your ldap sources. ')]
+ [__('If a user is found in two (or more) configured LDAP sources, the last synchronisation will win.')]
+ [__('In order to be able to influence the desired behaviour in this regard, you can influence the order of the LDAP sources via drag & drop.')]
'change .js-switch input': 'switch'
render: =>
- new Form(
- el: @$('.js-form')
- )
- #new App.ImportJob(
- # el: @$('.js-importJob')
- # facility: 'ldap'
- #)
+ @index.releaseController() if @index
+ @index = new LdapSourceIndex(
+ el: @$('.js-list')
+ id: @id
+ genericObject: 'LdapSource'
+ defaultSortBy: 'prio'
+ pageData:
+ home: 'ldap'
+ object: __('Source')
+ objects: __('Sources')
+ navupdate: '#system/integration/ldap'
+ notes: []
+ buttons: [
+ { name: __('New Source'), 'data-type': 'new', class: 'btn--success' }
+ ]
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ veryLarge: true
+ dndCallback: (e, item) =>
+ items = @$('.js-list').find('table > tbody > tr')
+ prios = []
+ prio = 0
+ for item in items
+ prio += 1
+ id = $(item).data('id')
+ prios.push [id, prio]
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'ldap_sources_prio'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/ldap_sources_prio"
+ processData: true
+ data: JSON.stringify(prios: prios)
+ )
+ )
+ @importResult.releaseController() if @importResult
+ @importResult = new ImportResult(
+ el: @$('.js-state')
+ )
- new App.HttpLog(
+ @httpLog.releaseController() if @httpLog
+ @httpLog = new App.HttpLog(
el: @$('.js-log')
facility: 'ldap'
@@ -44,26 +78,117 @@ class Ldap extends App.ControllerIntegrationBase
-class Form extends App.Controller
+class ImportResult extends App.Controller
'.js-lastImport': 'lastImport'
+ events:
+ 'click .js-start-sync': 'startSync'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @render()
+ render: =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'jobs_start_index'
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/integration/ldap/job_start"
+ processData: true
+ success: (job, status, xhr) =>
+ if !_.isEmpty(job)
+ if !@lastResultShowJob || @lastResultShowJob.updated_at != job.updated_at
+ @lastResultShowJob = job
+ @lastResultShow(job)
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::ImportJob::WizardState', !job.finished_at)
+ @delay(@render, 5000, 'ImportResultRender')
+ )
+ if !@renderBind
+ @renderBind = App.Event.bind('LDAP::ImportJob::Render', @render)
+ if !@startSyncBind
+ @startSyncBind = App.Event.bind('LDAP::ImportJob::StartSync', @startSync)
+ lastResultShow: (job) =>
+ if !job.result.roles
+ job.result.roles = {}
+ for role_id, statistic of job.result.role_ids
+ if App.Role.exists(role_id)
+ role = App.Role.find(role_id)
+ job.result.roles[role.displayName()] = statistic
+ @html App.view('integration/ldap_last_import')(job: job)
+ startSync: =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'jobs_config'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/integration/ldap/job_start"
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @render()
+ )
+class Form extends App.Controller
+ elements:
'.js-wizard': 'wizardButton'
'click .js-wizard': 'startWizard'
- 'click .js-start-sync': 'startSync'
+ 'click .js-back': 'showIndex'
constructor: ->
+ @hideIndex()
- @lastResult()
+ App.Event.bind('LDAP::ImportJob::WizardState', (state) =>
+ @wizardButton.attr('disabled', state)
+ )
+ App.Event.bind('LDAP::Form::Render', @render)
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::ImportJob::Render')
+ hideIndex: (e = undefined) =>
+ @el.closest('.main').find('.page-content').children().each(->
+ return true if $(@).hasClass('js-state')
+ if $(@).hasClass('js-form')
+ $(@).removeClass('hidden')
+ else
+ $(@).addClass('hidden')
+ )
+ showIndex: (e = undefined) ->
+ if e
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @el.closest('.main').find('.page-content').children().each(->
+ return true if $(@).hasClass('js-state')
+ if $(@).hasClass('js-form')
+ $(@).addClass('hidden')
+ else
+ $(@).removeClass('hidden')
+ )
currentConfig: ->
- App.Setting.get('ldap_config') || {}
+ config = _.clone(@item.preferences)
+ config.id = @item.id
+ config.name = @item.name
+ config.active = @item.active
+ config
setConfig: (value) =>
- App.Setting.set('ldap_config', value, {notify: true})
- @startSync()
+ @item.name = value.name
+ @item.active = value.active
+ @item.preferences = _.omit(value, ['id', 'name', 'active'])
+ @item.save(
+ done: =>
+ @showIndex()
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::ImportJob::StartSync')
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::Form::Render')
+ )
render: (top = false) =>
@config = @currentConfig()
@@ -76,10 +201,11 @@ class Form extends App.Controller
).join ', '
@html App.view('integration/ldap')(
- config: @config,
+ item: @item
+ config: @config
group_role_map: group_role_map
- if _.isEmpty(@config)
+ if _.isEmpty(@config.host_url)
@@ -91,17 +217,6 @@ class Form extends App.Controller
@scrollToIfNeeded($('.content.active .page-header'))
@delay(a, 500)
- startSync: =>
- @ajax(
- id: 'jobs_config'
- type: 'POST'
- url: "#{@apiPath}/integration/ldap/job_start"
- processData: true
- success: (data, status, xhr) =>
- @render(true)
- @lastResult()
- )
startWizard: (e) =>
new ConnectionWizard(
@@ -111,37 +226,6 @@ class Form extends App.Controller
- lastResult: =>
- @ajax(
- id: 'jobs_start_index'
- type: 'GET'
- url: "#{@apiPath}/integration/ldap/job_start"
- processData: true
- success: (job, status, xhr) =>
- if !_.isEmpty(job)
- if !@lastResultShowJob || @lastResultShowJob.updated_at != job.updated_at
- @lastResultShowJob = job
- @lastResultShow(job)
- if job.finished_at
- @wizardButton.attr('disabled', false)
- else
- @wizardButton.attr('disabled', true)
- @delay(@lastResult, 5000)
- )
- lastResultShow: (job) =>
- if _.isEmpty(job)
- @lastImport.html('')
- return
- if !job.result.roles
- job.result.roles = {}
- for role_id, statistic of job.result.role_ids
- if App.Role.exists(role_id)
- role = App.Role.find(role_id)
- job.result.roles[role.displayName()] = statistic
- el = $(App.view('integration/ldap_last_import')(job: job))
- @lastImport.html(el)
activeDryRun: =>
id: 'jobs_try_index'
@@ -159,10 +243,10 @@ class Form extends App.Controller
config: job.payload
start: 'tryLoop'
callback: (config) =>
- @wizardButton.attr('disabled', false)
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::ImportJob::WizardState', false)
- @wizardButton.attr('disabled', true)
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::ImportJob::WizardState', true)
class State
@@ -170,7 +254,6 @@ class State
class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
- wizardConfig: {}
'js-bind': 'bindShow'
'js-mapping': 'mappingShow'
@@ -185,6 +268,7 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
'click .js-userMappingForm .js-add': 'addUserMapping'
'click .js-groupRoleForm .js-add': 'addGroupRoleMapping'
'click .js-goToSlide': 'goToSlide'
+ 'click .js-saveQuit': 'saveQuit'
'input .js-hostUrl': 'sslVerifyChange'
@@ -196,8 +280,7 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
constructor: ->
- if !_.isEmpty(@config)
- @wizardConfig = @config
+ @wizardConfig = @config || {}
if @container
@@ -210,10 +293,8 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
backdrop: true
container: @container
- 'show.bs.modal': @onShow
'shown.bs.modal': =>
- @onShown()
'hidden.bs.modal': =>
@@ -226,7 +307,29 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
render: =>
- @html App.view('integration/ldap_wizard')()
+ nameHtml = App.UiElement.input.render({ name: 'name', display: __('Name'), tag: 'input', class: 'form-control--small', required: 'required', value: @config.name })[0].outerHTML
+ activeHtml = App.UiElement.boolean.render({ name: 'active', display: __('Active'), tag: 'active', value: @config.active, required: 'required', class: 'form-control--small' })[0].outerHTML
+ @html App.view('integration/ldap_wizard')(
+ newConnection: @newConnection
+ nameHtml: nameHtml
+ activeHtml: activeHtml
+ )
+ saveQuit: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ element = $(e.target).closest('form').get(0)
+ return if element && element.reportValidity && !element.reportValidity()
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ @wizardConfig.host_url = params.host_url
+ @wizardConfig.ssl_verify = params.ssl_verify
+ @wizardConfig.name = params.name
+ @wizardConfig.active = params.active
+ @callback(@wizardConfig)
+ @hide(e)
save: (e) =>
@@ -257,7 +360,7 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
if exists && disabled
else if !exists && !disabled
- @$('.js-discover tbody tr').last().after(@buildRowSslVerify())
+ @$('.js-hostUrl').closest('tr').after(@buildRowSslVerify())
buildRowSslVerify: =>
el = $(App.view('integration/ldap_ssl_verify_row')())
@@ -279,6 +382,10 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
discover: (e) =>
+ element = $(e.target).closest('form').get(0)
+ return if element && element.reportValidity && !element.reportValidity()
params = @formParam(e.target)
@@ -295,6 +402,8 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
@wizardConfig.host_url = params.host_url
@wizardConfig.ssl_verify = params.ssl_verify
+ @wizardConfig.name = params.name
+ @wizardConfig.active = params.active
option = ''
options = {}
@@ -599,6 +708,47 @@ class ConnectionWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
el = $(App.view('integration/ldap_summary')(job: job))
+class LdapSourceIndex extends App.ControllerGenericIndex
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ App.Event.bind('LdapSource:destroy', (item) =>
+ return if !@ldapForm
+ return if item.id != @ldapForm.item.id
+ @ldapForm.releaseController()
+ )
+ new: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ new ConnectionWizard(
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ config: {}
+ newConnection: true
+ callback: (config) ->
+ item = new App.LdapSource(
+ name: config.name
+ active: config.active
+ preferences: _.omit(config, ['id', 'name', 'active'])
+ )
+ item.save(
+ done: ->
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::ImportJob::StartSync')
+ App.Event.trigger('LDAP::Form::Render')
+ )
+ )
+ edit: (id, e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ item = App[ @genericObject ].find(id)
+ @ldapForm.releaseController() if @ldapForm
+ @ldapForm = new Form(
+ el: @el.closest('.main').find('.js-form')
+ item: item
+ )