@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
- 'input .js-input': 'onInput'
- 'blur .js-input': 'onBlur'
- 'focus .js-input': 'onFocus'
- 'click .js-option': 'selectItem'
- 'mouseenter .js-option': 'highlightItem'
- 'shown.bs.dropdown': 'onDropdownShown'
- 'hidden.bs.dropdown': 'onDropdownHidden'
+ 'input .js-input': 'onInput'
+ 'blur .js-input': 'onBlur'
+ 'focus .js-input': 'onFocus'
+ 'click .js-option': 'selectItem'
+ 'click .js-enter': 'navigateIn'
+ 'click .js-back': 'navigateOut'
+ 'mouseenter .js-option': 'highlightItem'
+ 'mouseenter .js-enter': 'highlightItem'
+ 'mouseenter .js-back': 'highlightItem'
+ 'shown.bs.dropdown': 'onDropdownShown'
+ 'hidden.bs.dropdown': 'onDropdownHidden'
- '.js-option': 'option_items'
+ '.js-dropdown': 'dropdown'
+ '.js-option, .js-enter': 'optionItems'
'.js-input': 'input'
'.js-shadow': 'shadowInput'
'.js-optionsList': 'optionsList'
+ '.js-optionsSubmenu': 'optionsSubmenu'
'.js-autocomplete-invisible': 'invisiblePart'
'.js-autocomplete-visible': 'visiblePart'
@@ -27,32 +33,95 @@ class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
render: ->
- firstSelected = _.find @options.attribute.options, (option) -> option.selected
+ firstSelected = _.find @attribute.options, (option) -> option.selected
if firstSelected
- @options.attribute.valueName = firstSelected.name
- @options.attribute.value = firstSelected.value
- else if @options.attribute.unknown && @options.attribute.value
- @options.attribute.valueName = @options.attribute.value
- @options.attribute.renderedOptions = App.view('generic/searchable_select_options')
- options: @options.attribute.options
- @html App.view('generic/searchable_select')( @options.attribute )
- @input.on 'keydown', @navigate
+ @attribute.valueName = firstSelected.name
+ @attribute.value = firstSelected.value
+ else if @attribute.unknown && @attribute.value
+ @attribute.valueName = @attribute.value
+ else if @hasSubmenu @attribute.options
+ @attribute.valueName = @getName @attribute.value, @attribute.options
+ @html App.view('generic/searchable_select')
+ attribute: @attribute
+ options: @renderAllOptions '', @attribute.options, 0
+ submenus: @renderSubmenus @attribute.options
+ # initial data
+ @currentMenu = @findMenuContainingValue @attribute.value
+ @level = @getIndex @currentMenu
+ renderSubmenus: (options) ->
+ html = ''
+ if options
+ for option in options
+ if option.children
+ html += App.view('generic/searchable_select_submenu')
+ options: @renderOptions(option.children)
+ parentValue: option.value
+ title: option.name
+ if @hasSubmenu(option.children)
+ html += @renderSubmenus option.children
+ html
+ hasSubmenu: (options) ->
+ return false if !options
+ for option in options
+ return true if option.children
+ return false
+ getName: (value, options) ->
+ for option in options
+ if option.value is value
+ return option.name
+ if option.children
+ name = @getName value, option.children
+ return name if name isnt undefined
+ undefined
+ renderOptions: (options) ->
+ html = ''
+ for option in options
+ html += App.view('generic/searchable_select_option')
+ option: option
+ class: if option.children then 'js-enter' else 'js-option'
+ html
+ renderAllOptions: (parentName, options, level) ->
+ html = ''
+ if options
+ for option in options
+ className = if option.children then 'js-enter' else 'js-option'
+ if level && level > 0
+ className += ' is-hidden is-child'
+ html += App.view('generic/searchable_select_option')
+ option: option
+ class: className
+ detail: parentName
+ if option.children
+ html += @renderAllOptions "#{parentName} — #{option.name}", option.children, level+1
+ html
onDropdownShown: =>
@input.on 'click', @stopPropagation
+ $(document).on 'keydown.searchable_select', @navigate
+ if @level > 0
+ @showSubmenu(@currentMenu)
@isOpen = true
onDropdownHidden: =>
@input.off 'click', @stopPropagation
- @option_items.removeClass '.is-active'
+ @unhighlightCurrentItem()
+ $(document).off 'keydown.searchable_select'
@isOpen = false
toggle: =>
+ @currentItem = null
stopPropagation: (event) ->
@@ -62,8 +131,8 @@ class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
switch event.keyCode
when 40 then @nudge event, 1 # down
when 38 then @nudge event, -1 # up
- when 39 then @fillWithAutocompleteSuggestion event # right
- when 37 then @fillWithAutocompleteSuggestion event # left
+ when 39 then @autocompleteOrNavigateIn event # right
+ when 37 then @autocompleteOrNavigateOut event # left
when 13 then @onEnter event
when 27 then @onEscape()
when 9 then @onTab event
@@ -71,12 +140,20 @@ class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
onEscape: ->
@toggle() if @isOpen
+ getCurrentOptions: ->
+ @currentMenu.find('.js-option, .js-enter, .js-back')
+ getOptionIndex: (menu, value) ->
+ menu.find('.js-option, .js-enter').filter("[data-value=\"#{value}\"]").index()
nudge: (event, direction) ->
return @toggle() if not @isOpen
+ options = @getCurrentOptions()
- visibleOptions = @option_items.not('.is-hidden')
- highlightedItem = @option_items.filter('.is-active')
+ visibleOptions = options.not('.is-hidden')
+ highlightedItem = options.filter('.is-active')
currentPosition = visibleOptions.index(highlightedItem)
currentPosition += direction
@@ -84,10 +161,24 @@ class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
return if currentPosition < 0
return if currentPosition > visibleOptions.size() - 1
- @option_items.removeClass('is-active')
- visibleOptions.eq(currentPosition).addClass('is-active')
+ @unhighlightCurrentItem()
+ @currentItem = visibleOptions.eq(currentPosition)
+ @currentItem.addClass('is-active')
+ autocompleteOrNavigateIn: (event) ->
+ if @currentItem.hasClass('js-enter')
+ @navigateIn(event)
+ else
+ @fillWithAutocompleteSuggestion(event)
+ autocompleteOrNavigateOut: (event) ->
+ # if we're in a depth then navigateOut
+ if @level != 0
+ @navigateOut(event)
+ else
+ @fillWithAutocompleteSuggestion(event)
fillWithAutocompleteSuggestion: (event) ->
if !@suggestion
@@ -129,11 +220,96 @@ class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
@shadowInput.val event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-value')
+ navigateIn: (event) ->
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ @navigateDepth(1)
+ navigateOut: (event) ->
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ @navigateDepth(-1)
+ navigateDepth: (dir) ->
+ return if @animating
+ if dir > 0
+ target = @currentItem.attr('data-value')
+ target_menu = @optionsSubmenu.filter("[data-parent-value=\"#{target}\"]")
+ else
+ target_menu = @findMenuContainingValue @currentMenu.attr('data-parent-value')
+ @animateToSubmenu(target_menu, dir)
+ @level+=dir
+ animateToSubmenu: (target_menu, direction) ->
+ @animating = true
+ target_menu.prop('hidden', false)
+ @dropdown.height(Math.max(target_menu.height(), @currentMenu.height()))
+ oldCurrentItem = @currentItem
+ @currentMenu.data('current_item_index', @currentItem.index())
+ # default: 1 (first item after the back button)
+ target_item_index = target_menu.data('current_item_index') || 1
+ # if the direction is out then we know the target item -> its the parent item
+ if direction is -1
+ value = @currentMenu.attr('data-parent-value')
+ target_item_index = @getOptionIndex(target_menu, value)
+ @currentItem = target_menu.children().eq(target_item_index)
+ @currentItem.addClass('is-active')
+ target_menu.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: [0, direction*100+'%']
+ options:
+ duration: 240
+ @currentMenu.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: [direction*-100+'%', 0]
+ options:
+ duration: 240
+ complete: =>
+ oldCurrentItem.removeClass('is-active')
+ $.Velocity.hook(@currentMenu, 'translateX', '')
+ @currentMenu.prop('hidden', true)
+ @dropdown.height(target_menu.height())
+ @currentMenu = target_menu
+ @animating = false
+ showSubmenu: (menu) ->
+ @currentMenu.prop('hidden', true)
+ menu.prop('hidden', false)
+ @dropdown.height(menu.height())
+ findMenuContainingValue: (value) ->
+ return @optionsList if !value
+ # in case of numbers
+ if !value.split && value.toString
+ value = value.toString()
+ path = value.split('::')
+ if path.length == 1
+ return @optionsList
+ else
+ path.pop()
+ return @optionsSubmenu.filter("[data-parent-value=\"#{path.join('::')}\"]")
+ getIndex: (menu) ->
+ parentValue = menu.attr('data-parent-value')
+ return 0 if !parentValue
+ return parentValue.split('::').length
onTab: (event) ->
return if not @isOpen
onEnter: (event) ->
+ if @currentItem
+ if @currentItem.hasClass('js-enter')
+ return @navigateIn(event)
+ else if @currentItem.hasClass('js-back')
+ return @navigateOut(event)
if not @isOpen
@@ -144,13 +320,14 @@ class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
- selected = @option_items.filter('.is-active')
- if selected.length || !@options.attribute.unknown
- valueName = selected.text().trim()
- value = selected.attr('data-value')
+ if @currentItem || !@attribute.unknown
+ valueName = @currentItem.text().trim()
+ value = @currentItem.attr('data-value')
@input.val valueName
@shadowInput.val value
+ @currentItem = null
@@ -169,32 +346,46 @@ class App.SearchableSelect extends Spine.Controller
@query = @input.val()
@filterByQuery @query
- if @options.attribute.unknown
+ if @attribute.unknown
@shadowInput.val @query
filterByQuery: (query) ->
query = escapeRegExp(query)
regex = new RegExp(query.split(' ').join('.*'), 'i')
- @option_items
+ @optionsList.addClass 'is-filtered'
+ @optionItems
.addClass 'is-hidden'
.filter ->
.removeClass 'is-hidden'
- if @options.attribute.unknown && @option_items.length == @option_items.filter('.is-hidden').length
- @option_items.removeClass 'is-hidden'
- @option_items.removeClass 'is-active'
+ if !query
+ @optionItems.filter('.is-child').addClass 'is-hidden'
+ # if all are hidden
+ if @attribute.unknown && @optionItems.length == @optionItems.filter('.is-hidden').length
+ @optionItems.not('.is-child').removeClass 'is-hidden'
+ @unhighlightCurrentItem()
+ @optionsList.removeClass 'is-filtered'
highlightFirst: (autocomplete) ->
- first = @option_items.removeClass('is-active').not('.is-hidden').first()
- first.addClass 'is-active'
+ @unhighlightCurrentItem()
+ @currentItem = @getCurrentOptions().not('.is-hidden').first()
+ @currentItem.addClass 'is-active'
if autocomplete
- @autocomplete first.attr('data-value'), first.text().trim()
+ @autocomplete @currentItem.attr('data-value'), @currentItem.text().trim()
highlightItem: (event) =>
- @option_items.removeClass('is-active')
- $(event.currentTarget).addClass('is-active')
+ @unhighlightCurrentItem()
+ @currentItem = $(event.currentTarget)
+ @currentItem.addClass('is-active')
+ unhighlightCurrentItem: ->
+ return if !@currentItem
+ @currentItem.removeClass('is-active')
+ @currentItem = null